in #data6 years ago

Trading globally gives consumers and countries the opportunity to be exposed to new markets and products. Almost every kind of product can be found in the international market: food, clothes, spare parts, oil, jewelry, wine, stocks, currencies, and water. Services are also traded: tourism, banking, consulting, and transportation. In as much we have different types of trade in the world we also have the trading of personal data. 

As the number of Web applications that track personal data continues to grow, one start-up is hoping to convince you to give it up voluntarily. The issue of who controls our personal data has never been more critical. Yet despite feeling uneasy about sharing our data — 60 per cent of those surveyed recently by credit checking company Experian said they felt uncomfortable about giving out personal information we still do it. Facebook, Google, Amazon and other companies hold details that we have willingly given up in return for a service

 On the off chance that there was a stage in which clients can offer their information in return for something of significant worth it is a major gift to us. In any case, fortunately for us the PDATA project is here

 Good day folks today I have an energizing ICO for you that I need you to survey yourselves.  

   PDATA is a digital currency which will be used on Opiria, a global platform for safe and transparent purchasing and selling of personal information. Opiria is an online decentralized platform for real-time market research and customer experience feedback, which offers organizations a faster and more precise approach to understand how their consumers think, experience, see and feel. Opiria already has a product and customers.  PDATA token will be used to compensate consumers for providing personal data to companies via our global decentralized marketplace for the secure trading of personal data. 

 It is their intention to build a platform that specifically allows individuals and companies to trade this kind of information on the Internet. In order to do this, the companies that are purchasing the information will use the token that has been created by the company. It also means that the individuals will be in a position to decide on the information that is being given to which company offering a new sense of control that is often lacking in other resources. 

 Before i continue lets watch this video for more undesrstanding>>>> 


Ethereum decentralized application is used to help settle the above requirements. It prompts greater lucidity and also security as the two sides know about the counter misrepresentation measures accessible by means of the blockchain since the data is put away namelessly on the blockchain prepared to be moved crosswise over after the exchange of tokens. With the ICO being on the Ethereum network that ofcourse means that the token will be an ERC20 token so you’ll be able to store it in any compatible wallet. 

The organization expresses that their approach will enable the purchaser to keep up control over their information and also being adjusted for it in the meantime. Likewise, organizations can rapidly recognize the information that they wish to have and who has that accessible by means of a database. It enables them to pinpoint people as indicated by a scope of criteria prompting them getting preferable outcomes over they could have already sought after. 

 This by itself will build trust in the stage prompting expanding the estimation of the token. When you consider that the parent organization as of now has universal organizations utilizing their current administrations, at that point it shows the genuine potential encompassing this specific dispatch.

 Token sale and distribution
The system will fully protect consumers’ data privacy, and grant them control over trading their personal data. The token distribution will be as follows: 11% - marketing and sales, 65% - database, 21% - people, 3% - services and other expences. 

Token name: PDATA
Token standard: ERC-20
Total supply: 750 000 000
Token price: 0,1 $
Minimum contribution per person in the first hours of crowdsale: 0.5 ETH
Payment method: ETH.
Note: Token sale is live now. Hurry and get the pdata tokens at the cheapest rate now. Don't miss out so you won't regret.

For more information visit the links below
Bitcointalk Profile link:;u=1918721

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