Debitum Network - Creating a fairer way for Small Medium Enterprises

in #debitum7 years ago


Any decision to significantly reduce the existing credit gap requires three main characteristics: trust, full end-to-end financing and support for the growth structure. The report on the global alternative of the financial industry says that from 2017 onwards, the alternative financial market will grow and become a global phenomenon indeed. Thus, it is necessary to remain transparent, to ensure global investors' confidence in credit assessment and debt collection, to establish processes for obtaining distribution through efficient channels of sales.

Online and P2P solutions try to solve the problems, however, in the process of work, trust between counterparties becomes more important than the technical capabilities of the connection. Traditional crypto-solutions in the market cannot ensure successful global integration of all local, regional and global partners. The reason for this is that existing centralized solutions force different global counterparts with different experiences to trust one company that manages the market. If the central party leaves the business, then, most likely, investors will not be able to return their investments directly from the borrower. The global problem requires a global solution and can only be implemented through blockchain technology.

Blockchain allows providing maximum transparency and trust, allows automating processes with the help of smart contracts and their decentralized nature.


Debitum Network is based on three important components that ensure the uniqueness of the system, and also provides positive results to reduce the credit gap. The Debitum network is an intermediary when connecting small and medium-sized businesses to global investors, ie, provides verification, risk assessment, insurance.

The community consists of one or more local or regional service providers that work together. Group leaders will be motivated for business development and community growth, which leads to the self-sufficiency of the Debitum Network ecosystem for a long time.

Borrowers and investors should be happy to have communities within Debitum network, since they can trust their assets to the community. On the other hand, it is better for an individual counterpart to be a part of the community, because it provides more business opportunities and faster growth through trust (as the trust of the community grows, each counterparty's confidence grows accordingly).

Debitum Crowdsale starts on November 30, 2017. About 70% of all companies in the SME segment, microenterprises in emerging markets do not have the opportunity to obtain a loan for business development, according to the World Bank in an interview in 2017.

The lending market is completely under the control of the central banks of the country and is thoroughly regulated by legislation. Local authorities, due to the ability to regulate the market, effectively block the receipt of funds by small businesses from creditors of various sizes, which greatly complicates the possibility of realizing their actual business potential.

There is also an overestimated cost of trust between borrowers and creditors. Companies are struggling for affordable financing due to the lack of transparent security lending registers and international lending markets.

The Debitum network is intended for the consolidation of borrowers, investors (creditors), insurers, etc. Companies or freelancers working in an alternative financial network also have the opportunity to connect to the network free of charge and immediately start transactions.

A hybrid platform is at the heart of the Debitum platform. All operations are processed through the Ethereum platform, which ensures the security of the Debitum Network. The platform consists of various smart contracts with a single internal payment method. Transactions pass through fiat currencies, guaranteeing companies ease of use of services from the very beginning of execution.


The Debitum platform received the status of "top ICO" for the following reasons:

  1. There is an opportunity to start growing rapidly, as the platform already plays the role of an expert in the field of decentralized financing. To date, there is a fully functioning network of individual lenders and international-level funds, and there is a need for financing from small and medium-sized business segments.
  2. Debitum (DEB) tokens are stable. DEB tokens will be used on the Debitum network for each transaction. This gives stability to the growing cryptocurrency, since the Debitum ecosystem is more common every day.
  3. Developed functionality for segments of medium and small businesses. The Blockchain infrastructure operates on the ETH standard, basing on real funding requests.

It should be noted that Debitum is not a start up, launched by inexperienced students, but a team of inspired professionals in technology and finance who have already achieved success in a similar financial investment system. In 2016, Debitum was recognized as the "Financial Service of the Year" and had a 2-year asset turnover of 19 million euros, and the company's current assets portfolio is 3 million euros.

Thus, the Debitum platform is one of the most innovative IT companies in Northern Europe, providing IT services of high quality in both the public and private sectors.







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