In the beginning...

in #darwin2 years ago


Time, space and matter are what makes the continuum. All three MUST have come into existence at the same moment. You cannot have time and matter without space, else where would you put the matter? You cannot have space and matter but no time, else WHEN would you put the matter?

All three must have commenced existence in the same burst of creation. They are the trinity; time, space, matter. A trinity of trinities, in fact; time is past, present, future, space is up-down, forward-backward and left-right, and matter is solid, liquid, gas.

How does Darwin account for the simultaneous commencement of the existence of time, space and matter? Without all three at the same time, there are no living things. No matter to mysteriously spring into life, or no space in which to keep life, or no time in which cells undergo fission or hearts beat or lungs fill and empty..

I can account for the simultaneous existence of all three of these things.

“In the beginning (time), God created the heavens (space) and the earth (matter).”

Genesis 1:1. The opening sentence of the Bible.

/end contemplation of the mysterious.

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