Application to become a DaVinci Translator (for Slovenian)

in #davinci-application7 years ago (edited)


My name is Ned and I was born and raised in Slovenia. I'm a computer programmer by profession, however I spent more than 15 years of my career working as a full-time English-Slovenian translator and proofreader. Now I work as a freelancer and I devote almost half of my time for translation and proofreading work. I would like to work as a translator with DaVinci team and Utopian because the classic freelance platforms are mostly unpersonal, and the clients can be very demanding regarding the delivery times and this can be very stressful. Also, I like open source projects very much. Slovenian is my mother tongue and I deal with English and Slovenian materials on a daily basis. I'm very well acquainted with all the grammatical rules and trends, and always strive for a most natural sounding translations. I have already translated in Utopian in the past, both in Crowdin and GitHub. For example, I have translated and proofread the user interface for and the documentation for espoCRM.

Ime mi je Ned in sem se rodil in odraščal v Sloveniji. Po poklicu sem računalniški programer, vendar sem več kot 15 let svoje kariere delal polni čas kot prevajalec in lektor iz angleščine v slovenščino. Trenutno delam kot freelancer in skoraj polovico svojega časa namenjam prevajalskemu in lektorskemu delu. Rad bi delal kot prevajalec skupaj z DaVinci timom in utopianom, zato ker so klasične freelenserske platforme večinoma neosebne in utegnejo stranke biti zelo zahtevne, kar se tiče roka dostave gradiva, vse to pa je lahko zelo stresno. Poleg tega imam zelo rad odprtokodne projekte. Slovenščina je moj materni jezik in vsak dan imam opravka z angleščino ter slovenščino. Zelo dobro sem seznanjen z vsemi slovničnimi pravili in trendi ter si vedno prizadevam narediti prevod, ki bo zvenel karseda naravno. V preteklosti sem že prevajal za Utopian, tako v Crowdinu kot GitHubu. Na primer, prevedel in zlektoriral sem uporabniški vmesnik za in dokumentacijo za espoCRM.

My previous work on Utopian:
At the time when I worked on Utopian, I couldn't use UI translation/proofreading as a contribution.
On crowdin I have still open some projects that I would like to work on (Minecolonies, Dollar Street)

You can hear my voice here:


Hi @nedy nice name... Was reading the announcement this morning about this.

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