Trump VS Clinton Debate Let the Insanity Begin.

in #debates8 years ago

For the First Time in My Life I am Watching a Presidential Debate.

This is Essentially How This Debate Appears to Me and Many Other Folks.

Then We Have the Drinking Game!

See You on Twitter @RandyHilarski!


( A ) Seriously could you give either of these vermin a job ?

( B ) Make sure you vote and tell both of them " You're Fired ! ! ! "

( C ) The only thing that I despise about either of them is that they are breathing . . .

( D ) The modern Professional Politician only has one way to be identified as not being completely truthful ; just whenever their mouth is moving...

( E ) The only way for Evil to Prosper is for people of good conscious to do nothing ! ! !

( F ) If you cannot be sure your Congressional Candidate is honest, then do the best thing you can, simply un-elect your sitting Representative . . .

Please VOTE for any of these descriptions of today's political landscape . . .

Just hold out there folks only about another 45 days till the circus shuts down...

Oh come on; no one can even pick a number between A and F . . . lol ; )

Ha, Ha, Ha,
This is too much!
My Diaphragm is now feeling
well, I think, I am alive!
Wake Me Up When it is over.

I Plan to Steem On!
Steemit is A Lifesaver,
It got Me Off of

Right!? Who are they to be making any decisions whatsoever.

I'm cringing so hard at the both of them right now.


I am really, really dreading the hang over

I don't think a person could physically take it.

That is going to be a hell of a buzz.

One foot in the grave.

I vote escape from the prison planet..., I'm not gonna actually totally watch that bs , I'm so sick of the bread and circuses bs pageantry ... , far as I'm concerned Stone Cold Steve Austin won the debate and that's the bottom line...

Watched it on youtube... I'm not american :
Hillary got roasted!

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