How to Meet and Attract Women using Super Psychology

in #dating3 years ago


Chase and they will run, run and they will chase.

Psychologists have proven in studies that when a woman meets a man, she basically makes up her mind about him in the first 30 to 60 seconds !

What I mean by “makes up her mind about him” is that she places ALL men in a few different categories within those first few seconds.

When a woman first meets a guy, she is subconsciously thinking he is :

  1. Just friends
  2. Possible mating partner
  3. Possible life mate and co-parent

All of the men a woman meets in her life go into one of these categories, and not by a logical process, but rather by an emotional gut instinct (what we call biological “attraction triggers“).

This 60 second stuff is pretty unfair to men, ……..and really, to the women who do this to men. They will probably miss a lot of wonderful men in their lives.

But this is just how the world IS, and so we will just have to accept the facts, and we will just have to become better communicators as men.

Remember the quote from that movie goes “we are a generation of men raised by women”.

Its true. Lets re-hash a little from the last chapter. Most of us were trained by our mothers to be perfect little gentlemen. Docile little polite boys and “nice guys“, which entirely goes against what women instinctively search for in a mate.

They instinctively want the bad-boy type because he’s different.

Actually, they don’t want a “bad boy“, but a man who is an Alpha Male type. Bad boys and jerks just come closer to this ideal, than do the docile well-mannered guys.

Alpha males are in such short supply, women don’t know the difference between an bad boy and an Alpha.

Yes, they want a docile type as a husband or life mate later down the road, but that docile part comes much later in the relationship when they are seeking a good parent-partner with whom she can raise a child.

What must really come first and what builds the initial attraction, (often called “chemistry“), is a series of emotionally based on “triggers” which activate ‘attraction’ feelings within the woman, so she is physically attracted to a man.

Before a woman gets together with a guy, these triggers have to be hit, switched on, sparked or activated.

Even after hooking up and having sex with a woman, most PUAs will still act like an independent Alpha, and keep her triggers lit up and firing… if they want to keep the woman around for a while. If they don’t want to continue the relationship, then they just start exhibiting Wimp traits until the woman breaks up with them ! Either way, they are in control of the relationship the entire time, because they understand the dynamics and principles behind attraction.

Some girls just always need an Alpha type, or otherwise they lose interest and the guy stops becoming “a challenge“.

When a woman knows she has a guy wrapped around her little finger, and he supplicates to her, she loses interest because she has won. The game is over. There’s no more fun in it for her. No more chase. She’s the Alpha now.

This is powerful stuff to remember when trying to maintain a current relationship. There are many married couples that complain that the “spark isn’t there anymore”.

Well what do you think they are talking about ? They are talking about THIS very thing !!

If you do find yourself in a relationship you want to keep, then remember, relationships are like going fishing. Yes, you want to hook a good one, and you want the fun of the ‘fight’ with the fish, but the fun is all over when you’ve ‘landed’ it. If you want the fun to remain, the challenge must remain too.

In relationships, to keep the spark lit, it’s the day to day playfulness and teasing, and other things like that, which makes things fun with that person.

There doesn’t really seem to be a consensus out there about when it is o.k. to ‘soften up‘ on someone. This is mainly because there are different types of women who have to be treated differently. We will get more into the 4 different types of women and how to treat them, a little bit later.

But the one true thing of ALL types of women is that when men act submissive, eager-to-please, and weak, NONE of the essential attraction triggers are activated, and that puts us into what is know as the “friend” category (LJBF, or ‘Lets just be friends‘), OR it spells the end of the relationship.

And believe it or not, they put us guys in that friend category in the first 60 seconds of meeting us if we don’t exhibit Alpha male traits and spark some interest in them.

So, it just makes sense that we need to really concentrate on perfecting those first 60 seconds of a meeting, otherwise we risk being placed in the LJBF group, or even the second group - the “potential husband group” (PHG).

This second “PHG” group is also one that we do not want to belong to, because when those triggers are activated, her an “ideal husband checklist” pops up, and that is another bad, (and expensive) place to be, because that means we have to start being “romantic“, and doing what society has conditioned her to expect as proper “courting behavior“, i.e., - that the guy should start spending all of his money on her, and that of course involves dating, flowers, dinners, and shiny expensive things often found in malls.

