Dear @Dayleeo // 20th November 2k18 // nope, I did not get up early today.

in #dear-dayleeo6 years ago

It’s 10:14am and I’m just getting to the desktop. But that’s ok, like you said, you know I’ll still pull the hours and compound whatever hours I needed to get in place sorted, especially my quick fire templates recording action, super digging that — so yeah, here I am just getting started and reading your blog for inspiration, I’ve already fired down me some pancakes and I’m just getting into a cup of coffee.


That film was GREAT right? I mean it totally ticked all our visual and storytelling boxes that’s for sure, the art direction, colours, scenes, yeah, right nice I was constantly wow’d by it and that’s a good sign for me when I’m like sucked back in again to the story, sorry about the vending machine Segway but that’s one of my ‘Japanese’ things that I’m really interested in exploring.

Yeah I guess we all had those times in our life where we just slept forever because of the comfort and warmth of bed, i’m not mad at it if I’m honest, only maybe a slight bit from the exercise and physical fitness bit, I might have been a bit more spritely now if I had maybe gone to bed earlier and got up earlier, would have got more things crushed that’s for sure.

Yeah that early start vibe is legit, I mean if you can get up at the crack of dawn ideally as it’s sunrise, walk outside, watch that come up, hear the dawn chorus of animals being like, we get another chance again at LIFE, sipping on a coffee, wrapped in an all in one sleeping bag situation next to a just starting up crackling fire, that first hour can be super empowering, like you can really catch a wave of energy of it.

And the upside of being down for when you would have originally maybe just woke up, that’s huge, like you’ve done a day’s work compacted down into five hours instead of eight and now you have the whole day to do what your creative spirit wants to do that, it’s just about balancing the time books biza.

Today, my time book is a little off and that’s ok, I wanted to get up early because I knew rains were coming in and that would effect the audio recordings but hey, I’ll get them done, there will be a period of time where I’ll be able to record them and that’s fine, nothing to stress over, wonderful being your own boss of your own destiny when you really add it all up.

Just remove the annoyances and frustrations that have you looping around instead of actual work and life progress you know, we have both built ourselves up massively in the last year in skills, clients and outlook and were only JUST GETTING STARTED! :)

Yeah you crushed Monday, proud of you, reducing a bill by $80, straight fire, straight into meal prep and then packing bag and you’ll be good to go tomorrow, that’s great, perfect in fact and then when you get there you can deal with the next stage of planning for the next month and then lovely January where we can get back to nature together — can’t wait! :)

Yeah, if for nothing else I will say that the universe is constant, if I put together a creative plan of what I want to do and then start to execute on it ALWAYS comes through with ‘nope, your having too much fun you must work’ — I’ve found a way to kinda throw me a curveball by wanting to do what my creative side wants and then the universe is like heck no, you gotta work boy — then I end up just doing them both!

At the end of the day with the dog she’s young and will want to play for sure, but also at the same time if you put out that she will drive you nuts than she is gonna do that. Remember your there to dog sit so that’s kinda the role right, it might or will interrupt your working cycle that you are used to and you have to be fine with that, remember it pays. ..

. ..just move ya day around for when she’s exhausted, get an hour or so nap here and there and have your projects ready on the machine, just leave it as you need it, switch wifi off, grab that nap, then wake and activated wifi and get back into it — I find that remembering to switch into offline/online mode changes the way I work too, I’m less likely to get distracted.

Yeah, isle of dogs was great, wonderfully drawn and animated, that for me is a sunday afternoon movie after having a big English proper sunday dinner, which you’ve not really had yet, there is a certain kind of body comfy shutdown that happens when you have a Sunday roast here in the uk, it’s a place of comfort that you get into bed for and watch the movie on a laptop or a screen just of the side of the bed — ha! I just had flashbacks of you kicking your legs in excitement as you get back into bed again! LOL!

don’t forget your woolly hat, we are gonna need to go on THICC curtain material for the bed area and ideally a mattress situation and oil heater searching in January, that bed area is a massive thing we need to get sorted if we are gonna be doing early morning wake ups.

Yeah I’m glad you see the REAL baseline of battle rap, sure it’s absolutely all those cave man things you mentioned for real but yeah it’s got so much strategy there too, the poetry and passion of delivery, candace, rebuttals, it’s a whole world of interest in there how difference battle rappers bring comedy or bluntness or just have the ability to unpick the other persons bars to get the win.

it’s not Thursday, you can chill, it’s really Tuesday the 20th but points for finding a gif with the battle rap chain and 20th on anyway right? Thanks, I’ll get my coat.

Ok, time to close this up and get into straight FIAT face ground mode RIGHT? Let’s get that FIAT and flip that FIAT into something that gives us the ability to exchange that into digital currency so I can buy damn airport coffee in DASH and LITECOIN ftw, boy is ready for our digital currency revolution! :)

Ok, let’s go! :)

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Da Mouser,


What the hell did I just read? (Twice) it was like verbal diarrhoea but in a nice way. Still a bit confused but hey, isle of dogs gets a mention so ^5 for that.

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