My opinion on gun ownership in the U.S.!

in #debate7 years ago (edited)

gun-control.jpgI see a bunch of political topics on political pages. I am rarely on facebook as I have a extremely physically demanding job, but I'll dedicate some time for this specific hot issue as I am a proud gun owner. My opinion on the gun debate is everyone should have the right to own a gun, with exceptions a course. The blame to be placed should be on pharmaceutical companies, as a lot of these shooters were on prescription pills; Also, the cost of living has risen so much both parents have to work just to survive with the basic means which takes time away from being at home, (most of us don't have the advantage of rich parents who can act as our personal piggy banks and pick us up when we fall financially), which brings me to the ultimate place of blame which is the home. Enact a zero tolerance policy, households should be a place of peace and order. Even with a good home life, you could be the unfortunate parent who just gave birth to a psychotic kid that nothing could ever fix, some people are pure evil from adolescence. I do believe the only restrictions that should be placed are on people with criminal records, or people with extreme psychotic disorders like bipolar or schizophrenia. I do believe classes and training should be required yearly as well. A few friends of mine were anti-gun proponents, until they a really bad event happen to them in which they felt helpless. Now they're proud gun owners. There's no reason to try to punish millions of responsible gun owners for the horrendous act of 12 shooters in U.S. history. Everything kills you from fast food to drunk driving, let's ban the millions of responsible alcoholic drinkers for the acts of some stupid drunk drivers who took a life. That would just be moronic. Shit will hit the fan, no matter how many laws you implement, what preventative measures are taken. In a country full of millions of people with only 12 mass shootings, I'd say we are doing pretty damn good. Take a trip to Syria, or visit some shit hole middle east country, you'll come running back to America if you're even alive to come back. If you prefer pure bliss, go move to Canada. I believe their worst crime is not telling someone "you're sorry". Heck, even the trucks I unload for my job were loaded by legalized child labor from China. Foxconn,a chinese company, has suicide nets installed around their building, because so many workers were jumping form the top of the building to commit suicide. My point in stating that is that we are a blessed country with rights, and one of those rights is to own a gun. Owning a firearm is the basic American right to protect yourself and your family. If it's me or you, it's going to be you. Doesn't get any simpler than that.


Dang killerclown your post was filled with too much logic and reason for the average public school indoctrinated, mass media consuming moron to comprehend. Keep up the good work!

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