I am going to repeat this from earlier because it is an easy rule to bend if not outright break :

Money is not needed to get a women’s interest. And in fact, it can actually hurt you, because :

When a women knows she has “won” you - to the point that you are spending a lot of money on her, she feels she has effectively “won the game“, and you are not a challenge to her, and she will lose interest in you, and possibly drop you like the weak chump she perceives you to be.

It can be summed up as kind of a power play. When you act like an average chump, she knows she has all the power over you. You’re a puppy on a leash to her. Sure, you may be cute and cuddly, but there is no longer any challenge in it for her. None of her attraction triggers are activated. When you act like an Alpha Male, she has no power over you, and she must feel like she has to win you, everyday !

Now that’s a challenge for her, and her attraction triggers are lit up like Times Square !

We have used this word Alpha male quite a bit so far.
So, what is an Alpha Male and how can we be one ?
Good question !

Everyone has their own definition. But foremost, everyone can agree that an Alpha Male is, above all, confident in himself.

He is opinionated, decisive, proud, fun, exciting, and makes no excuses. He is born the way he is, and makes no attempt to be anything different.

He does not try to appease anyone or anything. He’s just himself. He kisses no one’s ass, and doesn’t supplicate to anyone, especially to a woman. He is comfortable being himself, and has bulletproof self confidence. He is a leader, not a follower of anyone or any thing. He stands out.

This, by the way, is why ‘peacocking’ works so well for some guys. Peacocking is simply wearing something outrageous, like a funny looking hat, jacket, feather boa, tattoos or piercings. This is done by some guys (if its their personal style) so that they stand out in a crowd. To other guys it looks pretty stupid and dorky, but to a woman it screams “Ooohhhhh! look at him ! - he’s soooo different and interesting”. We will talk more about dressing and peacocking at the end of the book. We have more important material to cover first. Just remember, if you wear something out of the ordinary, and another guy calls you a dork, it just means the women are going to go wild for you.

Let me get back to the power issue involved with this Alpha Male stuff. Women want to give a man all the power. She knows that with power comes responsibility. It’s easier that way for her to have somebody else to blame if something screws up. But she won’t give power and decisions to a wimp. She will gladly give it to an Alpha Male. He is a decisive leader. Most women instinctively like to be followers. Women like to be taken care of - Protected.
Remember ?

Women also tend to like maintaining an illusion of power without having any of the actual responsibility. Men are easy scapegoats if they let themselves be. I think the only time a woman likes a weak man around is when he makes himself an easy target for blame that should really lie with both of them.

An Alpha never tolerates abuse or misbehavior from a woman. Physically or mentally.

In the movie “As Good As It Gets” with Jack Nicholson, Nicholson plays a lonely misanthropic writer who writes romance novels. In one scene, he is at his publisher’s office, when a lady fan comes up to him and asks him “how do you understand and ‘write’ women so well ?” He turns to her and says “I think of a man, then I take away any responsibility or accountability”. [sic]

Women are women, and they know it. They like being women and they act like it.

Women know they can get any wimp out there to give them all 3 basic necessities of life. If you could do the same thing and get away with it, wouldn’t you use it for all it was worth ? Sure you would. I’m not a misogynist - I love women, but they know they have the goods, and they know that most men are chumps who can be misused and manipulated into giving them nice things.

They know that 95% of men will kiss their ass and supplicate to them for a chance to “get lucky“. God I hate that term. It does not belong in a REAL man’s vocabulary. A man does not “get lucky“. The woman does. When you start gaining confidence and have success after success under your belt, one of the most fun things to do is turn down sex from a woman just to see the look on her face. I will never forget the first time I did that, and it drove her absolutely crazy. She wanted me more than ever then. Look at the quote at beginning of the module : Follow and they will run, Run and they will follow. Women are SO used to getting what they want from men that if you tell them “No”, they take it as a personal challenge and will go into full-blown Hot Pursuit until they get a “yes“. I’m not kidding. They turn into stalkers !

An Alpha Male turns that whole line of “getting lucky” way of thinking right around on its’ ass. If a woman wants him, she has to win him, and it is her that gets lucky.

