Favorite alt coin???

in #dash7 years ago

What is your favorite alt coin? And which alt coin do you believes has the potential to surpass bitcoin for the number one spot?

I am a big fan of dash and I believe once dash evolution is released it will not only surpass bitcoin and take its number one spot but it will do this by bringing crypto currency to main stream and everyone will be using dash and giving up fiat currency.altcoins.jpg


What is Dash evolution? sounds interesting and would be great to get in the ground floor.

dash evolution is supposed to bring crypto currency main stream simplify that block chain aspects for everyday users so it looks like a normal app as well as allow you to create a dash savings account youtube it its a great platform once released

That's pretty awesome, I'll definitely buy some dash. have a great day!
@victorvazco please upvote, reply and follow

The ground is pass from 24h
Dash good business good marketing. Something to follow closely. It's still not that much used so who know what will happen ^^ me i got some dash personally. But not a lot.

I hear that. I think it will continue to go up with the new integrations they have and their overall work commitment is and has been very impressive.
@victorvazco please upvote, reply and follow us

"Dash also extends to ShapeShift" I think this is special interesting ...
I need to check what is shapeshift and fast because it's become huge in the news!

Follow me , I follow you but normally i want to be 100% mutual follow ^^
I trust you ;)

www.shapeshift.io , it i a website that is used to convert currency from one alt coin to another.
have a great day and remember you're awesome

For me it's Ether even if ETH is so high one day it will become the best and not a alt anymore ^^

And personally I want to develope the Peercoin because it's so nice but to much people let it die :( PPC was the first to use directly proof of stake !!!

And of course Litecoin .

I upvote you, follow me I will follow back.

ether is a great crypto it definitely has potential to surpass bitcoin just don't see it being used as a currency thanks for upvote and your views on topic

In terms of currency? I'm liking Nexus. In terms of investment i like ether and peerplays. For currency with friends and family I like steem.

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