A Big Short on Love, Family and the Wheel.

in #death6 years ago

Hello World.

I call myself Striker Eureka 676. I apologise in advance to everyone I will offend. Not wih this though. I write from my perspective alone, and I used to be Man before I went on the path of decrypting My Life.

Do not take this as my official off twitter introduction. I hopefully will do a proper series of accounts for you all before I die or a full dump after I die. Whichever comes first ;) Twitter is so addictive. But it is soooo fake. It is a recruitment ground , or a big scary jolt back into your World of Global Apathy wrapped in a bow of local dissidence.

But if you stand your ground on twitter, Majik can happen. If you let it , you can be drawn to , or others can draw you in with their Reality. With the image they are trying to project. And you can engage with Gems, with Ancient Stars and Planets and Moons which hold Wisdom of the Ages, that would have otherwise have been lost to you. But I fear some of the Brightest Stars have lost their fluid. They are drying up, calcifying. You will be kicking yourselves if all you had to do was Oil the machine.

I would love to write more at some stage about Everything. I am putting this on SteemIt as an experiment. I would Love to be able to get $1 . Sort of like a contract, someone out there is saying continue. or like when Jesse and Mr White paid Saul Goodman the $1 in Breaking Bad. Symbolic.

I just needed to write something longer than a tweet before it is lost to Space Everlonging. Love Lost.

Love, Family and the Wheel.

When you have created your own Family Unit, such as a Father, Mother, Son, Daughter and Pets etc, you can change the genders, and the amount of players involved, whatever, this kind of Unit I am talking about is One that has Bonded with Love.

You are each others Protectors. You trust that no matter the other family members methods, that your goals are ultimately aligned.

So when your family drives, you entrust the driver with the direction and the method of reaching the destination.

If the driving appears to be a little bit dangerous to the naked eye sight, one of two things usually happen.

  1. The passenger(s) are gripped too tightly by fear. And they close their eyes. They can no longer See. And they will immediately or eventually exit the vehicle.

  2. They feel something or understand something for this person. They see the dangers, but they know the potential. They endure the hardships. We invent a dual-drive system to share the load. We witness the evolution of each others driving skills. We enjoy the Thrill of the Ride. Feeling and Understanding Grows.

It is unfortunate that more people do not challenge themselves within their own Mind before they commit about what they would do for their partner(s). Would they take a bullet, or would they Run.

It is also unfortunate that people don't tend to express themselves in anyway they can, simple Words Come Hard.

Women Feel. Men Understand. Men understand their Mind. Women Mind their Feelings. Men can pose a question to Mind when no perceived threat exists and bypass their Reptilian Brain Unit getting a clear answer should the time come.

Women on the other Hand, question posed, would Feel the Gravity and Emotion of the Re-Enactment in Mind, pretty scary, but necessary.

Women are Stronger in many ways than Men. But we have been reprogramming them to believe they are Weak and can't handle Life. It is a reflection of our own Fear and Loathing. And it has back fired.

Due to a lack of communication, Women perceive Men as Beasts unwilling to change their behaviour to match Womens ideas of what "taking a bullet" means when no actual bullets are flying around.

You can't force someone to not be themselves to prove their Love.

We need to communicate, Men are Ugly, but neccessary.
We need help understanding our Demons and putting them to work for us.

I know from personal experience Evil loves to be manipulated, even for Good.
IT just needs to be Satisfied! All of US can then see excellence within Sight.

Striker Eureka 676

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