This may sound somewhat chauvinist and misogynistic, but actually, most women prefer it that way. And up until the 1970’s, it was always like that. Women worried a lot about ’getting’ a man. (Well, men really were “men” back then)

How many times have I heard women complain “where are all the Good men ?” Well, ladies, we were here all the time, but we were taught to supplicate to you, and act like wussies. We were taught by everyone in our lives that you women wanted a Gentle man, a “nice guy“. Its not our fault. SOCIETY trained us that way.

When an Alpha comes up to a woman and indicates that he doesn’t give a damn about how good looking they are, or even WHO they are, and the woman realizes she has no power over him, it gets a woman’s attention, Really fast ! And its huge. He just became her challenge.

This is also a basic underlying principle behind “pick-up“.

  • Pick-up is all about power and confidence, or the appearance of it.

The other 2 keys are :

  • Understanding what type of woman you are dealing with is the second key.

  • Effective Communication with that specific type of woman is the third key.

Alright - You’ve been patient so far - here are some key points, some real pearls of wisdom from both the pick up community and the psychologists that may rock your world about women.

They are some basic fundamental principles that can be agreed upon. I‘m just throwing these out as teasers for right now, so you can have a taste of what is to come !

Here are some basic things you need to learn about what hit’s a woman’s attraction triggers and how to stay away from acting like a “Chump” :

*Never act needy. She needs you - you don’t need her. If you Ignore her, she will be attracted to you. If you act attracted to her, she will ignore you. So always act as if there is another one of “her” just around the next corner. Because there is ! This is the essential element to Alpha male mentality. I know it goes against ALL instinct, training, and conventional wisdom. But it works.

  • Never supplicate to a woman. She doesn’t want it. She doesn’t respect it. She wants an independent and confident man that doesn‘t kiss her ass, fawn all over her, supplicate to her, or spend all his money on her. DON‘T spend money on her.

*Never compliment a woman on her physical beauty.
Say she has nice clothes, shoes, etc. . That is o.k. and good, but try not to tell her she is gorgeous or beautiful. She knows it, and by telling her what 99.9% of all guys tell her, you will be put into the “ass-kissing average chump” category in her mind. When you have a relationship later, use beautiful very sparingly.

*Never reward her with something ( a drink, dinner, flowers, etc), before she has done something to earn it. Giving gifts for no reason makes you appear desperate. Women don’t like desperation in a man, and they can smell it a mile away. They need to feel that they need and want YOU, not the other way around. Remember: Ignore to Attract. If this sounds a little drastic, at least don’t treat her like something special.

*Never put up with her misbehavior. Especially nagging or verbal abuse. If this happens, calmly handle the situation, perhaps with an appropriate response like “that’s a negative thing to say”, or “the topic is not up for discussion” Don’t ever engage her in the topic - this lowers you to her level and into an argument.

*Never let her treat you like an ATM. (Don’t ever shower her with gifts for no reason). You are a person, not a commodity.

*Never say your going on “a date” with her. Always say your “meeting” or “doing something together“. The term “dating” triggers her “courtship” checklist.

*Never say you are “just doing nothing” if she calls and asks what you are doing. An Alpha is always doing something important. You are always doing something important. You are a man of action and interest. Even when you are just “relaxing” or watching TV, you are still doing something of importance to YOU. If she asks to meet you, do not say “sure, I can meet you - I wasn’t really doing anything“. God that sounds pathetic. Rather say “well, I was in the middle of something, but I would like to see you, I guess I can spare an hour”. Never act like you have no other life other than being around her and always at her beck and call.

  • Never put up with disrespect. If you were going to do something with her, and she cancels on you at the last minute, (less than a few hours notice) hold her over the fire for it. Remind her that you made time for her in your schedule, and that your time is very valuable.

Some women use these types of things as a kind of an Alpha male “test“. They know an Alpha would never tolerate that kind of behavior. Always keep the idea in your mind that a woman may be testing you at ANY time. These tests are usually just done in order to see how far she can push you, and how fast you’ll cave in. They are “challenges” and she is using them to see if she has “won you” and turned you into that puppy on a leash.

Remember, women want an Alpha. A guy who is independent and values himself, before anyone else.

If she does throw you a “test“, don’t resent it. In fact, appreciate it - it means she thinks very highly of you and may have some big plans in store for you.

These tests are just a way of her sifting through the average chumps out there. You don’t have to love this idea of being tested, just respect the reasoning behind it and always expect it. I think many women do this testing on a subconscious level, and don’t even know that they are doing it.

