# Dear @TeamHumble //11th December 2018 // Back at Basecamp, just gotta keep steppin right?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #dear-teamhumble6 years ago


More LoFi Synthwave with retro visuals today you ask? Yes. Because I like listening to them while I write you, so I might as well give ya the FULL EXPERIENCE ;)

Goodmorning my love, I see us driving down an open highway at 3 am with these beats, not sure if we’re driving to someplace, or away from someplace but we’re on the road and that’s what matters. Hands held between our seats, me cozied up leaning on the door with a balled up hoodie as a pillow as you drive…

3 Things I’m Grateful For Today…

  • my loving encouraging partner
  • another step closer to Crown Town
  • daily yoga is going so awesome, I love it.

Yes that’s the name of the kid’s book. Little Root goes to Crown Town. Lol it’s been frustrating but I’m thankful for the progress. Im at the point where I could stress about it all getting done or just accept that it will or it won’t. I’m not in pain and trust me, I want to get on that plane knowing I’m all “done” so so bad but I can’t force them out of sheer will to get it done any faster.

I might call tomorrow am and maybe see if they can get me in later this week? It’s a long shot but its just a call, worst they can say is no. I’m mega thankful to work on my own schedule where I can have open availability to get it done you know?

As for you my love. Adventube is going so great from where I’m sitting. I know as the person behind it you’ve probably got a million different ways you’d like to tweak and improve it, but just know from this one person’s perspective, I really appreciate it.

Not only the daily routine of the thing, but seeing all the different perspectives daily. I think this time of year more than any other bringing people together on a project can be so powerful. We tend to decentralize in the pursuit of the “stuff” of Christmas, and miss out on what family and community really should be about. And although I love my family dearly, I’m coming to think of the Adventube group as a kind of family, or at the very least a place where I can be myself. Something I still never feel fully around the folks I share DNA with.

Lol that wasn’t supposed to sound sad or mopey. I think it’s a testament to how powerful groups of people being honest instead of trying to “win” could be. I meant to record an extra to get out of the loop of having to rush record in the mornings, but I’ll get there. There’s only so many hours of energy that a Dayleeo has, especially when the sharks roll into town.

I do feel like I have a better resolution on some of the things that were erking me yesterday so all progress in the right direction, and you’re right I’m totally going to switch gears to ebooks, while client work is slow. I mean heck even typing it in this post may be enough to get them to contact me tomorrow… you watch. Always the way right. ;) Oh! And getting that damn logo done! I need to look at that with fresh eyes, oh and make SOUUUUUPS! Meal prep tomorrow too!

What else to tell you… Oh! I’m stoked to podcast tomorrow! Getting into Trello and just putting simple notes together kinda got me in the groove of excitement for it. Even if it ends up being really chill I always enjoy that time with ya, talking and bullshitting and giving each other a hard time lol. I think the idea for this week could be a lot of fun. Only one way to find out right?

Other than that I think we’re all caught up. You’ve been issued you Dayleeo informational multipass packet. Brain and heard uploaded and then downloaded for you to aid you in the start of your day, or at the vey least help you feel welcome in this World of Tomorrow, today, on a Wednesday.

I love you darling, hope you’re well and your back/neck are improved this am. I’ll see you on the other side...



Yeah ya boy is doing good, fed and watered, gonna get my walk in, get some supplies at least for the next few days and then get back into all of the things, feel that some work will come in today because i want to make some video for the courses and that’s always torpedoed in some way! Let’s see, love ya. Be kind to yourself today! Love love.

btw, these tunes. CREAMY and DELICIOUS! :)

oh baby! glad you enjoyed, about to get into your tracks this am myself <3

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