DeHedge Platform for Risk Coverage for Investors of Cryptom currencies.

in #de6 years ago

DeHedge is the decentralised platform for hedging risks for investors in crypto-currency. DeHedge protects investments in ICOs and cryptocurrencies, protecting investors in the event of exchange rate fluctuations, scams or project cancellations.

 DeHedge prepares a fundamentally new and improved infrastructure for the reliable protection of cryptonectors. The main objective of the project is to create a stable decentralized platform to cover the risks of encrypted investors. The project is designed to effectively protect investment in ICO and crypto currency in cases of fraud, exchange rate fluctuations or project liquidation.


Automatic Payment

DeHedge's smart contracts are scheduled to pay automatically in full in the event of a covered event. 

DeHedge uses Ethereum, which is a public block chain. The investor may waive an automatic payment and choose not to make a coverage claim.

Coverage is backed by the coverage reserve

The investor's activation of the hedge coverage is reserved by an intelligent contract, which implies the formation of guarantees for the total coverage of the losses suffered by the investor. 

The investor has the ability to track the volume of compensation booked at any time through blockchain technology.

For ICO Investors

Security of your investments.

For kryptonite merchants

We protect against exchange rate volatility.

For heads of investment funds

We maintain profitability and attract new investors.

For ICO projects

We help attract investors and protect against post-listing pumping and emptying schemes.

For ICO operations premises

We help attract large investments in a project.

For Mining Farm Vendors

We protect against exchange rate volatility.


Step 1: Investments and coverage

An investor buys ICO A chips and checks to see if the ICO is covered and qualified at If the ICO is rated at DeHedge, the investor buys a necessary number of DeHedge tokens at their exchange rate and uses them to pay for hedging coverage. The price is calculated automatically.


Step 2: Automatic Payment

In the event of a covered event, DeHedge pays automatically. DeHedge allows covered users to customize their payment settings.


Its main objective is the implementation of tools to cover the crypto-currency market and the initial marketing of project tokens. For the DeHedge team, the hedging policy is a very effective strategy to protect against fluctuations in symbolic rates and cryptographic currencies. The way to reduce the investment risk, to a certain extent, also reduces its profitability by the amount of the coverage premium. The provisions given are defined below.


Hedging operations in exchanges.

Wallet coverage.

Hedging of currency fluctuation risks for mine farm buyers.

Coverage of lost profits for the miners.

Mining equipment coverage. The entry of new products into the DeHedge platform will increase the demand for DHT tokens, which in turn will increase the cost of the token.

Route Map

Q2 / 2017

Training of the Investment Research team and the Data Science department.

Start of development of a scoring model.

Q3 / 2017

Test the scoring model.

Q4 / 2017

Development of a platform to hedge the risks of investors in ICO projects.

Start of the work of the investment committee (formation of a collegiate investment committee of experts).

Q1 / 2018

Launch of the Beta version of the platform.

Proof of ICO coverage.

Launch of the investor's Personal Account under the DeHedge ICO.

Completion of registration procedures in accordance with US legislation (Regulation D) for the sale of chips in the United States to qualified US investors.

Development of a platform for covering tokens in the secondary market.

Pre-sale Private / Public.

Establishment of partnerships with pooled underwriting funds and liquidity providers.

Itinerant show.

Q2 / 2018

Testing of the platform for symbolic coverage in the secondary market.

Calibration of the existing scoring model.

Itinerant show.

ICO Main Sale.

Licensing of an operating company for the core business - financial services.

Launch of the token coverage platform in the secondary market.

Training of the secondary market risk management system.

Desktop test options on a real market risk portfolio with the development of a dynamic hedging strategy for DH risk.

Building front-to-back business processes.

Launch of a trial analytical coverage of ICOs and significant events affecting the dynamics and cost of cryptographic assets (available to a limited number of subscribers).

Creating cross-cutting, end-to-end business processes to integrate investment research and scoring into DH's risk management system.

Formation of alliances with mining companies.

Launch of subscription and consulting services.

Q3 / 2018

Launch of the DeHedge research portal.

Launch of a product to hedge the risks of mining buyers against exchange rate fluctuations.

Completion of front-to-back business process automation.

Publication in the investor's Personal Account of the first set of tools available for coverage with DHTs.

Launch of the Telegram chat-bot platform.

Q4 / 2018

Launch of the coverage of alternative block chains.

Start of IA development for project scoring.

Launch of a mobile platform application.

Registration of additional legal entities in the DeHedge group of companies for the purpose of escalation of operations.

Publication of periodic investment research materials for a wide range of investors.

Q1 / 2019

Start of development of a derivatives trading website (based on the investment committee's decision in the event of a shortage of instruments and toolkits on the main platform needed to meet the needs of the platform's users).

AI scoring tests.

Q2 / 2019

Launch of the AI score.

Development of a beta version of the derivatives platform with full functionality for hedging positions.

Q3 / 2019

Launch of a derivatives platform with full functionality for hedging positions.


 By token and ICO:

Start ICO: in April 2018.

Distribution of tokens:

80% of the tokens are assigned to the ICO.

15% of the tokens are provided to the project team.

2% is for the reward program.

2% are assigned to advisors.

1% - for marketing tasks.

Token Designation: DHT

Total number of tokens launched: 109,090,900 DHT

Minimum Rate: 10,000,000 USD

Token price: 1 DHT = 0.020625 USD.


Mikhail Chernov Founder & CEO

Bogdan Leonov Co-founder and CCO

Dmitry Ansimov Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer

Mark Feldman Chief Investment Officer

Vasilii Artemev Technical Director

Ilya Makhnachev Senior Trader

Maria Andrianova Director of Legal Affairs

Roman Bruskov Editor-in-Chief

Minh Duong Financial Analyst

Frederic Moulinou Financial Analyst

Angie Mingazova International Relations Liaison

Kamil Vildanov Marketing Manager

Danil Lakhomov Digital Marketing Manager

Anton Repnikov Director of Public Relations

Evgeny Novikov Financial Analyst


Yunus Zaytaev Software Engineer

Rafael Bogaveev Software Engineer


Jack Hunter Advisor

Simon Cocking Advisor

Taras Yakovenko Advisor

Minck Vos DeHedge Ambassador in Amsterdam

Important Links

Web site:

White Paper:







bitcointalk user: Criptosistemas                                                                 


Myetherwallet: 0x10aF61e98fB8264d9dc653a32D60319591B303bf 


DeHedge has a large number of roles to play in the current market for token sales and purchases. DeHedge will function as a company that serves as a hedge provider, insurer, hedge fund and marketer. In the classical securities market, these transactions are usually carried out by several participants.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 58049.95
ETH 3128.51
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.21