We’re passing the signpost of the twilight zone into Crazy-land.

in #decadence3 years ago


I’m a very intuitional guy. I can’t help it. It’s my nature to gather impressions from what I see around me and what I can gather from the visual atmosphere and brew it all together in an impression, a big picture.

My big picture tells me we in our Western world are descending into the last stages of decadence. When I say decadence I’m not referring to chocolate creme deserts to die for. The root of the word decadence is decay. I’m not talking about delicious, I’m talking about death.

Picture if you will: snapshots of a society once proud to have been the international alliance that defeated Hitler now crossing the border of stupidity and savagery heading for the very global totalitarian insanity Hitler dreamed of. There’s the signpost up ahead. Hold onto your sanity. You are now entering the twilight zone.

Case in point, the decline of material culture: Our productive industrial economy rife with corruption and so it is decaying and that is evidenced by the decline in the quality of military hardware.

The British have spent so far 5.5 billion pounds since 2014 on the General Dynamics Ajax tank. They are now halting its production because it’s so loud and shuddery that it is destroying the hearing of its crews and they can’t fire its puny pop gun while the thing is in motion.

The Russian T-14 Armata tank began development in 2014. It is now ready for production and also for sale abroad to whomever the Russians decide to market it. It’s not fair to compare it to the ridiculous Ajax.

It should be compared to the US top tank, the M-1 Abrams. The Abrams is a third generation tank from the Cold War era whose constant upgrades have added weight and cost to its pricey $9 million per tank. The Armata is a fourth generation tank with extensive AI control, a crew-less turret carrying a more powerful new cannon which can fire on the move directed by AI and loading automatically with a choice of shells. All this in a package that costs $3.8 million a tank.

But the Ajax is, like the Patriot, a typical example of what corruption has done to the US/UK military development. The F-35 flying coffin is another notable example to be compared to the Russian Su-35, Su-57 and MiG-35 developments firing their long range hypersonic cruise missiles the US has no hope of matching. Industrial and economic power is the soil from which military power springs. So it seems to me that we are decaying and the Russians not so much.

Now for the moral decay, the insanity and cannibalism and child sacrifice and chaos which so often attend the last stages of the decay of a civilization:

When civilization starts to lose cohesion and control the law begins to be adulterated with lawlessness in high places. Law gets replaced with tyrannous force. For example:

The FBI is funding White Supremacy and Satanism to produce a "White Supremacist” enemy where none really exists in order to make Joe Biden look good.

Elsewhere in the five eyes nations: Melbourne police are surrounding a Synagogue because the worshippers are defying Covid rules. Premier Andrews vows that it will not be safe for the unvaccinated to walk abroad.

Canada will be soon in the grip of a Vaccine Passport and so will Australia. They’ll follow Israel which has double jabbed almost all Israelis and is now seeing the results as over 90% of those Israelis in hospital for “Covid” symptoms are double jabbed. Now the government vows to give them all a 3rd jab and then a 4th jab.

We in Canada can be sure that these regimes will be imitated for us. And I can also guarantee that if it is the majority of Canadians will go along with it and they will not give one care for anybody who objects. They may think our government wouldn’t do that to us. I have my doubts.

There’s a new “scourge” just happening in India. It’s a bat-born virus that’s deadlier than Covid and we’ll all need a new vaccine for it I bet. This bat-virus phoney routine should all be familiar if our people have any memory left, it should stink like the fraud it no doubt is.

But I don’t see much evidence that most of us do have any capacity left to tell lies from truth. We’re passing the signpost of the twilight zone into Crazy-land where the monsters of the Id hold office.

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