The Fate of Fempats in China | Foreign Women Plagued with Dating Issues

in #dating6 years ago

Expats and workpats make working/living in China is a smart move for one half but the other Expats make going to China so oblivious and life draining. The fempat struggles in China is a well-known subject that people shy away from. The complaint made is the lonely lives of some women who realize their dating options isn’t as great in China and Asia as they were in their home country. Instead of recognizing the situation, and adjust to it, they rather shame men’s preference and say male expats are privileged. What do these ladies expect should happen? Men in China drop their GFs and come sniffing around them? Fat chance… You have a snowball’s chance of not melting in hell than that ever happening. Especially without them trying their female dominant personas and not matching the cute feminine traits Asian women have that attracts some men.

In this video above you will get the gist of Western women’s struggles dating abroad.

What are the Fempat struggles?
*These women don’t seem to understand sexual market value.
*Ladies don’t understand the way they carry themselves affects men’s preference.
*Now that men exercise their options and have the audacity to have standards, all of sudden you want them be open to fat, loud, rude, domineering women too?
*Still not listening and missed the point why Chinese women prefer western men and won’t take notes on what they say, and what they like in a man.
*Some have a problem dating local Chinese men or avoid them all together while trying to persuade expat men to take a detour from dating Chinese women. Some of these men left their home countries to experience something to new to begin with. Running into the same dating hurdles is not a part of the plan for a lot of men that go abroad. This leads to fempats from purposely shutting themselves out from local men and getting boxed out by expat men, leaving them in dating purgatory. Kind of like how they launched nice guys into the friend zone for years up until the MGTOW movement got started.

*This is article post is a rebuttal to the article “Single Expat Women Don't Have it Easy in China" *

Here is some insight as to why some expat women have it rough in China.
One example in action we can look at this dating show “Feichang Wurao” in China that sums up the actions of a dominatrix type of woman that nobody wants, especially not in China.

