You're dead tomorrow.

in #death7 years ago (edited)

Lets say today is your last 24 hours alive.

Tomorrow you're gone. Car accident. Heart attack. Lightning strike. Earthquake. Terrorist attack. Slipped in the shower.

Only one way to be born and so many ways to die. Death is a compulsory common ground for everyone. Death doesn't give a shit whether you're muslim or christian, white or black, old or young.

Would you fall on your knees, confess all sins and beg for forgiveness from your chosen deity? Would you hold your loved ones close to the end? Blow all your money on that Lamborghini? Mad marathon catching all epsisodes of Walking Dead? Rage at the world at its injustice? Celebrate in delight at kissing your living hellhole goodbye?

"Some people die at 25 and aren't buried until 75" - Benjamin Franklin

Are you one of them?

Lets keep on sharing! Upvote, Resteem & Follow me at @Nedia


This is a great reminder to start enjoying my life. To stop worrying so much and focusing on the negative. The quote at the bottom really hit me. If tomorrow was my last day on Earth I would spend it with my husband and cats and call my loved ones to say goodbye.

Lovely post ... You are right we can go anytime and that's why we should not hold back on sharing what we know as when we are gone it only goes to the grave with us. Cheers

Everyday could be our last so just forget the petty stuff and focus on whats important !

click bait.. jk. I live every moment as if it were my last

Morbid thought on a Saturday, but I always wonder what happens after death

Walk out of work, for one. After that, I'd go and see my family and make sure they know I love them. After that, probably get black out drunk and then some, which is probably why I end up dead in 24 hours anyway.

Haha. I consider work as one of the natural causes of death.

I would be sad. I like living. I have lots more living I want to do. I don't want to leave my family, or make them sad because I am gone (at least until Game of Thrones starts).

But I would also be curious. What happens next? Is there a next? How will I know? Should I bring long trousers or shorts? (I'm pretty sure I'll need shorts hehe)

LOL I didn't think of dressing attire...since we can't bring material possessions with us in death does that mean all spirits float around naked? Or maybe we would be amorphous? Hmm...

I was more thinking about the temperature of the location I would be sent to.

I'm pretty sure it will be overly warm where I'm going ;-)

Lets just say if you ended up where you suspect you would, any clothing would be rendered useless by flames ;)

But then I would be naked. I'm sure there's rules about that. Christians are very big on nakedness being 'not a good thing' so I'm pretty sure I'd need to at least have some shorts on.

I mean, what would the neighbours think?

Thank you for the reminder! It's important to truly live, be alive not just wait for our death :)

Too many people live their lives working in jobs they hate and pleasing people they dislike..all in the name of working 'for the future' that never comes. I think it's just as important to live in the present 🌈

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