第一篇Dclick帖子|The first Dclick post

in #dclick5 years ago

This is my first Dclick post, I must post something positive & energetic, so I found these three photos at the end.

I brought the guests to the Shamian again on last weekend. This is the first time I got to this place by taking a boat. I got off at the Huangsha Wharf and was close to the aquatic market, which I felt kind of arrival at the harbor to enter the fishing village, there seemed to be more vendors on the bridge today so it was inconvenient to take pictures.

Sorry, I ran off the subject ~ 😂😂😄 Let's get back to the topic!
今天想说沙面教堂,刚好碰到一个教会课程时间,大家颇有仪式地穿过一道小门进入教堂,我本以为有神父在场,不料,现场只是播放着庄严的音乐。 我们坐下来并翻阅了放在座位上的圣经,这是一个关于教会内容的讲解。
Today, I want to talk about the Shamian church, it's just a church time, everyone had a ceremonial walk through a small door to entered the church. I thought there was a priest present, unexpectedly, they were just playing some solemn music. We sat down and flipped through the Bible on the seat, this was an explanation about the content of the church.

I'm not Catholic, I have respect for the sacred things. No matter it is the Buddhist scriptures or the Bible for me, it is always a great wisdom to interpret life and make a man good.

Even we talk about "study hard and make progress every day" in today's class, it's also a spirit of maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude towards life. The so-called religious beliefs, I think it should be, kind of reading that people should have when facing to life. This kind of idea is not born or existed before we believe in religion, but we try to make it become YES in the process of faith, which will make us ourselves become rich in mind.

@abcallen What do you think?🤔🤔

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