Modern Online Dating Trends Sites & Stats. What do People Look for?

in #dating6 years ago

Did you know that online dating still works and it is quite popular nowadays? And did you know that there are more and more online dating sites that facilitate the demand? But what exactly are people looking for? Let’s sort it out based on a real data and stats we found.

Obvious Facts and Numbers

  1. The population of the planet is growing. Even though it’s not true for all countries, but generally the total quantity of people on Earth is continuously growing. For example in 2000 there were just 6.1 bln while in 2018 it is about 7.5 bln.
  2. People are online. It’s no secret that we spend plenty of time online. We shop online, we learn online, we communicate online. Also, it is quite comfortable with all the mobile devices we have now (smartphones, watches, tables etc...). Apparently, the average amount of time spent online is 24 hours a week in 2018. The most interesting thing that this number includes small kids and people over 60. For example, if we count only segment 12 years - 50 years in US this number goes up to 40+ hours a week in 2018. How much time do you spend?
  3. Job comes first! Trite, but true. People think about their job, career and wealth. And take the relationships seriously after they feel their financial confidence. No wonder the average 1st marriage age incredibly increased. According to Wikipedia the average 1st marriage age in Germany as of 2018 is 33.4 years, in Sweden 36 and 31 in Canada.

With all above said, the modern online dating services and apps appear to be a suitable solution for plenty of people. But what exactly are they looking for?

Niche Dating

Let’s take a look at the numbers of “online dating” search volume in 2017-2018.

As we can see that the trend is a bit descending, although 114K searches per month is still a good number.
But as it appeared it certainly does not mean that the online dating is no longer interesting. People started using so called “niche dating sites”. Let’s take a look at them on Google Trends 2017-2018.

The most trending were the gay dating sites. If we take a look at their numbers we can see that the trend is growing and interest to this type of “niche dating” is incrementing. Especially it is true in the USA, the UK, the Netherlands and Germany.

Also, a huge dating segment cover asian dating sites. So, as it was revealed many people in the USA, the UK, Australia search for an asian dating (not local).

What about christian dating sites? They are also trendy. No wonder, if the person wants to find a soulmate with the same values and faith strength he or she would want to search through the relevant community.

Let’s not forget about senior dating sites. Due to the fact that people over 50 have mastered the modern devices and internet resources they are able to find each other online now. And as we can see it’s extremely popular in the UK, the USA and Denmark.

There are also some segments for european dating sites and mature dating, but their volume is not that significant.

So, what do we have? “Online dating” scores 114K/month vs 4 “Niche Dating”  127K/month. We also can state that the sites that provide a very specific services for a very narrow niches become more popular. They develop their services exactly for what their customer needs. On the other hand large dating sites like eHarmony or create special departments for each segment. Obviously, you no longer can produce “services for everybody”.

Mobile Dating Apps

Another important trend is moving from websites to mobile applications. Large dating agencies focus on creating their own mobile apps to give the members 24/7 access to their accounts and messages from their smartphones.
If we check the volume of queries “best dating apps” vs “best dating sites” in aHrefs we can see that in 2018 apps overcame the sites.

So, considering the numbers and stats the online dating is alive, but the industry is constantly transforming. Let’s see what happens next.

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