
I forgot to add to the text (though it's now on the Dbooks post) that the image credits are in the Prologue of the book!

You just planted 0.17 tree(s)!

Thanks to @viking-ventures

We have planted already 3734.75 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 25691.22
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

Great advice! Although it is frustrating for me not getting too many upvotes for all the effort I put in, my motivation for joining Steemit was to share with other like-minded people. If I keep that in mind then I really enjoy my time here. For those just chasing the buck it really can be frustrating

Me too! I've spent countless hours over the years on my writing. People seem to love it - both my fiction and non-fiction alike, but it doesn't translate into big votes very often.

However, until I find someone who wants to help me publish my stuff as it is (I straddle too many genres and write in an unpopular length) or someone to market it for me with self-publishing, it's going to remain at this level - at least I'm getting something for it now.

Thank @viking-ventures at least that encourages me. I also love writing but cover such diverse and varying subjects that for now this is enough for me. But I'm enjoying following you ;)

That's one of the reasons I decided to turn this series into a book form... People sometimes limit themselves too much when they come onto Steemit. The beauty of this platform is that you don't have to do that! Write what you want, when you want. :-)

These are early days for me. I've only been on for about 2 months. Still learning. But it is certainly a great platform. As long as you find your type of people

Agree to not asking for an upvote. A bit weird when people, sharing nothing in common and with zero interest in your work, contact you with upvote for upvote'' suggestions. Kinda makes you don't want to go to chatrooms.
My old friend once told me 'good things don't happen fast' so, slowly but steady is the way to go I guess. Great article, thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Thanks for visiting/commenting.
I feel the same way... I've stopped posting in most of the FB groups now because I inevitably get the upvote for upvote request. I'm thinking, "Dude! You don't have enough VP to give me even 0.01 because you're spreading it around so thinly!" I just reply politely that I don't have enough VP to offer that, but if they leave a meaningful comment, I'll check them out. I think they've followed up on that once now. (And that time, I ended up reporting them to Steemcleaners for their plagiarized content!)

Sheesh, the nerve on these people. At least they would make their own content instead of just taking someone's work!

Yeah, then there are the fake followers - people who follow everyone so that they can get attention to their stream of YouTube videos - none of them theirs, of course. But since YouTube is there to share, no one can/will stop them. (I've asked/tried... especially when one was making it look like it was all their work.)

Thankfully, most of those types get bored fairly quickly and leave.

Just further proof that people want everything and they want it now :/

Another interesting article. Well done!

"Quality is more important than quantity no matter what!"

Yes, I have realised this is the case here. I also agree with your posting habits. I tend to limit myself to a maximum of 3 posts a day for a number of reasons:

  1. I don't want to post for the sake of posting;
  2. I don't want to exhaust my posting ideas quicker than they arrive;
  3. I don't want to overload other people's feeds with constant posting; no one likes to be spammed;
  4. If we post too much, we'll deplete our followers voting power very fast.

It's all about finding a good balance.

So far, posting once or twice per day, at least 5 times a week, has been working fine for me. This way, I am managing to keep my Voting Power above 85% at all times... and I don't tire other people with too much posts.

Keep up with the good work.

Glad you're enjoying it! I admit to taking a quick break this morning so that I could share some artwork instead. I normally schedule two posts a day right now - with the occasional #3 for the odd contest - like today, I'll have three to get the Pay-it-Forward entry done.

I had to reduce my autovotes last week so that I could recover my VP. But Pay-it-Forward day always depletes it a bit - especially when I find posts that are really good, but either they have too high a rep to qualify or they don't have enough text. (I've got several bloggers on my "watch" list for future weeks.) I just try to keep my VP at my full 0.02 - when it drops below that, I limit it to self-votes, the auto-votes, or things I need to upvote in order to post on Discord. It's been a long time since I was at 0 SBD, thankfully!

I saw one person this morning - I even used to follow them. Dozens and dozens of posts every single day - they've designated themselves the news provider of Steemit, I guess. Unsurprisingly, their Rep is 2. (Almost surprised it's positive at all) and they're on at least one blacklist.

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