Shermin Voshmgir - A Blockchain Queen's Prophecy

in #dao6 years ago

"The smart contract is just a small piece of code runing on top of the blockchain that codifies the rules of a transaction and when the rules of the transaction are met the transaction is automatically executed and that's highly disruptive because this reduces transaction costs of compliance and enforcement, because compliance and enforcement happen on the fly [...] The highest form of a smart contract is a decentralized autonomous organization. DAOs are nothing else than very complex smart contracts that define the bylaws of an organization into the smart contracts."


Sind jetzt DAO mehrere einzelne/zusammenhängende Smart Contracts oder wirklich nur ein Smart Contract der sehr sehr kompliziert ist?

5:16 "DAOs are nothing else than very complex smart contracts that define the bylaws of an organization into the smart contracts"

Ok ^^Dachte nämlich man soll Smart Contracts so kurz wie möglich schreiben und das mehrere Smart Contracts zu einen DAO organisiert werden können ^^

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