Alfa-Enzo Foundation - Project Overview

in #data6 years ago

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Cryptocurrency and blockchain are without doubt two of the most important as well as popular technologies of the decade and will only grow in relevance as more and more consumers shift towards a more modern and digital form of payment, that can be used to avail services, pay bills, and purchase products. How it differs from fiat currency and traditional transaction methods is in its decentralized structure that does not allow control by any third party. The blockchain ensures that all transactions are noted in the immutable digital ledger which is visible to all but cannot be modified by anyone. This makes it an attractive option for those looking to invest in an alternate currency with greater ease of use across borders as they are not subject to governmental regulation.

The issue at hand, however, is the ineffectiveness of these applications for daily use. The ecosystem needs an everyday counterpart that can be used for distributed utilization. Major drawbacks face are the slow speed of blockchain networks for micro-payments, the difficulty in understanding, obtaining and using cryptocurrency, and the lack of penetration of cryptocurrency in the market with respect to daily exchange and social relevance.


Alfa Enzo aims to become the first mass-market cryptocurrency with a unique distributed commerce economy. The aim is for the process to become:

Quick as transactions should be as frictionless, easily accessible and secure as information transfer.
Useful with everyday relevance on a systematic scale.
Viral with a transparent and tangible network.
Intuitive as users should be able to access decentralized apps and trade naturally and easily.
Versus the Now!

Today social networking is like second nature to most people with over 60% of the population owning a mobile device and the inherent obsession with Snapchat, Twitter, and Facebook among others. Using the Decentralized Ledger Technology (DLT) the next level of social networking can be achieved.

Most companies today give users little to no control over their data, which can be misused and personal details exposed for marketing like the Cambridge Analytica scandal. The need of the future is a decentralized system where users control their digital footprint. The data is made immutable by the blockchain and through the use of the Fluid Timeline, users can transact in all markets irrespective of geography, device or jurisdiction.


EON or the Enzo Open Network is a distributed and open ecosystem that enables users and data to function as a single free market across time. Data is separated from the Platform so that it can be managed by a private blockchain. The revolutionary EON protocol gives the ecosystem a secure Transfer Layer and Data Model.

The EON Model is designed with the following features,

Infinite Personal Chain(IPC) where each user has his own personal blockchain anchored by a master chain ensuring the user gets full control over data but allowing cross chain contracts between peers.
Reverse Mining - Users earn ENZO by solving a Captcha puzzle that verifies and adds it to the ledger.
Proof-of-Activity an economic layer that gives users a fair chance to earn ENZO’s on the network.
Samaritan which are nodes on the network that can be called to verify transactions and real-world activities based on the Samaritan protocol and bound by smart contracts.
Handshake which is a patent-pending technology concerning the peer-peer exchange of goods and ensuring safety.
Atomic Commit which means that all payment channels are linked by smart contracts ensuring immediate action on the blockchain regardless of network size or value.
EON effectively becomes a truly efficient and global trust-less exchange framework.

EON Apps

Applications designed for use on the EON platform include the following.

ALFA-A primary portal which allows users to connect to EON to monetize participation, preferences, and identity with constant performance across devices and sizes, an in-built chat app for peer-peer communication, Real-time execution and Hundred in One experience.

PUSH - A self-serve marketing and advertising platform that lets advertisers, merchants, and publishers deliver ads and announcements. It also possesses an Ads manager, In-Time delivery and precise targeting (around 90%), and video editor cum publisher.

VALET - A Turing - complete light wallet and payment gateway for transactions on the EON and is a required module for all dApp’s on EON. It makes managing crypto easy and allows users to create a last Will through smart contracts.
Advertisers and Publishers use PUSH to mine data and market it to users on ALFA.


EON has a native token called ENZO that can be used to pay commissions to nodes for transactions, validate transactions, pay for app services on the platform, pay for storing data in a decentralized way, pay for creating advertisements and registering on the blockchain. ENZO is distributed according to participation and will help the network thrive and increase utility.


The Alfa Enzo team comprises Crypto enthusiasts, blockchain experts, engineers and marketing strategists like CEO & Chief Architect Tony Tran, COO Quyen Phan, and Vice Presidents Andy Truong(Global Markets), James Dron(Ads Product), Lam Hoang(Growth).

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Advisors include experienced and renowned individuals like Principal Partners Ridgley Kuang (Angel Investor), Angie Trinh( Crypto Trader), Manh Duong (Blockchain Evangelist), Eddie Hong ( Angel Investor) and Analytics Advisor Afia Zaheer.

EON has also partnered with famous social media celebrities or influencers like DJ @catchtwentyfour and Miss Pakistan @shanzayhayat, etc.

Partners include Protocol Labs, AWS Activate, Wikipedia, Facebook, AWS Blockchain Templates, AWS Lambda and Unsplash.

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For More Details of Alfa Enzo:

Official Website:
ANN/Bounty Thread:

Post By Anton De Mel
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1770640

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 65733.39
ETH 3506.40
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51