*Always control the conversation (don’t dominate it, just ‘direct’ it). Let there always be a purpose to the conversation. Write down some quick notes if you need to - just don’t ramble on, at least at first. Also, stay way from excessive texting at first. Always be the first to end the conversation. Time with you should be seen as ’never enough’ for her. Time with you should be special and rare.

  • Until you have had sex with her, you usually never want to talk on the phone for more than 15 minutes. And always excuse yourself and be the first one to hang up. Again, I repeat, Always be the first to end the conversation. Time with you should be seen as ’never enough’ to her. Time with you should be rare and something special.

  • Never be afraid to make the first “move“. Never be afraid to make the 2nd and 3rd move after a reasonable time, even if she refuses the 1st. It is to be expected. She has to put up token resistance or else she will see herself as a ‘slut‘. This is called her ‘Anti-slut defense’ in pick-up community speak. (And of course, NO means NO. Always. We are lovers, not rapists)

As a last thought and some final notes :

I use the word “pick-up” and “pick-up artists” a lot. Although this term is not really applicable in this book, it is perhaps a little better than “meeting women and attracting women artist”.

Most people probably have a negative image or perception about these people and what they do. Most pick-up artists, whatever they may have been in the past, are not sleazy, perverted sex addicts.

They are the masters of social interactions. A pick-up artist sincerely loves women. He is like Casanova ……but he is, above all, a lover of women. It is why he became a ‘pick up’ artist in the first place. He is not insincere, fake, and not always out for just one thing. He never has to outright lie to a woman, or force a woman to do anything she doesn’t already want to do, or make her go against her will, nor does he take her will away.

He is sometimes perhaps the only man in a room that understands her and what she is thinking. He is often the only guy in the room that ‘gets it‘, ‘gets her’, and understands the language of her as a woman, and how the game is played by women. The pick up artist makes any social activity more fun and enjoyable for everyone because he is like the social coordinator of a group, and understands the social language, and knows all about the social dynamics that are occurring.

He is comfortable in his own skin at all times. He is his own man. He is the man among men, and therefore women are just naturally drawn to him. It’s the way he communicates with a woman that makes him so different than other men, and is loved by women for that skill of knowing their language and understanding them.

But as a pick up artist, he is entitled to only the best women out there. He has worked hard on his skill, and should be rewarded for his efforts. And as an Alpha male, he is at the top of the food chain, and takes what is rightfully his, with no excuses.

I wrote this little bit, because all of the psychology that science has provided would never be proven to be correct without the hope of the pick-up artists as ‘field testers‘, and they deserve credit where credit is due. And they have also shown the psychologists a few things they didn’t know as well ! A lot of this book comes from what I’ve learned from those guys !

I hope this paints the stereotype of the cheesy ‘lounge lizard’ pick-up artist in a new light.

Now lets get to the REALLY good stuff.



This is the method derived and boiled down from years of research.

Every technique and routine on the planet is derived from it. You will use it anywhere, everywhere, with ANY technique, and with any woman.

Stage 1

*Select a woman

*Approach and open

*Communicate (chat, get intel, tell amusing stories that show you in a positive light)

*Kino (kinesthetics - get her used to your touch)

*Disarm any obstacles, like walls, or a bitchy friend, a chump,etc

Stage 2

*Isolate (move her to another location - “mini date theory”)

*Connect ( sharing things in common)

*Escalate ( more physical contact, massage, kiss)
These are broken down into 2 stages :

Stage 1

  • Select, *Approach, *Communicate, *Kino, *Disarm

Stage 2
*Isolate, *Connect, *Escalate

Memorize these steps.

This is the basic method you will always initially use - it applies to a one night stand, or in trying to meet the woman of your dreams.

It applies to day game, night game, clubbing, and anywhere else. It applies to EVERY technique and ‘routine’ you will ever hear about, read about, or invent yourself.

There are several other steps that can follow, depending on what you have in mind for that night, and what type of woman she is, what you expect out of the encounter, etc… but this is the fundamental sequence that is used in every great pick up artist technique.

Stage 1 involves the initial communication, and needs to be the strongest and most polished part of your technique. Its what will get you and her talking and effectively communicating. It is what is going to make or break you.

