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RE: Deaf Awareness Tip of the Day

in #deaf6 years ago

Definitely this. Group discussions are a royal pain in the backside, especially when someone speaks over another and everyone starts just talking at random. I can't follow a conversation and end up just giving up and sticking to myself like a wallflower.


All the same, it's nice having another deaf guy around. Hello! ^__^

Hello :)) you ok? Are you in USA?

Yeah, I'm fine, just lonely as per my usual. And yes I'm in the states.

Lonely here too! Welcome...

Even with company it's easy to feel lonely, mostly because of the lack of ability to hold onto conversations too easily with those who can't sign.

Yes true, deaf people feel more lonely and isolated....

Those types of discussions are a pain for everybody except for the people who randomly shout at each other. So, it's a universal problem.

I'm sure they are a pain, it's just more a pain when you can't hear because I have to look at you for lipreading. Otherwise I miss a lot of details.

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