Seriously god? Wtf...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #debunking8 years ago

 Okay religious people.... I want you to remember something every time you sit on the toilet and squeeze one out. You actually believe that an all powerful creator god designed you in a such a way that you are required to expel stinky poo poo from your bum bum...Sure you think i am just being crass, but think about it, seriously...

Now i don't want to say that i could have done a better job, no you know what? Screw that, yes i could have designed us much better..If it were up to me, we would instead expel sweet smelling gases that are nice for the environment, and our noses. There we go, major upgrade!!!

How about the body not requiring so much maintenance all the time? Between eating, excreting, washing, scrubbing and peeling, tweezing and unclogging...i mean damn...our meat suits are extremely high maintenance! Wouldn't that be the mark of a horrible designer? If we were cars, no one would buy us...

Now, the more i think about it, the more examples of our shoddy "design" come to mind. Like how a simple pointy stick to the wrong place can flat out kill us! How about the way we constantly need food and water or we will die? Not to mention our vulnerability to things like UV rays, cosmic radiation, temperature, electromagnetic fields...the list just goes on and on.

Oh and don't get me started on pathogens and the human immune system. Tell me something, why would god create such a vast array of deadly diseases and maladies? 

We are clunky and awkward, vulnerable to everything, extremely high maintenance, many of us are hideous to look at, and let us not forget...stinky poo poo...

Friends, i have drawn a few conclusions from all this. If we were "designed" as so many of you believe, our designer either hates us, is a terrible designer, or is having a huge laugh at our expense :P

Now before you respond, just remember one thing...Stinky poo poo...

Now THAT is some awesome "design"...


Hi, @robotlizzzrd, I've up-voted your article and followed you because I'm interested in what you have to say, even though I disagree with you. I'm not going to just spout some simplistic answer for you, but there are good reasons for some if not all of the "problems" you've listed.

I will invite you to browse my blog if you're at all curious about alternate viewpoints. I look forward to reading more that you have to say.

Fair enough, and thanks for the follow, and i shall do the same. It's not because we have differences of ideology that we can not learn from one another :)

I am devout in my beliefs, or non-beliefs as it were. The closest i could come to categorizing myself is agnostic with a penchant towards atheism. Any chances of ever being converted are so far gone that i think it best to warn you in advance. Don't even try hehehe. That said, i don't see why we can't still be friends.

I have an even better one:
WHy should a God bother with us at all? Who dont even believe in him? Must be a Maso for sure!

It's because we exist in a twisted simulation.

Hey, friend - No worries, I have no illusions about "converting" you, but I completely agree that we can learn from one another! :) :) :) Thanks for your openness! ;)

@creatr and @robotlizzzrd this was perhaps the most awesome exchange I have seen on Steemit. Well done for being good human beings.

Would you two like to discuss this with each other live?
Check out and let me know if you would be interested in participating.

Hey thanks! And it takes one to know one (a great human being that is.)...
As for chatting live, no thanks. I am a writer and an artist, but not an orator! I would be scared to death speaking in front of an audience, even if i could not see them.

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