Metal track highlights: the Deathcore genre.
Yo. So, in the past I've done a little series where I would post some random tracks I had found recently that I'd recommend, and it typically would be a few metal songs mixed with other random genres that I like. I've done those sporadically whenever I've felt like it, since I'm sure maybe 3 or 4 of you even bother to read those when I do. But, I got a request from my buddy to go over some Deathcore bands to help him find some new tunes to listen to while he shoots up steroids in a shady gym locker room, before pumping iron in the gym and having a poor, frightened Vietnamese man spot for him. So, that's what I'm going to do today, go over some newer and more recent released Deathcore tracks. If you're not a fan of the genre, then you should probably just send me money now. Like, right fucking now, you fuck.
1: To The Hellfire by Lorna Shore
Starting off the list with probably my favorite deathcore track from the past few months. Probably because I've realized over the past year that blackened deathcore makes my nipples hard over how good it is. Maybe not as hard as Joe Rogans finger nipples. But, pretty hard. This is Lorna Shores first EP with their new singer, Will, as they let their previous singer go once some nasty me too allegations arose against him that looked to be true. And, I have to say, this EP is probably my favorite I've heard over the last decade. While only being 3 tracks, they absolutely fucking slay and are some of the heaviest songs I've ever heard. The instrumental work is fantastic, and Will's vocal range is insane. This track in particular became a bit of a viral hit, due to the shock factor of the end of the song. Definitely a huge recommend though from me.
2: I Killed A Man by Slaughter To Prevail
Our second track on this list comes from my favorite Deathcore band overall, currently, Slaughter To Prevail. A russian band that takes heavy influence from nu metal and groove metal into their deathcore music. This track is from their recent album, which has several songs on it that are much different from their past work and more experimental from the normal forumla. This track in particular has some really fun riffs and drum work going on, with fun and brutal vocals from the vocalist, Alex. I could recommend so, so many different tracks from this band. They're taking the deathcore scene by swarm, and I imagine there will be much more to come from these guys. Big boi recommend right here.
3: Mephisto by Crystal Lake
This track comes from a band I really wish I would have found sooner, but, have been really enjoying since I did about a month ago. Crystal Lake has been around since 2002, coming out of Tokyo, Japan. Their original sound was more of a groove/thrash sound mixed with deathcore. But, has evolved over time into what it is now. Which is lowly tuned, chugging guitars with solo's here and there, some solid vocals and fun drumwork make for some really nice tracks. Their vocalist doesn't have the most range ever, but, what he does have is great and works perfectly good with the rest of the music. Absolute filth, yo.
4: Vermin by Carcosa
Carcosa is a very, very new band to the scene, but a welcome addition. They've gotten their foot in the door thanks to one member having a fairly successful youtube channel, as well as another member being a part of the already known band Angelmaker. This is another band that has some blackened elements mixed in with their recent tracks that draws me more towards them than other deathcore bands. Some wonderful vocal range from Johnny, their vocalist, and really groovy, brutal instrumental work makes their songs some absolute bangers. Perfectly good for doing squats at the gym while you grunt and squeal.
5: Pale Tongue by Darko US
The final track I'm going to highlight for this post comes from another band that I just found a few weeks ago, called Darko US. An absolute chonky, brutal and heavy band, with snippets of fun groovy instrumental work here and there. There's some parts of this track in particular that are very djenty with how they sound, though I think that's just become a common part of playing on an 8 string guitar since they're tuned down so low. The vocals are pretty solid, though you may have noticed I'm biased towards guttural vocals and pig squeals. Suck it, suck it dry if you don't like it. But, yeah. If you want some fast paced, groovy deathcore breakdown work then I'd recommend these bois, easily.
Alright. There you go. That's it. That's the end of the post. You can leave now. Goodbye.
(Until next time, cuhhh. Later!)
thanks for this. Now I have some new music to explore. You are quite instrumental in helping me find this stuff since Spotify's algorithm doesn't have a clue about metal and lumps all sorts of metal into the same category and all roads seem to lead to Children of Bodom or even worse, Five Finger Death Punch
Yeah, no worries, man. I'll try to pop one of these off once a month to help you keep some fresh blood going in your music taste. I explore lots of new music every week, so I find new shit that's pretty solid fairly often.
Also, christ on a bike. Does your Spotify want your penis to be limp for all eternity? Children of Bodom is okay, they have a few decent tracks that I enjoyed back in the late 2000's. But, Five Finger Death Punch is quite honestly one of the worst bands I've ever heard. I would rather have the vocals and instruments replaced with a heroin junkie having explosive diarrhea into a garbage can than listen to their actual songs.
Oh, speaking of five finger death punch. Their old drummer started a new band that is literally one of the worst things that has ever happened to music. The hatred for this band was so great he deleted their music videos which were also some of the most cringe shit I've seen in a long time. Here's a little sample for you. You know, to just help you appreciate the other tracks I linked in the post.
oh my good googley moogley. The lyrics sound like they were written by some emo losers in the parking lot of a high school while chain smoking something menthol. Yeah, i get it, rhyming is hard but wow, that was awful. My ears started bleeding at the 1:48 mark and I had to switch it off.
Dude, it's not exactly the same because it's a reaction video and he cuts it off after a minute. But, you need to see this fucking music video for it. It makes it even worse, bro. It's great.
From a guy with a shitty Halloween tattoo on his forearm...
Hilarious. I spent a lot of time looking through comments on YT yesterday and someone suggested he was trying to create a USA Ghost type thing but with no talent.
I dunno what he was trying to do, but, it made me feel much more secure about my own musical abilities. Hell, I could play nothing but the theremin and feel like an absolute chad after hearing and seeing that bands music.