# Dear @TeamHumble //2nd January 2018 // Getting that Getup and Go-Go-Gadget Good-Good!

in #dear-teamhumble6 years ago

dayleeo SteemitCovers 5.png

Damn, how’s that for a title, I gotta say Im proud of myself for that one. Hi mouse! Welcome to DEEZ early dayzzzz! I feel ya wanting to get up early and crush all the things, I’m feeling it too. I hope you’ve already hit play on todays tunes, I’m bustin a move heading in your direction with ultra shoulder moves and handing you a cup of coffee in some dimension somewhere, why not here digitally as well.

Goodmorning mouse!

turn up those headphones love, this one has got a tasty groove ;)

3 Things I’m Grateful For Today…

  • mega productive clear down day
  • a nice surprise from clients today
  • feeling good for only the second of the month

Yaya! I can’t tell you how good it feels to get back to my 2 bin method of everything I own. Laundry done, things organized and ready to be stored or packed. Feels damn good. While I was tidying and cleaning I was watching “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” on Netflix. The Japanese man, they really know what’s up. I had heard about her method about a year ago, and even practicing it in my own small-scale way really helped me, as I’m so prone to assigning way too much sentiment to things at times.

It’s funny, but after I finished my whirlwind, I was about to get into modding and realized it’s Wednesday! Mealprep day! Funny how that same energy just took over without me even realizing it and carried me through all the organizing that was bothering me. So happy I’m healthy and energetic enough to tackle stuff on a whim like that. It’s not something I ever want to take for granted.

Things don’t define us, they don’t even make us happy and most things you can take a photo of, and store digitally, although my digital storage situation isn’t the most organized either lol. Speaking of, I’ve got two little blinking lights to my left, the old drive and the new, transferring things across and over and doing all the backups. I was hoping to take the computer back downstairs for the evening after I’ve written you but I think it’s going to be another 3 hours before everything is as it should be, so best to just get an early night as planned. ;)

I’m hoping there’s more client work for me to hop into tomorrow, I’m thinking it’ll be nice to pack a bag and head to the mountains after the Dentist on Friday too, so I’ll get all sorted to do that, huggles for mom and doggo are necessary for sure <3 It’ll be good to spend some nice time with them.

Other than that everything is rolling along quite nicely my darling, would love to get another podcast in with ya this week but I know you’ve got tons going on as well. Just make sure you’re in one piece by the time we see each other. I’ve got SO many hugs for you I kinda lost track by this part, and kisses OH BABY!

Take your advice to me this morning and wake up slow and be kind to yourself my darling, that always strikes me when you say it. It’s like this Capricorn-take care of you in the practical ways, love form you’ve got and I always appreciate it. Goodmorning handsome. I’ll see you on the other side.




thanks for my lovely wake up message darling. just writing back to you as i type, i got up early, getting those hours in, hoping to down shift after lunchtime and make room for the day 3 video and maybe a podcast, let's see how the morning goes eh?

no worries on the podcasting loves i'll be here stepping through also, and you're most welcome. I write as im listening to those same tunes, it really does kinda get you in a mood :D

certainly does. let's hope we can get the podcasting in today.

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