Dear @Dayleeo // 15th November 2k18 // well, here comes thursday then :)

in #dear-dayleeo6 years ago

Well, interesting start to the day, I got up, checked my hand/wrist situation, still hurts but I’m still able to use in regardless, pushed through swapped out the cassette toilet, replaced my water, peeled some mushrooms, made coffee and started to write to you and it’s 11am — not sure why at the moment but I just can’t get that early morning start, just listening to my body I guess.

Seems me and the client are in sync thou so that’s good, I wanna get the last bits of audio scripts done today, maybe an hour or so and then I can crack on with the recording of them Saturday afternoon and sunday before the rollover, just stepping through, I know I have to get these domains and email accounts resolved today as well, I’ve got a few days but I want to get it finally sorted and switched over.

It’s crazy that you have big snow storms coming in, seems like you and ya dad are prepared for it thou so I’m pleased about that, hope your mum has battened down the hatches too and she has supplies in, you’ve got a bunch of supplies in too right?

Hahaha, you have a creeping smile or a creepy smile that’s creeping? Awww, your a love but I know what you mean, it’s easy to relive out those real world reminder memories of good times and 14 SBD highs, we’ve actually packed a lot into our excursions every time you’ve managed to get over here.

Still gutted of course that the year did not pan out like we both wished it would but you just gotta take it on the chin and eeek it out as best you can, the world around us is rapidly changing, we know that, it’s about speeding up to try and match the adaption which can be incredibly hard when all the parts are moving too.

Glad we got the podcast done, I’ve pushed it to anchor but I need to do the other stuff at some point today, I wanna do my pots first and eat breakfast, it’s like 11am and I’ve still not had my breakfast yet, just water and coffee, I’m in major catchup mode at the moment but I’ll get there, yes, yes I will :)

Yeah back to podcasting face to face, with drinks and snacks, maybe a tapas and cheese style board situation as well, maybe some topics or keywords put in golden envelopes in a toast server to pick out as we are doing it, I can imagine that shot and how it looks actually, I’m always trying to frame experiences that make memories more solid, again, waypoints!

Yeah I enjoyed the book nights too, it’s crazy how we have this sync for cosy times, I mean we would still get all our work done but then slip into some cosy evening wind down mode often complimented with port and stilton or hot chocolate, trust us to always be able to make that work eh.

I think I’m gonna take a walk after I write you, skip breakfast and go straight to lunch, get money out so I have physical fiat on me (hate that but hey gotta for transportation) and eat my lunch on the way back, grab the pots, do them and then have my omelette later on tonight — I’ve peeled a bunch of mushrooms and I have tomatoes to throw in there, maybe I’ll get some chorizo to throw in there as well.

Think that’s it really biza for me — domains, emails, vlogs and video stuff, with some creative animation making, gotta take it easy on my hand pain today, may take some tablets for that actually to take the edge of the pain, I don’t think I have ‘too much’ on the schedule today and I think we can fit in another podcast today as well depending on how manic things are there and how good the connection is and such like.

Btw, other than my hand and stuff I’m actually feeling pretty good, focused up, knowing what needs to be done, stepping through each little task one by one instead of having a panic and looking at everything with concern, i’ve still got time for the month ahead…

. ..and actually I think we can both have a super productive december instead of it being that countdown panic it usual is — I’m totally gonna treat it differently because I know that January will be really upbeat transforming energy — fresh starts, sales and infrastructure building for the year and that’s exciting! :)

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Da Mouser,


Morning my loves! Take it easy on yourself and that hand especially today glad you’re feeling good and you’ve got an attack plan lots to do this side too hopefully I can start early and quit early in case I need to start shoveling I’m all set will check on mom and grandma too♥️

great, all good! :) yeah just stepping through this side! :)

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