Islamic salafiyah media, ahlussunnah wal jama, ah

in #dawah7 years ago (edited)

task mission by ustadz Abu isma'il Muslim Inter alia-atsari invite people to the religion of God is one of worship great, benefits concerning the others. even preaching to the religion of God is the words of the most well. God Azza WhatsApp jalla says ومن أحسن قولا ممن دعآ إلى الله وعمل صالحا وقال إننى من المسلمين "who is a better word than people who called on to God, do charity Salih and said:" the real I including people surrender oneself ". [fushshilat: 33]. da'wah invite to the religion of God is the duty of the prophets, then suffice it as a glory that preachers carry the task of the prophets. God Azza WhatsApp jalla ordered his Messenger to say, mission is the way he, with his word: قل هذه سبيلي أدعوا إلى الله على بصيرة أنا ومن اتبعني وسبحان الله و مآ أنا من المشركين" let's say: "this is my path (my religion). I and the people who followed invite (you) to God with hujjah real (science and beliefs). glory God, and i'm not including the people who Pagan". [Yusuf: 108]. because mission is worship, it should be done with the sincerity and follow the Sunnah Prophet. as understandably, two cases it is the terms of receipt of worship. sincere in mission a preachers have to purify the intention to bring the religious God, solely for ridhanya, not invited to himself, group, or opinion and his thoughts. also not with the intention to collect treasure, grabbed office, looking for voice, or purpose other world. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi WhatsApp sallam said: إن الله لا يقبل من العمل إلا ما كان له خالصا وابتغي به وجهه "Allah will not receive of all types of practice except pure (single) for him and to find his face. [HR NASA-I, no. 3140. see genealogy ash shahihah, no. 52; ahkamul janaiz, HLM. 63]. therefore, God K ordered the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi WhatsApp sallam to say, that he sallallaahu 'alaihi WhatsApp sallam not ask for wages in delivering Inter alia quran to them. God Azza WhatsApp jalla says قل لآ أسئلكم عليه أجرا إن هو إلا ذكرى للعالمين" let's say: "I do not ask for wages to you in the present (Inter alia quran)". Inter alia qur`an it's not the other is just a warning to all the people. "[Inter alia an'am: 90]. because, if he sallallaahu' alaihi WhatsApp sallam ask wages, then it will cause people become mind and away. Shaikh Abdurrahman bin Nasir US sa'di T said in a commentary:" ie: I did not ask for tax or property of you as a wage tablighku and dakwahku to you; because it would be the causes of rejection of you. it is not upahku, unless dependents God ". [taisir karimir Rahman, letter Inter alia an'am: 90]. in other verses God Azza WhatsApp jalla says أم تسئلهم أجرا فهم من مغرم مثقلون" or do you ask wages to them so they burdened with debt ". [ATH Thur: 40]. mission with without the wages, it is evidence truth da'wah it. God Azza WhatsApp jalla tells the three his Messenger sent together, and everything is denied by their families. next: وجآء من أقصا المدينة رجل يسعى قال يا قوم اتبعوا المرسلين اتبعوا من لا يسئلكم أجرا وهم مهتدون" and came to a man of the end of the city with hurry, he said: "Hi my people take the messengers that, follow the people who do not ask for wages (reply) to you, and they are the people who gets the instructions". [Yasin: 20-21]. prophets ancient also not ask for wages to their families. God Azza WhatsApp jalla proclaim that Noah, Prophet HUD, Prophet Salih, Prophet Luth, Prophet Shoaib -'alaihimus salam- said to his people each: ومآ أسئلكم عليه من أجر إن أجري إلا على رب العالمين  "and I never ask for wages to you on a call-call it; upahku not the other is from Rabb universe". [asy syu'ara 'paragraph 109, 127, 145, 164, 180]. then phenomenon in this age, which is part of "mubaligh" make rates for tablighnya, is the case that menyelisihi syari'at. most there are installing rates for lecture in the city is close to USD. 500.000,00 every hour. if together group music (tambourine!) rate increased to 1.500.000,00. farther place intended to lecture, the higher the same rate! if delivered by mubaligh it is the truth, then put rates in the mission was an error, especially if delivered in talks it turns out tales, jokes and songs flavored with the advice of religion, then it is kemungkaran, although called by the name of a beautiful. because it is contrary to the way the prophets in preaching. However, if one preaching correctly and sincere, then he was given a treasure, while he did not expect and asked him, the goal is just preaching, whether he get the treasure or not, then -insya allah- accept not why. Umar Radi' anhu said: كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يعطيني العطاء فأقول أعطه من هو أفقر إليه مني فقال خذه إذا جاءك من هذا المال شيء وأنت غير مشرف ولا سائل فخذه وما لا فلا تتبعه نفسك "first Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi WhatsApp sallam give giving me, and then I said:" give to the poorer daripadaku, "then he sallallaahu' alaihi WhatsApp sallam said," take it! if come to you something from this treasure, while you do not pay attention (ie expect, pen) and do not ask, then pick it! and that is not, then you must not follow the Eve-deceiving to it! "[HR Bukhari, no. 14734].
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