Dear @Dayleeo // 24th May 2k18 // today is a special day all around, because of you too!

in #dear-dayleeo6 years ago

I’m a lucky guy. Like, really really.

For some reason the universe thinks I deserve these shots I have on a daily basis, someone upstairs either manning the galactic holo emitter or a dark matter deity out of view has instructions to give me a bunch of free tickets to the ride of life — what I’m I babbling about?

Well, bellas birthday of course and the fact that it course corrected me to find my soul mate, the one that always sets me right, adjusts my thinking, kicks me into touch, won’t put up with my bullshit, is loving and feeds me tasty treats at random times of the day and exposes me to lotions and potions of wonderment.

You see I’ve got a lot to be thankful for today, one coffee deep, scratching my head wondering how to change up the top 10 show a little bit to keep the vibe going before the bid bots come in and ruin it like some EDM party.

No No No.. ..

Today is a celebration day, it’s a birthday day, it’s a concrete you were here on planet earth day and eleven years ago I fathered a daughter who has kept me here on planet earth to battle for her. To fight for everyday and to ultimately lead me to you, the photons lined up my future with you that day when I surrendered myself to the fact that I had to make memories and leave a legacy behind — it’s clear today that I’m a blessed man.

Just pulling up your blog post from last night as I continue to write this post out because I need some reminders of where we are at! :)

Can’t believe your dad now has toothache. What the heck?! And yeah, I can’t believe you would not think about putting that clove oil on to take the edge off, trust me in another forty eight hours you should be starting to return to normal, it’s just like an ache of pushing and pulling on your gum and tooth it will take a bit of time to realise it’s stopped! :)

Early starts really are the jam for me now even thou sometimes I wake up like I want a few more hours I get so much more done, I mean it’s just turned 9:30am and I’ve already recorded my @dtube vlog for today, wrote this and am starting on the top10 @steemhunt video next — I made myself a walkthrough list this morning so I would stick to it.

I texted Bella this morning pretty much around the time she was born this morning, there is a chance she did not see it before going to school and that’s ok because she will see it next time she turns her phone on and no doubt it’s gonna be all smiles and hugs tomorrow - excited regardless.

it appears I have a pigeon on my damn roof this morning, shaking van to get rid of it made me smile, unfortunately it’s probably taken a dump on my roof in the process of course.

I recorded quite a personal vlog this morning about bella’s birthday, eleven, can’t believe it, so glad I’m here to celebrate it with here tbh — so many times in the last decade that I though I would not make it, that I’d falter or things would get so bad that I’d not keep up. I’m extremely thankful today.

I’m thankful of her, you, the blockchain, the opportunity mindset instead of the very dark passages of time where I did not know what to do, where I would kiss her head in bed and keep her warm when she was young when we had no electricity or warmth or the ability to get electricity cards so I could heat up her food — I’m sure lots of parents go through it but it really forms you as a person to strive and to battle ahead.

I know that it would have been extra awesome to have been there at the end of this month but with her birthday, moving the van around and just having a few weeks where I lost focus it did not make sense just to ‘hope’ that things would pan out — I like dead certs, or at least I like ‘managed’ expectations and outcomes let’s say.

i’ll be over there before you know it, I’ve just got to level up a few things that make me feel safe about incomes and I need to make moves in my output, streams, customising and put my flag in the sand on a few things, once I’ve got that on the go I know when I can just push forward.

I know you have transition energy coming up what with the dog sitting and that pool life but I also know that little cash injection will do you good as well because it’s liquid cash in strips of dollars paper styli — you can fuel the car, get the supplies and ready the dayle ship to sit in front of the computer and translate from another language to english! :)

I maybe had gone a little OTT on presents for Bella in some ways for her eleventh birthday but that’s just because i’m proud of her what with her exams, exercising, switching schools and such like, it’s a lot that transition period and I want her to enjoy every minute of going from her headstate into the confusing world of being a teenager — I know we will be having a lot more conversations together and I hope she will trust in me.

I realise this is a long dear dayleeo diary entry today but I’m just feeling happy and full and positive — no point ruining that by heading into town just to do shopping, stuff that. Nope, I’m gonna focus up today, use this momentum energy to get some things started and tweaked and finessed and then I can drop into tomorrow energy the same until lunchtime.

i hope you have a lovely calm day today.

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Da Mouser,


Daww what a sweeet Post- I know you’re off doing pots, I woke up about6 Mom after you posted that- u must have know I was coming - had some pretty tough sleeps last night tossing - tooth kept me up and is now radiating pretty bad- trying not to be concerned I just hope it’s not getting worse :( I know I need to give it time but if is getting worse we’re coming up on a long holiday weekend and that frightens me a bit- like you said gotta stay positive-

I’ve got just as much to be thankful for and I’ll certainly be sending bella a text shortly for when she gets out of school- she deserves to feel special this weekend, she’s one in a million ♥️💕

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