Why I Don't Talk About Current Events, The Problem With Performative Activism

in #dblog3 months ago

I don't talk about current events for various reasons. The stigma that not talking=not caring is harmful to those who aren't speaking publicly due to safety concerns.

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Disclaimer: This blog is NOT saying you cannot speak on a topic, issue, social justice issue, etc. it’s just pointing out problematic things that are likely discouraging people from joining or pushing them away.

Around the time of the black lives matter protest, I made a blog post about why I don’t talk about things happening. I decided to do a remaster of that blog post.

I feel the stigma that not talking about a topic=not caring is a harmful stigma. Not everyone uses social media or is online a lot. some people I follow are online so little I can count on my fingers how often I see them per week.

Believe it or not, it’s not safe for some people to talk about certain things. A kid on TikTok got doxxed because he didn’t like a singer some people liked. I think he called out something problematic about them, I don’t fully remember. This kid and his family were at risk. A following doesn’t mean the person is bulletproof from these things happening. I’ve seen large creators get swatted or have stalker “fans” show up at their crib. Swatting is calling in a crime ( eg hostage situation) where the SWAT team is sent to the person’s house or something like that. Swatting is dangerous for both the person and the officers.

Its just an example of how merely calling out a public figure is dangerous for some people.

I don’t have the bandwidth for stupid comments. If I share something somewhere more descrit like an IG story, if 5 people harass me. it’s easier to block those 5 people than to be on a blocking spree if a post reaches beyond my space. Some people will be divided on a topic.

back in 2015, someone called me a stupid bitch because I said something about Trump they didn’t like. I don’t have to bandwidth to go on a blocking spree.

On TikTok, someone sent their friends to harass me (allegedly) because I called out trolls on how clownish they are watching content from someone they don’t like.

Or I got harassed for telling trolls they are going to see my content more watching it, and if I bother them that much, block me and move on.

In case the person who started the harassment did not send the others after me.

Just because someone is not publicly stating what they are doing for said cause doesn’t make them a bad person. Again it may not be safe for them to be public about something. Maybe they have a private account/group simply to make it easier to keep up with things. Some people try to get others fired from their jobs because of it. It’s one thing if the person is being disrespectful.

The pressure we put on people to keep up with everything going on, while they are juggling life, is crazy.

You’re mad at someone with no power to do anything for “not doing anything” is akin to being mad the trash didn’t take itself out. Or blaming the cashier at Walmart for a store rule you don’t like. Shaming people for being upset their cat died because people have it worse, is akin to shaming someone for saying they are cold and turning on the heat because there are people who don’t have a warm house.

The people you’re angry at for “looking away” “ignoring X” and “being silent” what the hell do you expect them to do to stop said issue? The only one that can stop it, is the person firing the gun, etc. Again, just because your “evil” friend is not public doesn’t mean they don’t care. Some people keep their activism off social media. Stigmas cause harm.

This is not saying you cannot be mad that people are dying, I am saying you are mad at the wrong person. Why are you mad at everyday people but not your elected officials? None of the regular people you are mad at can do a damn thing to stop people from dying. When folks are mad at them for not doing anything, it comes off to me as if you think they can do something, but are choosing to not do anything.

I feel as though they put it on the same line as bullying in schools because people turn a blind eye, ignore bullying, and pretend it’s not a problem. How many kids have to commit suicide before schools start caring about bullying? The principal can stop it by issuing suspensions/expulsions Someone sees a kid getting bullied and does nothing to stop it. One person stepping in or telling the principal makes a difference. Every day people can not stop bad things happening on the other side of the globe.

When I was in the 5th grade, this kid verbally bullied me. No one did anything. It took a teacher being aware the kid picked on me, the social worker and it getting to the principal for him to leave me alone because the kids decided to act like nothing was happening. They could have stopped it. Even if they told the bus driver (this happened on the bus) and the driver threatened to write him up if he didn’t stop.

~this is from my substack

This is a paid post as substack allows me to provide exclusive content to readers. This summary is what free members will see to give them a teaser.

If I am doing something wrong, PLEASE TELL ME.

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