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RE: "Dear Dawne" Live Today! - Get A "Pro" To Check Out Your Blog (the line starts forming..3..2..1..NOW)

in #deardawne7 years ago

Thank you very much @davemccoy for making this happen and @goldendawne in volunteering in helping the community. I believe the energy and time spent in this will create a much better, higher quality steemians :) We are very lucky to have both of you.

I have a few questions?

  1. How long will this program Dear Dawne lasts?
  2. Do you plan to invite more mentors in this program? So that Dawne will not be overloaded and we will get different point of views.

Thank you again!

  • How long will this program Dear Dawne lasts? Indefinitely. I have committed to new steemains coming in looking for guidance and support.

  • Do you plan to invite more mentors in this program? So that Dawne will not be overloaded and we will get different point of views. My career is steemit and I am here long term and I had chatted with Dave that if I ever become overwhelmed I would tell him. Plus we have @coolguy123 and abh12345 who are also veteran steemians helping in other ways. AS the initiative grows more and more, I am sure more veteran steemians will join the ranks too.
    But I'm sure Dave can answer this too.

I LOVE being here to help and am available on Discord chat too.

I agree with your answers and glad to see them too ;) ... For the record, (I'm speaking for all of us) we love you being here too :)

Thank you so much for the warm welcome @davemccoy. I feel like we know each other when talking to you. Weird, isn't it?

Thank you so much for the kindness.

yes... you "get it" and I could spot it immediately! I am very much looking forward to working with you on many projects. Together we are much stronger than separate! I'm happy you are now a founding member of #newbieresteemday initiative. We are going to do many awesome things as a group with the quality members we have!

Haha I didn't know I'm a founding member @@
I'm so honored to be part of #newbieresteemday
So excited for the future things we'll do!!!

Thank you @davemccoy! Always nice to hear such kind words!

its true! you are amazing :)

Great to hear to that @goldendawne! Yes, I can foresee this will grow very very large, with a lot of veterans helping the newbies and newbies catch up really fast in Steemit! We will become a very supportive learning initiative group :D

@goldendawne, if you don't mind me asking, what is your motivation behind this?

Motivation behind helping @davemccoy? Honestly because I was once the newbie here and I remember floundering... I was lost.

I have always been a person who helps others; my parents raised me to help, support and encourage the underdog and I have used that mental thinking on steemit. I carry a full workload here on steemit and am best when busy.

I see! So it's in your upbringing and your personality :)
We are lucky to have you supporting us. Keep it up! Keep going! What you're doing is marvelous!

You're welcome @tifaong and @goldendawne answered the questions well.

To the first question, as long as Dawne is willing to continue, we fully support her. It is a partnership with her and #newbieresteemday and is still developing each week. She is loved by the newbies and members alike.

To the second question, the answer is yes. I haven't discussed anything or even thought through the proper formula, but I'm sure there is a way to put "helpers" and "helpees" together! If you know of any other mentors that would be willing to either 1) assist @goldendawn or 2) work on their own program but with a similar aim.. then just let me know... I would be happy to sit down with Dawne and craft a plan.

We don't have any egos to worry about as our whole program is designed to simply help others. We believe that to get stronger in steemit you need your friends and followers to be strong too. So that is what we aim for, to make every contact of ours as good as is possible

There are so many possibilities and ways to do things (like a foreign language translation version for example) that I get excited when I think of them. So give me you thoughts and make any connections and lets continue building out this place one brick at a time!

Hi @davemccoy,

First answer: Niceeee as long as Dawne willing to continue. We're counting on you @goldendawne!

Second answer: Okay, I'll keep a look-out on those people who wanna be mentors or would like to help.

I believe what you're doing here will shape the community. All of us will be strong together :)

Suggestion: One way my organization is practicing is create a group. 1 mentor with 2-5 mentees. This creates a more personalized group and mentees can help each other too.

I like the way you think... You completely have the message and the right understanding.

One thing you will soon realize though... This is not "my" initiative, it is "our" initiative. It is not what "I am" doing, its what "we all" are doing. No one gets paid, there are no dues, and we are a group that has one common interest (which is helping newbies to have a better experience and learn faster and at the same time building our members and helping everyone to grow together).

This is just as much your organization as mine. Which means that we all work together in ways that works for each of us. Some people like certain aspects and don't like other ones. But the goal is to create ways that everyone can help in a way that "suits" them. I put out a list of 25 different ways that people can participate, but honestly that list could be 1000 different ways.

We will move as fast as the people we have working with us. The more we grow, the more we seem to attract. I think this is roughly the 21st day and it is moving at lightening speed. The reason it is doing so well has to do with a fact that @goldendawne answered above. Everyone knows what it was like when they were a newbie and the ones that care to help understand how great it would be to make that experience better and more engaging.

The way to do really well on this platform is to grow in both Reputation and SP, and the best way to do that is too work together. If your friends and followers were all "whales" then you would probably be a "whale" too. All those votes that we get that are now $0.01 or $0.00 will soon grow to dollars and not pennies. So when one realizes that fact, then it only makes sense to work in ANY way that suits you to help the others too. If you have information, share it. If you see someone doing something wrong, help them to correct it. If they have questions, get them answers. If they are strong, then you will be strong. Its really that simple!

So one more thing about your very interesting question. I believe that we can do anything as long as we have the people to do it. There are many idea I have in my head that we can't roll out because we need "do-ers" as well. If you have ideas or ways that you want to do something, don't be shy. I will help if I can (as well as many others will too). With each program the idea is to learn and grow from each thing we do.and constantly improve and strive for more and better. So let me know your thoughts and I am pretty good at crafting a plan once I know what you are thinking!

By the way if you are on discord, you can connect to me at davemccoy#2497 ... I'm willing to talk anytime and I love having new teammates like you!

Haha I'll need to start get used to "us" not "you" :)

As you mentioned, create ways that works for everybody. How do we know which way worked and which way didn't besides looking at the statistics? Do we also open feedback channels for members?

I'm happy to hear we're growing at lightning speed and at the same time maintaining the quality as well. What sort of criteria you have in terms of "quality" of #newbieresteemday?

The way I understand your "working together to get strong", for me the starting point is to get your followers strong first. What do you think? Give first, then receive :)

I'll opt to be one of the do-ers! I tried to add you on Discord but the username is incorrect :()

I started mentoring in one of my Discord groups originally and as time has gone by, I opened up to more- thanks to @davemccoy.

I have five people in one Discord group that I speak with on a weekly basis plus I have a fostering program/post where I take one gardener for a week and mentor them too; plus this initiative.

It can be difficult sometimes to find enough people to mentor versus the number of people that want/need advice. But over time I foresee this opening up and more people getting involved.

Ohh I see. That's where it started. I'm starting to learn the history of #newbieresteemday XD
When I'm qualified enough, I'd like to sign up as mentor too :)

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