Stage 2 is more about the seduction process. It can be a little flimsy at first, and which you can work on and get better at, but most of the time if you do well in stage 1, and the woman likes you even a little bit, your stage 2 game won’t have to be that strong to at least “number close” or “kiss close“.

This is most important :

These steps are the best way to build:

Communication, Comfort, Safety, and Trust
with a woman.

Remember :


  1. Communication

  2. Comfort

  3. Safety

  4. Trust

This is the key psychological progression - in EVERY HUMAN INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP (not just meeting women -can be used in job interviews, etc). Thus, they are our goals. It is what separates us from the chumps. It is why we ‘speak’ a woman’s language. Its what makes us men in a room full of boys.

While a chump is only into himself and is thinking of only what he wants, the thought never enters his mind that if he could give a woman what SHE wants to hear and feel, and that he would naturally elicit those feelings in her which would ultimately result in him getting what he wants from her.

WE will give a woman what she wants (CCST), in order for her to give us what we want.

All a woman really wants is CCST.

It’s all anybody wants, man or woman !

We have taken the time to Learn a little about women, and how they want to be treated, talked to, and communicated with.

We have done a woman a great favor just by becoming fluent in her language !

And we will be Highly rewarded for this.

Now, lets see how we can systematize things a little so we can make it easier to keep focused on the big picture without having to memorize things too much or make cheat sheets, or memorize ‘robot mode’ routines.

Lets describe these steps a little further and how they build CCST :


The is absurdly obvious. First, you select a target woman. It could be a a single woman alone (a one set), or more ( a 2, 3, 4...set). But always select a target woman first.

There is a 3 second rule to this. NEVER break it. Go up and talk to her within 3 seconds of seeing her.

It is better to just go right up and say your “opener” and get it over with, before you give yourself time to get nervous or have those negative thoughts creeping in.

You never want to break the 3 second rule for several reasons.

Don’t break the 3 second rule because :

(A) If you procrastinate, you’ll get nervous. This is called “approach anxiety“.

(B) If she sees you looking at her, and you do nothing, you are perceived as either weak or creepy.

(C) Another guy may go up to her first.

(D) By approaching her right away, there is more sincerity and spontaneity to your approach, and it is less likely to be appear as a manufactured and artificial “pick up” line.


When selecting a woman to meet, it’s a good idea to keep the type of woman we want to target for our purposes. Women vary greatly in their approachability and openness, so we need to be able to quickly scan around for the type we want to work on, or rather work with. As we get better, we will be able to work with any type of woman, but for now, we will seek out just a couple of types to work with.

Our openers and communication/conversation styles will change with the type of woman we are approaching. Some of the courses out there don’t take into account the type of woman approached, and thus there is a lot of failure and a poor “batting average“.


There are essentially 4 types of women. Some teachers say there are more and some say less, but for our purposes here, we are going to use these main 4 types. Often these types blend into each other, and a woman will have some qualities of both categories.

These categories are :

  1. Party Girl
  2. Daddy’s Girl
  3. Career Girl
  4. Shy Girl

Identifying which type of woman we are dealing with as our Target determines WHAT we say to them and HOW we say it. When selecting the target, and without violating the 3 second rule, it’s a good idea to notice a few essential things as we walk up, make our approach and throw out an opener.

This is called ‘cold reading’, and takes a split second to just notice things like how she is dressed, how much make up she is wearing, tattoos, piercings, whether or not she is smoking, and so forth.

Sometimes when cold reading, these things can be misleading and not really represent what type of person she really is, but its all we have to go on at first, and actually this ‘confusion’ may wind up being a funny topic that you could use in your conversation with her later.

It is VERY important to identify which type of woman we are dealing with in order that we can most effectively build up the key things we want to establish ( remember them ? ) :

Communication, Comfort, Safety, Trust

All the chumps out there never stop to think of what they can do or say in order to get a woman to feel these things, which must happen first in order for a woman to respond to a guy in a positive manner.

All they know is that they want to meet and hook up with a woman, and so they hit on just about every woman they see until they find one that doesn’t care anything about who she gets involved with.

More often than not, these girls need a ‘barely adequate
one-hump-chump’ for the moment.

We are into quality, not quantity. WE do the choosing, not her.

Also - it might be mentioned that “chump approach” is a lot of what creates a woman’s “wall of resistance” to being approached by men.

