Is Dash Trying to Make a Comeback With Paid Shilling on Reddit?

in #dash6 years ago (edited)

This article is kept short and sweet but still packed with information. If you or anyone else you know finds it helpful, please consider sharing it or saving it for later.

Dash's proven history:

  1. The founders of Dash could hold up to 25% of all current Dash in existence [1] [2] [3]
  2. The founders decreased the max circulation to give them a larger % hold on the network[1] [2]
  3. Masternodes were created to allow the founders to reek profits from their instamine [1] [2]

For a decentralized cryptocoin, the Team Page shows over 50 Employees on the payroll, and to make matters worse they even have a day office in Arizona. Two of the employees at Dash are designated to marketing, and anyone in that field knows how easy it is to pay shills on Reddit. So is Dash trying to make a comeback?

It would come to no surprise if I told you that Dash at one point had paid shills - Afterall, they have billions of dollars worth of their own coin. Amanda B Johnson, for example, was on the dash payroll caught shilling Dash since the back when it was a "personal project" coin[1]. In another case, Apple had to remove an official Dash wallet from appstore due to vote manipulation[1].

Restarting their campaign, known shill thethrowaccount21 on Reddit has recently just re-embarked on his long and entertaining journey to discredit any Dash competitors - scrolling through his comments suggests he is quite knowledgeable on the subject. Unfortunately, an archive of his post history shows him posting 24 hours a day. When does this individual sleep?

Tl;dr: It is possible the long shilled coin Dash is trying to become relevant again. In times of pumping and shilling it's difficult to get truth out, so take precaution and watch for early flags.

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I think you got many things wrong. For example: The "official Wallet" that was removed from the Apple Store wasn't a Wallet and had nothing to do with the Coin Dash. It was an "API Documentation Browser and Code Snippet Manager".
But I guess lying about Dash pays good again these days. ;)

@cryptonote, welcome and congratulations on making your first post! I gave you a $.02 vote! If you would be so kind to give me a follow in return that would be awesome!

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