# Dear @TeamHumble // 29th November 2018 // “How far that little candle throws his beams!…

in #dear-teamhumble6 years ago (edited)


…so shines a good deed in a weary world.” Any guesses where that little quote is from? I actually only knew the second half until just now when I looked it up. I certainly feel weary, but I can hit the hay tonight knowing we both did some pretty good work, so I think it applies somehow. If not, just ignore me it’s the sleepiness talking. <3

3 Things I’m Grateful For Today…

  • smegahours this week, ahead on that front
  • super thankful for meal prep on days like today
  • the snow didn’t stick!

Yaya! From the way it was coming down I thought we were going to have another storm on our hands, but in about 15 minutes things went back as though nothing ever happened. More strange weather events I guess to get used to… Certainly super thankful we’re all safe and sound, I know the folks in Alaska got quite shaken up by their weather this evening, literally.

Wonder how much long it’s going to take for folks to start putting the pieces together on that front, I really hope it’s not much longer, I feel like the writing on the wall is painfully obvious. Only time will tell I guess, but I also thing there’s never been a better time to get back into podcasting, of course the Anchor changes make things a bit more exciting, but Ive certainly missed it in the time we’ve taken off, and I’m eager to talk about hunts that are actually making an ecological impact in a positive way, rather than ending up on a trash heap in 8 months.

i mean otters can do it for crying out loud!

I mentioned meal prep too. It’s funny when I’m tired like this its much more of a struggle to think of things that I’m thankful for but really it’s the simple things when you really drill down. Today I had healthy food prepared for me in boxes, that was a HUGE help. I wouldn’t have had any time or brainpower to devote to that kind of logistics and im sure it would have been at the health and bank account expense of something delivered from a stressed and hungry dayleeo if I hadn’t had it. My meals are simple, but I like them, they’re cost effective and I know they’re good for me, but more importantly, they’re THERE.

It’s certainly going to be an early one for me tonight darling. Hopefully I can get up early and finish out this big client project if the dam Upwork software will let me. I sent another message to them on twitter and no response so far. I’m sure it’s a bug or server update problem, but I’m just keene to finish. I know (hope) I’m in the final stretch now.

It makes me smiling knowing you and mini are warm and snug tonight. I really wanted to play Stardew with her but the universe had other plans so gotta aim for next week, as you said, not much longer till we’re playing locally. So much to do between now and then, we’re both going to ned ample amounts of sleep. Oh and far as the yoga challenges, it’s on ;)

wow i didnt know freddie mercury was down with that asana tho!!!

Goodmorining my love! I hope you slept amazing and you’re feeling refreshed for a series of decent sprints! It’s almost time for us to have our new month celebration eh? ;) I love you both & Goodmorning mousers!



yayayay, thank you for the lovely words. i'm finishing my words to you now, posting in 5/10 -- love ya x :) WEEKENDS!

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