She gets hit on, often rudely, and all the time, by the chumps just playing a numbers game. I see it all the time, and its pitiful. They simply have no clue as to how easy and fun meeting and picking up women can be.

What we are going to do first is to try and get you to identify what type of woman she is , so that we can use an appropriate way of communicating with her. This may sound devious, but it is actually showing her a little respect. You are making the effort to communicate with her in her own language in order for you both to get to know each other better.

For example, if you used an opening technique on a ‘Shy woman’ type that would be better used on a Party woman, then its probably not only going to come off as being ridiculous, rude, and insulting, but it will also look manufactured, insincere, and crude. If there’s one thing we want to be, it is as smooth as imported air, and that it is not only fun and comfortable when talking to us, but it is also fun and exciting because we are communicating with her in a language she can understand.

She should appreciate the effort that we have taken.

So, lets define these types of women a little better, so that we can know what approach and opener to use and where.

First, we have the party girl. She is the woman who is dressed to attract attention. There is so much make up on her face that there is no way to even tell what she really looks like. There are sometimes a few tattoos or piercings, and she may be smoking. We can find them by the truckload at the clubs. Their shields are set on maximum, and their defensive walls are way up.

These should only be approached by a pick up artist or a GQ model type, or the guy who parks his Ferrari out in front of the club and makes a ruckus, so that everyone can see how awesome he is.

If we don’t have money, power, or good looks, the only thing left to us is personality and confidence.

(And isn’t it funny and true that someone with personality and confidence can control the people with these other 3 things ?)

Girls can smell a lack of confidence a mile away, and if you try to talk to one of these party girls right away, and without bulletproof confidence, you’ll probably get shot down. Leave these babes for another day.

Besides, they usually aren’t worth it - they are typically out for a chump who will buy them drinks and get them drunk, and that’s all. If they do get a number from her, more than likely it’ll be for the dry cleaners next door.

The reality is that less than 6 percent of women report having had sex with their partners within 2 days or less of meeting them, and less than 20 percent of adults say they first met their most recent sexual partner in a bar.

Perhaps it's the nasty stigma of nightlife: A survey of 1,034 women by Strategy One, a market research agency, reveals that nearly one in four women would be embarrassed to admit that she met her mate in a bar.

Most of the time they are in a club with their woman friends just to have fun and dance, and ‘hooking up’ with someone is about the last thing on their minds. Oh, they can be picked up, and easily by a master PUA. So, it can be done, but not at this stage. Remember we are trying to rebuild and replace all that negative reinforcement we endured since high school when that first little girl that we asked out just laughed in our face right in front of the whole school. To replace it with a positive and bulletproof self confidence, we will stress success at every step. We have to maximize the ‘batting average’ initially in order to minimize the approach anxiety.

BUT , ALRIGHT……if you dying to know how to approach and open one of these party types anyway, throwing “negs” is a good way to catch her attention. A ‘neg’ is a gentle put-down.

She has already been told how beautiful she is by a hundred guys that night, and you’ll just end up being another one of these chumps if you try to treat her special and try to impress her with drinks.

However, if you treat her as nothing special, and your not impressed by her, she will see you as being different from the other guys. Especially if you give her a strong vibe that you are there just to have fun too, and that hooking up is the last thing on your mind.

A neg in this case would be something like “oh, cool shoes. I love the 90’s look “. or “You have the cutest little over-bite”. ( by the way- that was the ‘opener’ used by Neil Strauss to get the number of the Playboy Playmate of the Year in the UCLA bookstore)

State the neg in such a way that it’s seems like a compliment at first, but it loses it’s luster with the 2nd half.

The “take away” is also a good method. Just say “Hi, having fun ?” and walk away. Come back later and say ‘hi’ again, later, see if there’s an IOI (indication of Interest, buts that’s a whole ‘nother system used in the clubs). Do this a few times, then finally stop, and ask if she’s having a good time and having fun. For God’s sake, don’t open with “come here often ?”, unless your doing the one liner routine. (the “one liner technique” is where you write down on a napkin “One-Liner Questionnaire - Please circle the lamest one liner you have ever heard : 1. Come here often? 2. What’s your sign ? 3. I’m doing a lame one-liner questionnaire“ ).

But back to the vibe.

