My DApp investment ( Experiment )journey has begun! What DApps have you delegated to?

in #dapps5 years ago (edited)

Hello there,

I rarely write blogs these days , I am more of a vlogger, but my current situation is not vlogger friendly:) hehehe.

Today I just want to share the start of my delegation journey with the various DApps here on steem. For those of you who don't know, Steem has a very unique system of delegation that allows you to use your steem power and lend/delegate it to accounts/users on the blockchain for them to perform various tasks, help build communities, invest in DApps, to help fellow steemians out and other various use cases that we haven't even imagined yet.

Today I am talking about delegation as an investment, delegating to a DApp in the hopes of getting returns. I personally have just started doing this about a week or two ago and I find it very interesting. I only invest in DApps I use and see a bright future in. So while it is an investment, I also believe in these DApps and making a return is not the only reason for delegating. I do not pay much attention to the APR/RIO, well only for the DApps I plan to delegate 500 SP or more.

One very cool feature of investing in DApps via delegation is that your Steem power is used, not liquid steem, this has a very big advantage in that DApps can't just run off with your assets like what happened over and over again in 2017 and is still happening today . (BITCONNECT) . Nope, one click of a button and they are un-delegated, your Steem power is back in your wallet, ready to be invested in another project or liquidated into steem ( or used to up-vote good content:). This is a very cool feature that many outside and some inside of steem have yet to discover. I truly do believe it is the future of investing. It is low risk and therefore low anxiety, more sleep at night and it is indeed a good feeling to see the transfers coming into my steem wallet as well as Tokens from DApss in the interface wallets.

"So What DApps have you delegated to so far"?

Thanks for asking. The first DApp I delegated to was @Actifit. I use the DApp often and it is one of my favorites. The good thing with delegating to them is that you also get Tokens daily ( AFit Tokens) that I can actually trade for up votes on actifit posts ( gotta stay fit), but in the near future it can be used to purchase health related products and equipment from what I have read. We just have to wait and see. @actifit also gives weekly delegator share payments based on the amount you have delegated. They pay out in Steem and SBD. Note: I only delegated 100 Steem Power so far as it was my first time delegating to a DApp. Thank you @actifit, you broke me in:)

Below is a pic of when I traded Afit tokens for upvotes. 20 Afit tokens gives a me $1.11 upvote on my next or latest post. ( I just realized how this worked while writing this post, you have to go on the actifit website to access the exchange feature. Note: you have to verify by paying 1 Steem, only once, then you are good to exchange AFIT for Upvotes. I imagine the App will be able to do that soon.

Below is a snap of the AFIT Tokens I recieved because of my delegation, I receive Tokens daily.

Next, I delegated to @share2steem, I use it all the time and really love the convenience of beaming content from centralized platforms to the steem blockchain. @share2steem gives you a percentage of their daily earning based on how much you have delegated, they also give you a higher up-vote percentage on your posts based on your delegation. See the pic below of one of my latest transfers from them.

Now while the amount is not much as I have only delegated 200 SP, it is interesting to see, I am earning passively, I get decent up-votes from a DApp I use often and I AM LEARNING. I can imagine what delegating 10,000 SP would bring.

Now I must say @steemhunt is doing some really cool things by setting trends on the blockchain, they were actually the first DApp to give their tokens to individuals who delegated to them. Just like @actifit they have their own native token called "HUNT" Tokens. These tokens are the first Steem DApp based tokens to be listed as an IEO ( Initial exchange offering) and they had three rounds which sold out in seconds ( first 2 rounds ) and 14 minutes for the third round. By delegating to @steemhunt I get weekly "rewards" in Steem and SBD, based on my delegation amount and I also get hunt tokens which I feel will be very valuable in the near future based on their road map which they have been on target with and beyond.

I plugged 500 SP in to @steemhunt when I saw an interview with @project7, the main designer and coder for the DApp. He was on the ball with all the questions and full of enthusiasm. I saw the vision and said YUP to 20% yearly interest ( given in a mixture of SBD, STEEM and HUNT Tokens). Now some may say "20%? I can make more in a minute day trading". Yes that is true but I have no time for that and for a risk free investment, this is pretty good. Also that 20% is not taking the fact that HUNT tokens may be worth a lot more than the current $0.02.

Below are my weekly rewards transferred to my steem wallet from @steemhunt.

Below is a pic of my wallet on showing my latest HUNT token transfer.

I am new to this investment via delegation but I find it rather interesting. I can only imagine what the future will bring. If I missed out any important details regarding the DApps I am delegating to, please let me know in the comments below. Also tell me what DApps you are interested in/or are already delegating to?

PS: I wanted to delegate to @partiko but I wasn’t sure if they were accepting any more delegations.

DApps I use often, click the banner to go to their website.

