# Dear @TeamHumble //17th October 2018 // And in the end, the crypto you take is equal to..steemCreated with Sketch.

in #dear-teamhumble6 years ago (edited)

@dayleeo Steemit-Covers (3).png

.. the crypto you make? Ohhh that explainz all those failed ICOS! ;)

Oh my! Hello there mouse! It’s coming up to 6pm! OK THEN- I know I talked about Rip-VanWinkle the other night, but damn things feel weird. I mean, I know it’s the end of the day and I’m probably just tired and feeling disoriented, but DAMN I can’t shake this feeling like we’re in this temporal slip stream. I wake up every day like I’m Marty rocking up to the future for the first time…

3 Things I’m Grateful For Today…

  • meal prep CRUSHED
  • i love podcasting with you, glad we got that in
  • i’m thankful its the future and we STREAM GAMES NOW

I know I say this every week but it feels good knowing there’s a fridge/freezer of meals ready for the week. It’s also a great way to break up the digital work week, but DAMN she’s tired!--By this point in the night I’m usually FIRING through this post to you but it seems there’s a fair amount of latency between my fingers and my brain. Water. Yes. Need water. BRB.

Ok got water, and washed my face of my home made face mask concoction… this actually had me LOLing- I appreciate you putting up with my extra-ness, one day turmeric face, ACV hair’ed hippy I am… <3

All the whining about how tired I am aside, I’m really looking forward to getting into tomorrow. Back on the regular work train, back on the modding train, making and yoga and more forward motion. YAS! I hope you’re feeling awesome this AM btw… I know I’ve certainly been able to feel your morning energies in the posts you write to me. The shockwaves of a man in a van, booting up his machine, flicking on the kettle and assuming the power position.

Really interesting to talk to you about things moving forward and the rate they’re moving, about uncoupling from more and more centralized networks, and inching toward that off-grid lifestyle. As unsettling as the world feels. (I mean boston dynamics robots are dancing to bruno mars songs damnit…) I’m glad you feel it too. I’m glad you’re in tune with those kind of things and if I know my mouse you’re over there planning things from machine upgrades, to mesh networks to food storage. It’s one of the many reasons I’ve always felt safe with you. Ya just WOKE AF biza! ;)

Hoping to get another little writing/copyediting job in before the week is out. Other than that all the new potential clients seem to me busy, or weighing their options. Just gotta hang tight and blog on in the mean time. I’m really looking forward to doing more painting videos. They’re becoming a lovely little escape in the day just before HHD rollover.

woaaaaa what IS THAT! painting ON water!!? oh damn...

Two “weekdays” left, ready to finish strong, and maybe drinks over the weekend? Just a thought , oh baby BAYBE! Lol boy, what-ya like calling me out on the podcast about drinking Rosie and buying wine like you weren’t 1000% down! LOL… you’re funny you! But, ya also cute, so I guess I’ll have to let it slide… ;)

Oh my! The end of that paragraph marked 666 words! Better change that! Phew, I think we’re far enough away that I can close it out now. I love you and I miss you, I hope you sleep like a log tonight. Cozy as a bug in a rug and you’re feeling like kicking some ASCII and taking names, keyboard warrior!

I love you, and I like you.

<3 Dot


yayyaya, lovely post, just finishing up on yours. the signup code got pushed today so i'm on a massive mission to promote that today.

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