Dear @Dayleeo // 13th December 2k18 // we got a fast car, is it fast enough to get us outta here, maybe we can make a deal? :)

in #dear-dayleeo6 years ago

Oooooo, star made eh. Ok, I see you, I’ll write out my reply to you with this moody track playing — shipping docks, early morning, star date 2045, mass extinction events have not taken hold globally, the blueprint plans for what appears to be a time tunnel have been discovered the tokamak fusion generators worked, we have been living on the power of a million suns for well over twenty years now, the problem is they seem to be generating some unknown frequency range, then it happened, the ORB arrived, with what looked like a very dodgy shaft of photoshop work of a light source above it.

. .. we entered the race.

HEY BIZA. Morning! :)

Yep, here i am, another day, another dollar, bit by bit, day by day, INCH by INCH, we enter the thursday to see what it holds for us, I’ve got the eggs and toast inside of me and all the supplements are going in too right now, back to back to back — happy to be here, showing up on the daily, ready to step into the race and see what the internet has for me today to work on and if the digital faucets are all dry I’ll work on something of my own for myself, because I can do that! :)

The podcast seems to have a regular listening base, already have double figure plays and it’s ticking along nicely, I’m sure people just gorge on it and have it on in the background, finding out, digging deep, wanting to know all the in’s and out’s of the WHY and the WHAT, or maybe it’s training some AI somewhere, who cares, it’s all fucked anyway. .

.’s time to hit THE ROAD and start practicing our archery on a daily basis with an afternoon session with the 50 cal at the gun club, you just gotta get ya eye in and feel the thud of the kickback on that badboy — bet you never knew your boy could strip an SA80, it’s a shitty sticking gun (the l85 is better) — I trained on them in the marine cadets a long long time ago, oh and LMG’s and Enfields - that bolt action baby!

Looks like my video two was cleared, they sent me another for today which is awesome, stepping through internet, that’s only an hour job but I was mentally geared up for that today, all these little jobs add up even if they are weirdly timed, I’ll probably be the only one around over Christmas to pick up the slack, I presume they have a lot of different people so I’m pleased I’ve become one of the app regulars — can’t wait to see the app actually ;)

Yeah I guess I do ‘carve’ out spaces, I feel I guess that you have to make spaces to work in because the overall can be overwhelming, it’s from a place of care rather than control you know? Self care and group think, I guess that’s why I liked the four views on blab — crazy days blab where everyone was just wanting to CONNECT with another human being, kinda nutty how that all turned out across the board!

Listen at the end of the day as long as you got the meal prep done then it just means your adapting to the environment around you which has changed into a little bit of a spring in these last weeks of the year, that’s fine, you’ll be able to go to the fridge and get your food and reheat and jobs a good un, meal prepped and ready to go — automatic pilot when you have a bunch of other things going on can be handy, I know you like to be PRESENT while your in in meal prep but sometimes it’s just gonna be a FUNCTION of a need and requirement, plus it’s not like your not gonna enjoy the fruits of that labour in the next week anyway.

Things cost, life costs, but the way I ‘see’ it you will have paid for them for the year, time to break that down for the cost per year and realise that you have to have them if you wanna see so that’s just the way it is, might as well just get all that stuff done while you can while you are there, sure the clients might go quiet, but I’ll help you in January with the ebooks, skillshare, udemy, whatever way you wanna go with that. ..

. ..I think if you wanna come in on the skillshare or udemy stuff too, making videos with me then we could share the profits of that udemy course at least, adding to the skillshare a little bit with your perspective — maybe once you see that additional income stream you might be like ‘I want more of that’ when you see how it can be on relative freeplay, with promotion it could be wild with the right course.

Yeah that new @productsense logo looked fire, nice work, happy to late night collaboration mode on ‘stick a barcode on it!’ Hahaha - glad you took another look at it, came out good, I think it’s a good refresh on top of making sure we have the branding etc done for it, I’d love to build an enclave/wordpress website for it so it can be a real eco / sustainability blog on the steem blockchain, maybe we can use the @productsense account for that, might be helpful for earning HUNT tokens too ;)

Yeah I’ve gotta record my video straight after this for today, it’s gonna be easy to describe the perfect day but it’s not gonna be easy to like focus on just ONE DAY because their are so many perfect days you can have in your life right? But I think I know what mine is because it involves you and poppet, side by side, getting all the hugs, feeling all the love together — it’s certainly a happy place feeling, I’ve had it a few times before but I think the one I describe today would be awesome.

As you know, I don’t edit, I don’t re-record, people will always judge you because of the way we have become because of ‘the socials’ and I’m not changing for anyone, I’m happy to be ignored anyway, I’m happy inside and that’s all that matters, if those closest to me feel that too that’s awesome, but I ain’t here to tickle anyones unicorn dreams — really chuffed you wanted to take part in it, I know you like video and I know it’s always been a holding back thing — I think a lot of people have it with vlogging, worried if it’s not a masterpiece that in some way they will be vilified for it — I just go back to this, data doubles in size every 48 hrs, in a few days, you’ll just be a distant memory anyway! :)

Glad your yoga is finally what it should be, a pleasure period of the day where you can achieve some level of zen like and open up the body, we can be so cramped up, locked over and hunched over our machines, we gotta get the RADIO TAISO stuff started this year, gotta get the moves down, a 4k camera, the shot locked off and interesting, I’ve got a few plans for how we put that out, I think we can make it happen if we try and do them TWICE a day in the time that you are here, more on that when you get here! :)

the steempeak templates are the shit right? I still have some weird addiction to going to certain pages on steemit, I’ve gotta get used to it not being there, maybe I just need to setup a redirect to push me to steam peak when I put in or something :) — yeah I setup a ‘podcasting’ workspace yesterday and that worked really well, all I have to do is log out of my steem account and jump into the podcasting account and boom we are ready to go, it’s fire.

Hahah, your biza with tea or coffee on deck while your coming out of your blissed out state eh? I’m sure I can cater for that biza, I think we gotta plan a bunch of things around the endings of those exercise periods, traverse the refreshing energy, jump in the car and go and do the big food shop, upgrades activation, podcasting or something similar, we need to decide on ‘go-to’s and stick them on a whiteboard so we have activities on a daily basis to entertain however small.

Ok, this is where I close this diary entry up for today, it’s just turned 10am and I’m sure your gonna be getting up fairly soon, I wanna go and drop the kids at the pool, do some pot washing for a reset, get my workspace all ready to go for my intense hour session for the day and then get into recording for the course stuff, day by day.

I’m actually over christmas already this year before it’s even here, sure I’ll gorge on your fancy food stuffs and enable myself in the new year with discounted useful items for my day to day life if the price is really really right but otherwise I’m totally gapping it, I’m more interested in the newer year energy of the fresh hard reset of 2019, man, next year after that we will be living that 2020 life, where we see things perfectly, how damaged and fucked we have made everything, it’s world make or break time coming up biza, get to the hills, find the offgrid people, learn to live more meekly I say. ..

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Da Mouser,


Loved the gif vibes this AM feelin it for sure. Thank you for being there, for grounding me and always cheering me on. I've got you to thank for a lot of the happiness in my life mouse.

I love you <3

absolutely, of course. why would i not, that's what you do when you want someone to succeed in life that shows you the same respect and compassion back.


you're da best arounddddd mouse ;D

yes mam! :) doing my best.

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