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RE: Decenternet - The Ambitious Blockchain Replacement For the Internet - Backed By ARPANET! (And Sent To Us By Extra Terrestrials?)

in #decenternet6 years ago (edited)

The extra-terrestrial entities are real. For accuracy-sake, we would call them extra-dimensional beings. Those things are demonstrative, based on historical accounts, particularly Mesopotamia, Genesis, Ezekiel, The Book of Enoch, archeological finds and military accounts in our present age, to name a few.

Their goal: the concquest of human DNA and the replacement/destruction of humankind as the likeness and image of the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible.

Everything has its origin in the spiritual. Every war that is fought below is a reflection of that same battle above. As above, so below.

We cannot solve spiritual problems with materialistic weapons. If Decenternet was channeled from the enemies of humanity, its purpose cannot be its liberation from enslavement. Just the opposite, I dare say: It is controlled opposition.


I agree that there are extra-dimensional beings - however, since I am aware that we ourselves are multi-dimensional and can open to a potentially unlimited number of dimensions - I do not assume that 'multi-dimensional = bad' - in fact, I aim to not assume anything.

If we look around earth we can see that many good ideas exist but that they get tainted and twisted into something destructive. Sometimes this occurs deliberately and sometimes unconsciously and by 'accident'. I have no reason to think that entities beyond earth are going to be much different in this regard - they may or may not be intending peace/balance and they may or may not agree with each other.

In my experience I have never found much evidence of more than a minority of ETs being too interested in 'The Bible' or contradiction of it specifically - which is similar to the experience of humans too.

In other words, there are extra dimensional beings who are heartless and denial based and there are extra dimensionals that are holistic, integrative, progressive and truth/love based. By suggesting that all higher dimensionally aware beings are 'evil' or 'anti-god' - you are ironically tarring most non humans with that brush, including the angelic realms and god him/herself too.

Hello @ura-soul - thanks for your reply.

Perhaps I should have been more specific. According to biblical accounts, one-third of celestial beings (angels and some cherub(s) left their first estate (heaven) to rebel against God with the purpose to destroy humankind.

Evidence if this is laid out in non-biblical historical writings, specifically Mesopotamia, Greek Mythology and Egyptian accounts, among others.
This leaves 2 thirds of interdimensional beings that are not human, servants of God and of man in obedience to His Word, Love, and Life, which is Jesus.

The Bible is an integrated message system - and I cannot find any contradictions after 6 years of study.

Any perceived contradiction, I would challenge, comes from a lack of understanding of context, history, culture and the word itself - and most importantly from the corruption of God's word through inaccurate translations of the Bible and from the introduction of corrupted or falsified data, which I call siencism, which is a religion stemming from knowledge that was bestowed upon man unlawfully by the fallen angels.

I see, ok. I am not a bible scholar and am not about to argue the issue - I am aware that there are multi dimensional encodings in that book and that there are many facets there that are not being widely understood at present. That said, I am also aware that there are numerous errors in there, ranging from translation errors through to actual spiritual misunderstandings. An example of a translation error is the line:

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven

It was found that this rather strange line is a mistranslation from the Coptic Greek since the word for rope and the word for camel are apparently almost identical (with only one small tonal difference). So the original translation refers to a rope going through the eye of a needle - which makes much more sense.

My point is that the book as it stands now it quite far from what it was originally and even the original version is not necessarily the best resource for our time - to think it is is to think that a) God doesn't speak to anyone on Earth now and b) Nothing has been learned in 2000+ years.

I highly recommend reading through the right use of will book series which are presented as having been received from God in the first person in the last 30 years. They provide much needed insights into the situation on Earth and how to proceed in the most loving and balanced way. Right Use of Will. If you are interested to read them then I can help with that.


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