Art Case: Commercial Success

in #debate7 years ago

Case Statement:

Opp Choice: There are two artists in a world that have reached some form of success.

To simplify the identifications of these two, one has commercial success and the other has critical success.What does this mean? The artist with commercial success produces art that is widely distributed, but never accredited. No critic in the world recognizes it as art, and respectively no museum is willing to display the art. However, this artist is excessively rich, because his market pays well. The critically successful artist is the opposite. This artist makes little to no money, enough to provide for his needs, but by no means a life of luxury… very much a life of poverty. However, this artist’s work is revered as a pioneer in his style and is willingly displayed in galleries. As a pioneer in the art world, his art is not purchased. But, this art will have a van gogh syndrome and will without a doubt be wildly popular and highly valued after the artist dies.

Understandably, both artists envy each other and the success each of these artists have attained. The question for opp is which artist is it better to be. The keyword and slight caveat in this case is which artist is it better to be. Whereas there is room to discuss the future, this house believes that there is plenty to already discuss in the present day without in depth the future. So specifically hone into which artist’s life is better to live. Finally, the main caveat is that neither artist will acquire the opposite form of success.

Commercial Success

POC: Commercial Art examples: Wall decorations, elevator music, street artists (that paint those funky heads), Charlie from Two and a Half Men Jingles [expand]
Critical Art examples: Experimental music, new art movement, [expand]
Commercial Success

  1. What is art?
    a. Art: Desirable substance to improve life or encourage thought ????
    b. Meaning of art: Can be anything, it is upon the viewer to determine art
    c. What determines “good” art: NOT CRITICS
    i. Art is too subjective to determine quality by critics
    ii. Critical Success leads pretentiousness
    iii. Art is best determined by the customers, because THEY are the ones paying for art
  2. Financial Backing is Important
    a. An artist is a fucking human being; they need their fucking staples of life
    i. Nutrition
    ii. Medical
    iii. [One final one]
    b. An Artist with financial backing has tangible proof of his success
    i. He has a dollar value for every piece of art he has
    ii. He knows he has a market, people actually want his stuff; the critically successful person has a much smaller populus that actually wants his art
    iii. Because the commercially successful artist has a demand, he is encouraged them to create more art
    c. A financed artist will be able to acquire more materials to make more art
    d. Financial success is much more quantifiable than critical success
  3. Artist’s Social Life
    a. Financial backing allows a life of luxury
    i. Luxury allows the artist to be comfortable
    ii. Luxury allows an artist to be social
  4. Romantic life will be terrific
  5. Professional life will be amazing
    iii. Anonymity has its benefits
  6. The artist will never be judged for his work, because no one knows it
    a. Only people criticizing the art is the critics, which are pretentious
  7. Just because critics don’t like it, doesn’t mean the population won’t
    a. On a date, date likes it you can accredit yourself; date doesn’t like it, you don’t have to say a thing she doesn’t know you made it
    b. Same logic applies to the world around you
    c. This leads me to my final contention:
  8. Commercial Success has a much bigger impact on the world
    a. The art itself has a wider distribution
    i. As the case construct explains, the commercially successful artist is enabled to distribute his art
    b. Higher wealth allows the artist to donate more to charities and useful causes
    c. As explained in contention two, the artist will have a much larger network. This allows him to bring his colleagues into his charitable endeavors
    d. This also allows the commercially successful artist to financially endorse other artists to become successful; whether this be commercial success or critical success
  9. Closing
    MGC Argument to expand on Art should not be determined by the Critic
    Read the Ruskins Whistler Trial The Guardian has a good summary Prezi Summary
    Essentially, Whistler was criticized by Ruskin; Ruskin claimed Abstraction should not be art and he was ripping people off; Whistler took a few hours or a few days, this questioned whether time influenced value; Judge claimed that a critic can criticize the piece of art and be protected but not criticizing the artist
    Misinterpretation is good: Norman Lewis Evening Rendez-vous was a message about the violence of the KKK within the Abstract Expressionism. As a black artist, he was able to get away with it because he hid the message under abstract expressionism. He gained vast critical success and then unveiled his message (1962, right before the civil rights movement)
    US Government CIA used Abstract Expressionism to convey messages of democracy

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