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RE: Decenternet - The Ambitious Blockchain Replacement For the Internet - Backed By ARPANET! (And Sent To Us By Extra Terrestrials?)

in #decenternet6 years ago (edited)

Hello again @ura-soul
Let's see - a couple of responses to the assumptions made:

I am also aware that there are numerous errors in there, ranging from translation errors through to actual spiritual misunderstandings.

The word of God is unchanging and inerrant:

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16)

“… knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” (2 Peter 1:20)

... it is, therefore, man-made errors - as correctly stated through translation and spiritual errancy.

Luke 18:25, Matthew 19:24 and Mark 1:25 refer to the Camel/needle threat scripture. It is true that rope and camel in the greek are close, however, in the Hebrew culture, a saying exists, which suggests the correctness of the Camel translation:

The Talmud reproduces a proverbial saying about an elephant going through the eye of a needle (Ber., 55b; BM, 38b). Jesus is using a typical oriental image to emphasize the impossibility of something by way of violent contrast: “Entry into the kingdom of God is completely impossible for the rich.”

Michel, O. (1964–). κάμηλος. G. Kittel, G. W. Bromiley, & G. Friedrich (Eds.), Theological dictionary of the New Testament (electronic ed., Vol. 3, p. 593). Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans.

See also Strong's Greek #2574

The word COPTIC refers to idengenous Egyptions. See also

The Coptic word is in turn an adaptation of the Greek term for the indigenous people of Egypt, Aigýptios (Αἰγύπτιος). The Greek term for Egypt, Aigýptos (Αἰγύπτος), is itself derived from the Egyptian language, but dates to a much earlier period, being attested already in Mycenean Greek as a3-ku-pi-ti-jo (lit....

I would not trust ancient Egyptians with uncorrupted interpretation of Scripture. See Exodus.

a) God doesn't speak to anyone on Earth now and b) Nothing has been learned in 2000+ years.

A) God doesn't need to speak through prophets per se the way He used to, because everything God wants us to know is already in the Bible.

B) Scripture is multi-dimensional. For example. God speaks to me through scripture. In different situations, at different times, His word provides different insights and an expansion of understanding in supernatural ways through His Holy Spirit. This is my personal experience and it is backed up by scripture and the experiences of other Christians:

Hebrews 4:12 King James Version (KJV)

12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
King James Version (KJV)

I am cautious to believe or disbelieve a claim that a word, even a whole book was God-inspired. I will, however, take you up on the challenge of reading through the RIght Use of Will books, to either agree or discredit the claim. How do you propse the help offered?


There is no need to believe or disbelieve anything at all. :)

Regardless of the origins of such an ancient collection of documents and regardless of your own position and thoughts on it versus my own - I am myself fairly clear, through my own experiences and through my own research and communication that enough of the content of Right Use of Will is as stated that it is of huge significance. Be aware though, that the function of these books is as a healing, balancing and evolving device - they are not just a book to be read.. If the reader does not actively engage with the healing methods presented then it becomes virtually impossible to understand them in a fully useful way. This is somewhat similar to the way that without maths and knowledge of the stars, the bible is likely to be hugely misinterpreted.

In any case, you can email me at [email protected] and I will help you out. I am always happy when anyone agrees to read these books - not many do.

Hmm - careful though - the source of information, even healing, perceived or otherwise, is of paramount significance. Would we follow the advice of a foe unless we were deceived?

Everything has its origin in the spiritual. Given that there are benevolent and hostile beings in existence, we always need to discern the origin of a message - even a complete life philosophy.
Happy to look at the literature with an open mind but from a Godly perspective.

The bible was written by humans as was this series of books - (or 'received').
The information provided can be used and learned from - with confidence being built in it's usefulness. In my own case I healed my spine from what was basically disablement - in a way that could not be achieved in a different way or with 'medical professionals'.

We are spirits. Yes, discernment is key and that is part of the Right use of will too.

The Copts (Coptic: ⲚⲓⲢⲉⲙ̀ⲛⲭⲏⲙⲓ ̀ⲛ̀Ⲭⲣⲏⲥⲧⲓ̀ⲁⲛⲟⲥ, NiRemenkīmi enKhristianos; Arabic: أقباط‎, Aqbat) are an ethnoreligious group indigenous to North Africa who primarily inhabit the area of modern Egypt, where they are the largest Christian denomination in the country. Copts are also the largest Christian adherent group in Sudan and Libya.
Historically, they spoke the Coptic language, a direct descendant of the Demotic Egyptian that was spoken in late antiquity. The Coptic language is a focus of Coptology and remains in liturgical use, although most Copts today speak Egyptian Arabic.

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