DECENT miner proposal

in #decent7 years ago (edited)

Hello DECENT stakeholders,

It looks like I have to enter a URL to proposal to initiate my miner. So, here goes.

I have been following DECENT from the very beginning. DECENT was my first ICO, getting in at Day 1. Indeed, for the next six months, it remained my only ICO.

I'm not much of a blockchain enthusiast, and definitely not a developer. However, I'm fascinated by consumer applications of blockchain tech. Going back a bit, my day job and also my life's passion is in curating and producing creative content. I've extended some of this penchant over to Steem, where I've been an active curator for nearly a year. Projects like DECENT and Steem excite me, because they have the potential to rid the Arts of the tyranny of the middleman. Look at some of works of art from the Renaissance - unmatched to this very day. The advent of the free market has ruined creativity, with middlemen failing to understand what the consumer wants, the consumer left disillusioned and dumbed down by banal content, and the creator frustrated and has to give in to the corrupt system. Connecting the creator directly with the audience has the potential to be a massive step forward for the Arts.

So, that's why I'm interested in DECENT and why I wish to support the network as a miner and a seeder.

Like I mentioned previously, I'm not a developer, but I'm proficient enough at running a Graphene-based node. For the last 10 months, I've been managing the technical side of the Steem witness @curie. Delighted to see DECENT adopt the Graphene DPoS model as well.

Vote for me as miner using this syntax in cli_wallet (Wiki guide on setting up cli_wallet)

vote_for_miner youraccount liberosist true true

My miner id is 1.4.14.

Thanks, and look forward to a bright future for DECENT! For Steem users unfamiliar with DECENT, check it out here -


Way complicated one for the millennials, DECENT, I've got used to the middle man thanks for the post I'm going to keep my eye on this.

Never heard of DECENT, but if your on board I should look into it. Best of luck and if I hop onboard I will definitely support you as I miner! Glad they adopted graphene as well!

Yes, it's definitely worth checking out. While Steem is restricted to text-based blogs only, DECENT will host all kinds of content.

I hadn't heard about DECENT before reading your post, but it's nice to come across new things!

Is it kind of like Steemit but you have to pay up front to view content?

Yeah, pretty much, and there's all kinds of content on offer. I think the most similar to this is LBRY.

Hi there @liberosist thanks for your info. Could you let me know what would be the incentives of having a seeder? I'm doing some research to determine which would be my best option I have a raspberry 3 just waiting for the configuration. This is why I'm asking about. Thanks!
PS: Also I was waiting for the first decent ICO but then something happened and it was cancelled but I can see they've found a better way

The miner reward is 0.37 DCT per block, I think. Seeder depends on how much you seed etc, though I don't know the details.

Thanks for the answer

I may check this out later thank you!

Warning ⚠️ off topic comment! I just wanted to say thank you for up-voting and resteeming my post! Must gratitude! 😊

You have my vote, happy witeness!

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