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RE: A Personal Blog: Why I Loved My Late Girlfriend - 1991-2012

in #death8 years ago

I feel your pain. It's not exactly the same as losing your girlfriend, but I just lost my mother a year ago. She had a pretty ugly battle with cancer, and it was really hard to walk through. She was my best friend and every nice thing that you said of Jonna could be said of my mom. Really missing her this holiday season. But anyway, with a heart like yours I'm sure you'll love again some day.


Losing a parent must be hard, too. I can't imagine, yet I've come close, since my mother has had chronic cancer issues for a while now. She's currently battling mouth cancer, but it's pretty much a won fight as of now. She smokes, so that's the reason. And damn, I do, too. I know I shouldn't.

But I've been fearful about the possibility that one day a cancer she has may not be one that is of the "good kind".

Merry Christmas. This is a tough time of year for us that have lost someone important.

It was very hard to lose her at 22, almost 23 years old. My whole world was turned upside down. I've really had to rely on others that have experienced this kind of loss, because most people my age can't relate. I hope you have friends that understand what you've been through, because without that, it can be very lonely.

And I hope your mom recovers completely and fully! I don't smoke myself, but my siblings do, so I know it is difficult to quit.

Merry Christmas to you!

Kuules kaveri, check out my post on quitting smoking, I think I called it "Are you ready to quit smoking'?
In smoking, health, cigarettes etc

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