Dear @Dayleeo // 30th September 2k18 // hello sunday my old friend, weeks blasting huh? :)

in #dear-dayleeo6 years ago

yo yo yo :)

good morning to you biza connect, it’s your other half here from across the pond, another sunday here on planet earth, remember to enjoy each and everyday and understand how eternally love you are by many, including cranky dogs that eventually come around to your ways.

Glad we got some farm time in even if it hit me like a rock just how tired I was last night, maybe it was all the mental processing of the week and the weekend and maybe it’s that transfer energy that I feel coming on sunday but I’m straight up at the machine and rocking already! :)

kinda glad you are getting a paid working weekend, I know you’ve been on a rollercoaster between locations but you’ve still managed to keep up with the meal prep and even thou that might have got a little frustrating at times, your still doing it and that’s important, scheduling and seeing the results while linear and boring can get you to where you need to be before rebooting and heading in another direction — that will come, spirits and beer will flow and we will have one of our mind meld days.

Just already know what both of us are capable of when we get our heads together, just imagine us with the resources and upgraded technology, we would be both pushing at the edges of that I’m certain — which btw, we need to record @productsense today, are you game?

I slept really well I think, I’ve not checked my Fitbit, I wish it sent me push notifications each morning when I woke up, can’t they do something simply like that instead of me having to go in the app and sync and all that guff. I got straight up and into coffee today, I’ve not eaten yet but I can feel the call of the breakfast eggs behind me, the struggle is real.

Yeah I’m super impressed with the way that the blockchain eventually recovered that whole five day thing was gonna be a bit rough for everyone I think, I’m glad they found a way to patch that until at least everyone has kinda recharged in the background, I feel like the patch is like a time limited multiplier until the usual recharge has been completed — which would not have happened if not for the voting power bug.

yeah you got what you needed to get done sorted, you’ll have days to really hit the ground running, I can feel the energy building, we both need to step it up, and we will. Because that’s what we do when it comes down to the wire. Always have, always will! — I know I’ve got the usual bunch of things to get done today and that screencast correction which I’ll get to work on for early afternoon.

so I’ve got my modding block done, writing to you, vlog and then top 10 and then post all the outstanding products that I’ve found recently to steemhunt, I could go down them day by day but I’m not interested in just being in the top or getting a big payout I’m more interested in having a lot of products on the platform! :) — it’s my bookmarks after all! :)

So yeah pretty focused today, feeling solid, just got the eggs on now and that hot sauce life, empty bins and the usual daily drop of the kids at the pool and then it’s back into the mix right, as per usual, it would make for a perfect rum day today tbh, like hit roll over, celebrate, do some rum shots, get an 80’s movie on, get some healthy treats for bed and chill — just keep ya eyes on that prize biza! :)

Determined to finish out the month strong, laser focus and eyes down this week, but certainly preparing for a good two solid months ahead, things could change very rapidly so we gotta keep focus on that too, build for now, enjoy it later — start of a fresh year, ideally this month that application should be in so you can get here for next year, it’s gonna be a bumpy one that’s for sure but I think we can navigate the gaps.

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Happy sundaes biza.. .

Da Mouser,


Morning morning my darling it’s a dark and chilly one for sure and my YPM (yawns per minute) are pretty high but I’m here and I’m thankful for another day to work together with ya... yeah a rum night would be a perfect one tonight for sure💕

oooo baby, warm rum nights in the van. living.

i mean, does it get any better?? ;D

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