Utility DApps

Media Specific DApps I use

Projects I love & have personally tried

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just started my steemhunt delegation this past week.

great picks man. i love seeing what others are investing in. and i think delegating is the absolute best investment and safest you can make.

great post!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks bro. YUP, steemhunt seems to be on wonderful path to further success. Indeed I have never seen anything like this and I am glad I am here on steem to be involved in the early stages. Just imagine 2-3 years from now:)

Posted using Partiko iOS

yeah man!!! the future is in our hands for sure.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Whenever you write blogs this way it's always thrilling and colourful, truth is I don't know how the delegations returns happens maybe you can explain to me a bit how I can earn rewards, I'm having 3.6k sp and when I get to 4k I'll delegate 500 to maybe dtube or Share2steem really that's my plan

Well the thing is each DApp is different, I myself do not understand every detail but by diving in I make an effort to learn . But with share2steem for instance, once you delegate to them, their upvote percentage on your share2steem post increases and you get daily rewards, based on how much you delegate and the rewards that they are earning. If more people start to use share2steem , expect more rewards. Steemhunt has a very interest reward programming as they are giving you a share of rewards they earn as well as HUNT tokens, it is early days yet , and who knows what will happen but it is delegation and low risk. I actually want to see you writing about this as you will give a critical analysis.

I'll obviously do something on this I believe this is massive if we're to support the dapps, I think this we get better when we can give to get something even better really, the truth is I've been thinking about it, and I tbink it's definitely gonna work out wel. I'll tag you when I write the post.

I remember starting my first delegations with plenty of doubt but quickly saw the benefits of doing do so! Now, I have delegations that now only support Dapps for tokens and upvotes but great communities that focus on curation and growth which I see as fundamental for the creation of growth in the ecosystem. The tokenization phase we are currently seeing will be interesting to experience as they develop and mature into more established projects that grab the attention of participants outside the Steem community.

Posted using Partiko iOS

And that is a wonderful comment that made me feel more confident in my decisions ( even though It’s low risk , people seem to forget that part ) it is gonna get really interesting and I’m glad I’m taking steps now to understand while the DApps are seeds instead of waiting till they are trees 🤣 indeed the DApps are communities and serve a huge role here, and they will be the attraction that will bring the users for sure , I have seen many new users who got here from one DApp and didn’t even realize there was a whole universe to explore. Steem on dude ♨️😎

Posted using Partiko iOS

Good! I don’t even know about @ntopaz and @rusia , thank you

Posted using Partiko iOS

Partiko @partiko preparing Delegation program again in progress

any time @dmilliz could delegate in Advance (advantage also) !

as known

@bluengel one day one SP delegation !

lots of SP delegation at a time is somewhat difficult
but one day one SP delegation to
empower Loving DApps
changes the STEEM♨WORLD !

Dclick @dclick Actifit @actifit Partiko @partiko Tripsteem @trips.teem (DAPT) LOVE ♥ of @bluengel STEEM♨ LIFE ♩♬

DAPT Amazing Best Dapp APT to Change Steem♨World more Better Tomorrow ! ♩♬

133 days continuing ! 💙 ♩♬♬

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice ! Thanks , I shall look into partiko again.

Yeah it is difficult to delegate to many so we best to choose ones you use and believe in and see how it goes. I need to take a look at tripsteem.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Wow, really thorough post on these Dapps and their ROI. Thanks for posting

Glad you could find some value dude. I actually had time , not sure when I’ll be able to write one like this again lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

I've learnt something big today but the level of my SP is an hindrance but no knowledge is wasted at least I've know how to make passive income by investing in Dapps.

Posted using Partiko Android

Glad you could get some insight bro! By the way are you in TeamSeven77 ?

Posted using Partiko iOS

No. I don't even know about it before.
I will like to be a partaker of the community.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well bro first thing is look at my post about it. the one above this post. Basically to enter the challenge ,
1.Do 7 creative push ups for 77 days ( you can do anything , just do it 7 times, ) and post the original video to twitter .

  1. Use #seven77 and #steem ,
  2. Write one reason why you like steem each day ( very important )
  3. Follow @Nathanmars7, on twitter and tag him so he knows you are in the challenge. ( follow him on steem as well for updates)
  4. Bring others into the challenge and get rewarded in liquid steem 7.77 ( this won’t be instantly but the more value you bring the more gifts you will get, and a good chance to dive into the community)

Ask me any questions anytime , my twitter handle is @depaiso , tag me as well if you decide to join. Blessings bro

Posted using Partiko iOS

I stopped delegated completely because I prefer to have all my Steem Power under my control. I start to make more on curation.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah I understand , which is good. I use these DApps often and the benefits of delegating make sense to me( well not so much steemhunt but I like what they are doing and want to accumulate HUNT tokens ) for me it’s an experiment, and hopefully In a few months it goes well, if not “ click click “. Also I wanna see what these Tokens will become.

personally i haven't really delegated anything, other than 800sp to @steembasicincome which is close to nothing.
but i would if i had millions of sp 😆

Cool! Well I don’t even have half your SP but I just thought I’d learn in the low risk environment and see if I can build up through the Tokens and the trickle of a pay out rom my mangy delegation lol. But the way I see it, if you don’t use the DApps , at the moment it doesn’t make sense

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for the post. I was just thinking about deleting to share2steem earlier today. I didn't know that I could do actifit as well. Imma definitely look into this.

Posted using Partiko Android

Respect , just experimenting cause I learn through doing. Share2steem makes sense especially if you use it cause they will give bigger upvotes and take /take less of a percentage from your post earnings. Low risk , so might as well try and see how it go

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah I just delegate some, not much but its a start.

Posted using Partiko Android

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