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RE: Banning Clapping or the Deaf? WTF?!

in #deaf6 years ago

BTW just wanting to post some clarification real fast.

Doing the "Jazz Hands" thing is indeed sign language. However it's how you say "Applause". It's not actual applause. Doing Jazz Hands because it's "Sign Language" is no different than abstaining from clapping your hands in favor of repeatedly saying "Clap clap clap clap" verbally.

The more you know. I take issue with people like these SJW's that are trying to be inclusive. Here's the ticker, you try to be super inclusive by including the deaf, but by doing so, you exclude the blind and deaf/blind. You have a blind performer, say Stevie Wonder performing and everyone does jazz hands instead of clapping. Do you think his blind ass is going to perform for that audience again? I sure wouldn't.

I'm deaf, and yeah I'm legally blind without my glasses, but I can still see well enough especially with glasses to know you're clapping, I even clap too. Clapping is inclusive of both the deaf and the blind. Jazz hands is inclusive of the deaf at the exclusion of the blind.

The more you know!

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