The vibe you give off is so important when hitting on party or club girls, (but it’s also important at the mall, dog park, or a “sidewalk stop“ !)
Your mindset should be that of “just having fun and meeting people“, and it should be reflected in your vibe. There should be a “its no big deal, we are all just here having fun” sign written on your forehead.

Any sign of nervousness with a party girl, and its game over. You need bulletproof confidence with these girls. I really suggest not trying to open one of these girls until you have gotten good with the other 3 types first.

The second type of woman is the Daddy’s girl.

A daddy’s girl still lives in a world of unicorns and white picket fences. She has very limited experience with guys, and has probably only had a few boyfriends. She is still innocent and still looking for Prince Charming to sweep her off her feet. She has no visible tattoos, doesn’t smoke, and dresses conservatively. She is so innocent that her radar and ‘walls’ are almost never up, but she is usually not found in venues where she needs them.

An appropriate opener would be the “Samaritan“. Use her “innocence and willingness to help others” to establish a dialogue. Drop something and ask for her help, ( only works if you have other things in your hands). Ask if your tie is straight. Ask her if your clothes match. If at the mall, ask her if you could hold a sweater up to her to use her to size a sweater for your niece.

Or use the “Reverse Samaritan“, in which you be her Prince and help her out - “hey there, your shoe looks like your about to lose a heel, ‘excuse me, I think there’s something on your shoulder” etc.

These daddy’s girl types are all over the place during the day and almost never out at night. Malls, book stores, clothing shops, volunteer organizations, and churches are good places to find them.

The third type is the Career woman.

A career woman is Worldly wise and has no ‘fantasy-land’ notions about Prince Charming and the white picket fence.

These are my favorites, because they don’t mess around. They are practical and get right to the point. They dress in a conservative no-nonsense way.

This can also be one of their downsides because they can also be as rude to you as the party woman, but usually only if they are approached and opened the wrong way. But also, like the party woman, a career woman sometimes only wants a piece of ass, in hopes that it might work out. That makes them one of my all time favorites, and the odds are always stacked in our favor. With a career woman, the reverse Samaritan is a good technique.

A good place to meet them is the grocery store, and an opener like
“hey I saw you looking at that (food), and I heard it was good, know anything about it ?”
“hey, excuse me, but I left my glasses in the car, could you read this label and tell me if it has artificial sweetener in it ? I’d like to try it, but I don’t like putting anything artificial in my body. (did you catch a little NLP I threw in there ? NLP is neuro-linguistic programming and is a bit of an advanced technique, and very interesting one)

Or at the office supply store -

YOU : “I was looking for (weird item)”.
HER: “I’m sorry, I don’t work here”
YOU: “I didn’t think so, but the clerks here aren’t very attractive, and besides I just wanted to meet you”. Hi, My Name is ________.

The reverse also works if somebody comes up to you for help. Say “I don’t work here, but I am more attractive than the staff, and I really wouldn’t mind helping someone like you at all”. Cheesy as it sounds, it works on the right women when done playfully and followed by a more sincere “no, really. Hey, I shop here all the time. I probably know where it is. What was it you were you looking for ?” If you want to try this, it helps to wear a shirt the same color of the employees, - like a red Polo shirt at an Ace Hardware, or an Office Depot. Blue at a Best Buy. It’s hilarious. Another angle is if I see a cute employee, and I’m wearing the company colors, I’ll walk up to her and ask her where I “clock-in”, to start a conversation.

This last example makes a good point, which is, it is o.k. to start with something lame, as long as you acknowledge it was lame, and follow up with down-to-earth “normal” way of speaking. (similar to the ’pick-up’ line questionnaire), you make fun of yourself, which means your are self confident, and an Alpha, which activates one of the attraction triggers, then by recovering and showing her your a normal person. After a quick laugh about it, introduce yourself, and talk….,

I hope by this time you are starting to see a pattern to this, and that once you’ve done it a few times, it is as natural and easy as falling off the proverbial log !

Just keep that goal of achieving CCST in the back of your mind, and maintain control over guiding the conversation ever-so-gently to the outcome you desire. She needs little nudges along the way to get it going in the right direction you want it, but not a giant shove. Pick-up artists call the transition from one topic to another ’the segue’. (pronounced Segway, like the scooter). When a master does it, the segue is imperceptible, and the suggestion to her seems the most natural and logical thing to do.

