# Dear @TeamHumble // 13th July 2018 // The Existential Crisis of Pants on Friday the 13th

in #dear-teamhumble6 years ago

@dayleeo Steemit-Covers (7).png

Hi mouser mouse and mini-mouser mouse! I’m writing you a bit earlier than usual today because to be honest, I don’t know how much longer I’m going to hold out. Every day around 4pm It feels like I get slammed with a pillow full of bricks energy-wise. I mean that is just hitting around the 11 hour day mark, but still. It’s such a deep fog. Probably the best time to work out then.

Just push through and collapse in bed afterwards. Could also be the heat or something food wise but to be honest I have no idea, and I don’t have the mental energy to figure it out. :)

The 3 Things I’m Grateful for Today are…

  • 1 tooth DONE!
  • crypto funds for shorts
  • so glad to hear you’re feeling a little better

I gotta say, when I asked the dentist what my new tooth was made of, and she said porcelain… this is ALL I could think of…

But of course with your voice in the somehow Johnny 5 tone that it’s morphed to.. LOL oh man. It certainly feels strange and is going to take some getting used to but there’s ZERO pan which is the whole reason I started this tooth journey so I really couldn’t be happier.

Speaking of journeys, I got another email from Maven today, saying that they haven’t heard back from my nutritionist because shes probably busy with her newborn (fair) but they are giving away 3- 10 minute sessions with nutritionists this coming week and she recommended 3 nutritionists with a similar background to the one I was seeing. I really appreciate the effort on their end but I’m not sure I want to start fresh with someone new.

Then again they are free…

Either way I’ll have the start of my juices on Wednesday, which will take me through Monday. I’ve still got to work out how/when I’m going to do the meals that week but I guess it doesn’t matter too much if they’re in the freezer. I’ll sort it out… where’s my pad and paper… ;)

Other than that there’s a whole lot of nothing new this side of the pond. I know we’ve both been feeling a little (0r maybe more than a little) off lately but I’m thankful we have each other to go through that stuff with. I know you just get it and I don’t have to even explain…


Take todays at the store. After 2 shops I was ENTIRELY over it, and discouraged. Not because I didn’t find what I was looking for (which was simple ass shorts. Not ass shorts… You know what I mean!) but because wowwwww… what on EARTH are we doing to this poor planet. I mean you know it, you see it every day, and we’re definitely confronted with it being steemhunt mods, but.. being physically around PILES of clothes, right next to more piles of clothes being practically given away because they had to make room for new stock.. kind of made me sick to my stomach.

Someone needs to make a toy story, style animation where the clothes come to life and have an existential crisis realizing that one day they’re “worth” $50 bucks, and a few weeks later they’re in a heap or smashed on a rack labeled CLEARANCE… and then what…

ANYWAY! Happy Happy! I appreciate you writing to me this morning. I know you probably weren’t in the mood so it meant a lot to me. I’m glad you’ve got the lil Vulcan keeping you company tonight and I hope if you’re feeling up to it we can maybe watch a film together tomorrow? No pressure <3.

I think I might want to give the ol Kia a good wash if the weather’s nice. Get out in the sun and get that exercise, provided my hip is feeling ok. It’s been pretty sore lately but I’m sure that’s because of the working out.

Speaking of working out it’s time for me to go sort that for the day <3
I love you two. Have a lovely morning together and I’ll speak to you shortly!

<3 Dot


lol gurrrrrlll... I bet you've been ROASTING in school! yayaa your video comment just made my day- HUGGLES!<3

hey just finished my blog to you and then read this. yeah poppet is gonna do some green screen stuff with me today so maybe we will embed that as a comment soon in a few hours. yeah the energy suck was totally present the last week, i think must have been mental exhaustion mixed with body REM exhaustion. i gotta listen to the body more and stop draining myself that i don't get things in order in the order i expect to get them done. feeling 25% better today.

Yay morning youbtwo heading to red ur post now 💕 one eye mode on hard at the moment ;)

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