# Dear @TeamHumble //21st December 2018 // No trace of this post from yesterday.. SO sus...lol

in #dear-teamhumble6 years ago

dayleeo SteemitCovers 13.png

but here it is anyway.. morning mouse!

I don’t have anything for you but smiles tonight Biza, well that and words, the words are coming, the smiles are now… :). hi.

Goodmorning my darling. Take a deep breath. Let the chillness hit ya for a second. I’m seeing slow motion video of us laughing, being silly, Bella throwing snowballs, that video of you near the smart on that perfect summer day. Ugh Those summer sunsets were so good for my soul. I’m so excited to get back to them. Door open, cold drinks and quiet.

3 Things I’m Grateful For Today…

  • I made the thing I’ve been on about!
  • My back is better each day <3
  • I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel….

The tunnel being the year I guess. And yeah, you can accuse of me of tunnel vision, it wouldn’t be the first time someone has, but when someone you love so damn much is at the other end of that tunnel, it’s worth sprinting for. Worth waking up when it’s still dark for, worth keeping your head down and eyes on the prize. Quite a mystical tunnel eh?

Today was a really good mix of things, client work, creative work, work with my hands, other than being with you it’s my perfect mix of a day. Sure it felt a bit all over the place at times and overwhelming because I was in uncharted territory with the baking and I wasn’t expecting to hear from 3 different clients on a Friday of all things?? But Hey I’ll take it. If it sets things up for 2019 let’s go.

Today I feel good, I feel a huge sense of accomplishment for everything I was able to tie up and get going this month. It’s an empowering feeling coming from the low of feeling overwhelmed and helpless. I still have a few little things on my list, like dying my hair but none of them are life and death importance, a lot of things aren’t really when you think about it. It’s all ok or it will be ok, but we have to keep showing up in order for that little equation to work.

I’ve made a vow to myself to get some extra sleep tonight because I feel like what may develop into a little winter head cold is coming on. As soon as I realized it the kettle got flipped on and I started cranking through grating fresh ginger, mint, lemon and honey as a tea. The last time I felt like this a few weeks ago it never came to a head so fingers crossed. That little witches brew is straight magic for keeping the bugs at bay.

Or I could just straight up be tired LOL. So the plan for the evening is to get my tail downstairs with the heat on, get another little hour in for client and get straight to bed. Where I hope you are right now! Or maybe you’re at the machine and that’s ok too. This post was written to make you smile and make sure you start the day feeling loved so I hope I achieved that.

Goodmorning to Mouse and Mini Mouse<3 I love you both!



that's perfect biza! you crushed it again, keep turning up my little baker! just done some life chores with mini biza. then straight after logistics i'm gonna into those gifs and some recording. chasing it down on a saturday like whhhhhaatt! :)

thanks darlin! happy to bake myself into the new year lol, mega proud of you toggling all the energies. keep it up sweets <3

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