For example, when transitioning and declaring that you had fun shopping with her, and then suggesting you both get grab a coffee, the way you say it is very important. The tone, pitch, and tempo that you use when you suggest this can either make it sound like the most logical thing she could ever do in her life, or it can come out sounding like your just some desperate, needy ‘dweeb’ who wants to monopolize her time for the next 2 hours.

The way you say things takes practice in order to get sounding right.

But so what if she says “no” ? Just say you forgot to buy something else on your shopping list, go back in the store, and pick up someone even nicer and better looking than her ! Remember - “more than you could ever meet in 4000 lifetimes“. There’s always someone better out there than the last one.

Moving on……………..

The fourth type is the shy woman.

Think of the type of woman who is in the bookstore on a Saturday afternoon.

This is also one of my favorites, because they rarely get any attention from guys and they are some of the easiest to get started on, or at least do some batting practice on.

They don’t open up right away, so be prepared to do most of the conversing until they open up to you. So have a lot of your material ready. (By material, I mean have “conversation ideas” already thought of. You should have a list of things you can generically talk about already in mind, as a fall back when you are stuck in a line, in a stuck elevator, or anywhere there are people standing around in an awkward silence)

But when you do get the shy girl warmed up - hold on, they are usually pretty intellectual and can talk all day about the weirdest stuff.

Health food stores, book shops, libraries, yogurt shops, and other boring places are good places to find them.

Here is an interesting point regarding the locations. Do you see anything these 4 types have in common as far as locations to meet them ? We are mentioning that a lot of the places to meet these women are where their walls are down and shields are set on low. They are places where they feel comfortable. These are their usual hunting grounds. We are also mentioning a lot of places that have food.

Think of it like a lion - where does a lion often go to seek easy prey? - the watering hole, of course. They know all the other animals need water, and it’s a good place for them to swoop down on an easy target.

Well, human females need to eat. So think of eating or food spots as our watering hole. Clothing, and socializing, too.

So, where are the best places to meet women ?

Some gurus say the malls are the best, and some but not many, say bars or clubs are the true test of a PUA‘s skill.

One teacher out there says that Wine Bars are best.

There is one golden rule that applies to picking up women ANYWHERE you live. Your best locations are going to be :

Wherever there are a lot of women, who do not expect to be picked up.

The entire key is to meet women in locations where they do not have their “anti-pick up” defense radar on. Places where they feel comfortable. Places they frequent often.

Bars and clubs are certainly venues that are “target rich“. But, it is much harder to pick women up there, because they are expecting to get hit on a lot, and as a result, their walls are 3 feet thick and 10 feet high. I would only recommend a bar or club for very experienced and confident PUA’s.

Most teachers out there take the beginner students to grocery stores for their first outings, in order to build their confidence level and to get comfortable in talking to women. I suggest you use the same tactic. Its incredibly easy to strike up conversations there.

Coffee houses are also pretty good places. Bring a book, not your laptop. If you bring a lap top and start working on it, you look like you might be a loser that doesn’t have an office to work out of. People also are afraid you might be working on some important and engrossing project, and are less likely to strike up conversation.

In a coffee house, just make an excuse to bridge the gap by asking to borrow a chair (even if you don’t really need it - just say a friend might be joining you in a few minutes), or ask for the sugar, or what have you.

As in this last example, start using your imagination like this to come up with your own openers instead of relying on memorized openers. Try using your imagination next time you go out.

You don’t have to actually use the opener you think about on a woman yet if you don‘t feel like it, but practice. Next time you are out, just look around and see what you could use as an excuse to talk to someone about, if you wanted to. If you feel bold enough, try chatting up the cashier first, just to get your “open and friendly” groove going.

We call this warming up stuff “Batting Practice”. In batting practice, we approach women we aren’t even interested in, maybe even totally are put-off by, and just engage them in innocent conversation. Older ladies are especially fond of this. Now they get to go back and tell their friends about that young man back in the grocery line who tried to pick them up. See, you just put a smile on an old ladies face !

Anyone will do. It can be the woman in line in front of you, the cashier, practically anybody female you could strike up a conversation with.

I call this “the friendly stage“ of training. Its where you break out of your little shell and start getting to know how to talk to people. Its also where it all starts your training in meeting women.


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