There was this one female contestant… a black fempat, she basically brings all the negative stereotypes that black women have, which are bad attitudes, loud, try to over talk the man or belittle him, over emotional, confrontational and give off a non-dainty feminine vibe. China is already a place where people don’t like to stray away from the cultural norm. Dating is no exception. If Chinese male suitors are looking to date outside their race, they’re going to want a woman that has feminine qualities, not hostile, and not all about self.
Screenshot-2018-6-9 非诚勿扰之小林志玲被示爱 腹黑女屌丝爱肌肉男(1).png
The black fempat, radiates dysfuntion the entire time. She attended this show several times consecutively and no Chinese males or expats chose her. It doesn’t matter that her Chinese speaking skills are impeccable. The fact of the matter is she is not great for a relationship. She couldn’t stop being aggressive against other female contestants and the male contestants. It’s a televised event and you’re letting everyone see how unfitting you are for a relationship. In other words you look like a hassle no one wants to deal with. Men in America and other countries have been making their thoughts known about this very issue and it has forced them to ditch marriage and go MGTOW. Certainly Chinese guys with family values wouldn’t want such a woman. We can assume C-guys want women that are cute but not sexually loose with every guy that comes their way. Some even still want women that are still a virgin or a least don’t have a high body count of men she recall that has climbed up her tunnel.
Screenshot-2018-6-9 非诚勿扰之小林志玲被示爱 腹黑女屌丝爱肌肉男(10).png
Screenshot-2018-6-9 非诚勿扰之小林志玲被示爱 腹黑女屌丝爱肌肉男(6).png
After several shows this contestant did not get chosen for these very reasons. Compared to the other girls, she was out of her league. Also she is clearly here on a visa, which puts her more at a disadvantage. Some Chinese men might not be willing to deal with that as compared to Chinese women dating expats would be. Although there are also Korean contestants and other white fempats that were happily chosen by a Chinese guy to be their love match. This is mainly because these women displayed genuine feminine nature, the kind a Chinese male suitor would be interested in. Not the feminist bullshit >>> “I am woman hear me roar!” “I’m a strong black woman that don’t need no man.” Men aren’t attracted to that. The fatal mistake the black fempat made was bringing that very attitude to China with her. She didn’t even switch up her game plan. She was just domineering each episode.
But why not the black fempat? We can say “not attractive in the looks department”, or perhaps her voice wasn’t as comforting and soft as the other women. I think it was both these reasons with a splash of belligerence and a hint of desperation streaming from her. Nobody wants the desperate chick. They will go crazy on you in a nano-second, and no one wants a belligerent woman that just doesn’t want to live in harmony or at least try. Each episode the black fempat got passed up. She kept her light on to the end of the male intro segments hoping someone would choose her and her dysfunction until the Chinese males came to turn her lights off. They always turned her light off first before moving onto the other girls.
I want 8 kids.png
In this round, our fempat in the line up, shoots herself in the foot by saying she wants 8 kids.
Serious or joking, that's a turn off for anyone. You can't even live in China and have more than 2 kids without getting fined. Just 5 years ago, you could legally only have one kid. She totally botched any chance she had of getting a mate after that. The guys reaction was hilarious. His expression read "Wow eight kids!?" You definitely scared him off now. She made it seem like she had nothing to offer but sex and debt.
shot in the foot.png
Finally, when a half-black guy comes to the stage to play. She instantly goes out of her way to belittle him in front of a live audience. This part I know was not scripted. It is just something a black woman would do. Try to embarrass you, the black guy in front of everyone. I never experienced this with other women.
Screenshot-2018-6-9 非诚勿扰之小林志玲被示爱 腹黑女屌丝爱肌肉男(11).png
Screenshot-2018-6-9 非诚勿扰之小林志玲被示爱 腹黑女屌丝爱肌肉男(15).png
The guy is not only fluent in Chinese, but it is his mother tongue, he has a Chinese mother, but she tried to say his Chinese sucks. What in good hell is wrong with this lady? She showed insecurity in her dark skin color when speaking to him because he was lighter and tried to show her dislike for him, when he was definitely not going to choose her anyway. While the other Chinese women talked to this half-black guy like a man, and spoke to him in a real soothing womanly tone of voice. Some female contestants considered dating him, while the black fempat was boo-hooing every time Chinese guys cut her light off in disinterest.
And there you have it. This is an example of the fate of fempats in China that could be looming over their heads. It’s hard to compete with Chinese ladies on the dating scene when you bring that piss poor attitude with you. My advice, ditch that way of thinking before you hop on the plane to C-land. It won’t do you any justice. You’ll just be alone as a bitter fempat, scouring at the happy Male Expats/Chinese women couples that are happily frolicking through town.


This was quite an interesting read; the ‘fempat’ is a concept that is very real, yet seems to be a subject that is too taboo to accurately document in any conventionally published piece of writing. Many of the ideas featured could definitely be discussed more at further length; especially the supposed power of privilege that men are supposed to be denied from ever posessing. It can seem quite strange that anybody would feel so bitter about any man that was indeed otherwise struggling to find love, getting together with a nice lady anywhere in the world. It seems that feminist women wish to prolong his pain and suffering, solely for the crime of not being quite desirable enough in their eyes or failing to give them the attention that they crave with nothing to be expected in return.

One thing that fempats fail to acknowledge is that many guys in China will and have happily dated women from many different races and backgrounds; but when 99.9% of the local female dating pool is Chinese, dating Chinese women becomes something that can be pretty unavoidable. We’re not always losers that can’t laid back home, we’re simply making use of what is available and enjoying our lives. Dating Western women from familiar cultural backgrounds would often be an easier option for us when it comes to long-term serious relationships!

A new and disturbing trend that is emerging; possibly one that few others may have noticed is the arrival of male feminists amongst the newbie laowai population that consider fellow foreign men who date Chinese girls to be complete and utter sleazebags and will actively seek to white knight the local fempat population. While there are undoubtedly some sleazy and unsavourably foreign characters about in China, most of these unfairly slandered men are just normal, nice but shy and average looking guys that have no intention of causing harm to anybody and would like to be left alone to enjoy their life in peace. However, when they tread into certain expat heavy environments, hostility may be encountered; even if only amounts to snarky comments in their presence.

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