Learning about Decenternet

Hi everyone! This is not like my standard Steemit posts, but you all know I love crypto, and like to learn about it every now and then. Recently, I was told about a project called Decenternet, which aims to restore net neutrality to the internet, so I wanted to look into it a bit.

As most of you know, I am a social media influencer, and I use most of the top social media platforms, such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat, etc to publish my recipes/creations/ideas, etc. The thought of my content being censored, or of any of my followers not being able to see my content, is distressing. Net neutrality is an important issue, that I am learning more about, and you should too.

Decenternet plans to create an operating system called Anuvys, with the aim to protect the user's freedom and data. You can read a lot more about what Decenternet intends to create at decenternet.com. With Anuvys, the plan is to have a means to solve net neutrality.

I found this great and easy to understand infographic that @hungryhustle made about Anuvys, from this post he did: https://steemit.com/decenternet/@hungryhustle/6amazingfactsaboutanuvystheblockchainnativeospoweredbydecenternet-p7mnk3lq6e

It's an interesting concept. The user also gets paid in Spyce using Anuvys, much like you can get paid in Steem for using Steemit. I am still learning about it, but am definitely interested, and will keep an eye on the project. I hope you do too!

If you're interested, you can read up more about Decenternet and Anuvys here:

Have a great Friday guys! Lots of hugs,

Alla xxx


Just shared this to my huge fan base of 220,000 k followers on facebook!
Screen Shot 2018-07-27 at 19.53.54.png

Hmm I have some reservations about Decentrenet atm. For one thing the wording is a little strange. Based on Linux so it is free and open but then uses language like

Proprietary Proof-of-Reliability protocol ensures that miners are selected based on a very rigorous speed and consistency tests.

That is to say nothing of their whitepaper which does not seem to address the grey areas of the intenet and what they plan to do about them, if anything.

I commented on @redrica's post too and guess I should also mention here that people should look at Freenet and Gnunet to understand what challenges there are for a decentralised and censorship resistant network.

Specifically I would recommend you watch this talk

by Aaron Jones. It is quite long but he goes into quite a bit of background about lessons learned and what makes something like Freenet more important ever.

Sorry to be a cynic but it is better to be cynical than it is to be gullible any day.

thanks for the great in depth comment, i will look into that !

Hi everyone! This is not like my standard Steemit posts, but you all know I love crypto

And Food...Lol
Kidding...Decenternet sounds superb! Content censorship often times annoys users and might affect the social platform too...I love the bold step from Decenternet. Is it listed on coin market already?

yes food always!! :D i am not sure if it is!!

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