Walnut大使名单及奖励体系公告 | Walnut Ambassador List and Reward System Announcement

in #dao2 years ago (edited)


Global Ambassador项目自2021年3月份启动以来目前已经有9为Peanut大使,而随着Nutbox的不断发展,我们也迎来了新的伙伴-Walnut Global Ambassadors.


其中韩文社区的 @timbae@aoddl94中文社区的 @abcallen,马来西亚社区的 @GohSookJin 以及西班牙语社区的 @ale.aristeguieta 自加入大使团队以来,认真履行大使职责,积极参与到Nutbox的发展中,并针对Walnut展现出了极大的热情。故按照大使路径将以上4位大使升为Walnut Ambassador - Working Group,他们将同时担任Peanut以及Walnut大使的职责。

在全球大使的征集与面试过程中来自印度尼西亚的Joy,土耳其的Nurik,尼日利亚的Mohammed Agashi Haruna在近200名候选人中脱颖而出,成为Walnut Junior Ambassador。


  1. 通过至少1期(3个月)的工作组晋升为高级大使或工作组组长
  2. 3期(9个月)后按照意愿与里程碑完成度可成为Nutbox地区大使代表




  1. 翻译
  2. 内容创作
  3. 社区日常答疑( Telegram & Discord)
  4. 吸引社区入驻Walnut
  5. 参加线下活动推广Nutbox


作为Modern DAO,我们一直秉承去中心化和自治的理念, 为奖励大使团队的贡献,每月会根据各位Walnut大使的工作给与NUT的回报,互惠共赢,以期未来更好地发展。以下是我们的奖励体系:

  • 如无异议,此奖励制度5月正式生效。
  • 若后期NUT的价值变动较大,会根据实际情况另行调整。

Since the launch of the Global Ambassador program in March 2021, there are currently 9 Peanut ambassadors, and with the continuous development of Nutbox, we have also welcomed a new partner - Walnut Global Ambassadors.

After extensive screening, our Walnut Ambassador membership has been determined.

Among them, @timbae & @aoddl94 in the Korean community, @abcallen in the Chinese community, @GohSookJin in the Malaysian community, and @ale.aristeguieta in the Spanish community have earnestly performed their duties as ambassadors since joining the ambassador team. They actively participated and targeted the development of Nutbox and showed great enthusiasm for Walnut. Therefore, the above 4 ambassadors were promoted to Walnut Ambassador - Working Group in accordance with the ambassadorial path. They would serve as both Peanut's and Walnut Ambassador's responsibilities.

During the recruitment and interview process for global ambassadors, Joy from Indonesia, Nurik from Turkey, and Mohammed Agashi Haruna from Nigeria stood out among nearly 200 candidates and became Walnut Junior Ambassadors.

In the period of Nutbox Ambassadors Junior Stage, ambassadors will have the opportunity to discuss their progress with core team members, establish goals and collaborate with other ambassadors. Ambassadors who complete the "milestone" of their three-month internship will graduate and join Nutbox's working group officially. (Ambassadors who have completed the internship period can choose to enter the "Working Group" according to their expertise, interests, and willingness to continue to interact and grow with the team)

  1. After at least 1 term (3 months) of practice in the working group, can get the opportunity to be promoted to a senior ambassador or working group leader.
  2. After around 3 terms (9 months), can become the representative of Nutbox Regional Ambassador according to the willingness and milestone completion.

Hope the ambassadors will keep working together with enthusiasm and make progress together with Nutbox in the future!

Main Task

The ambassadorial role will be closely related to Nutbox's strategic deployment, assist in promotion and operations, coordinate and be responsible for Nutbox and its products in a multi-functional manner in the region. Its work includes but is not limited to:

  1. Translation
  2. Content Creation
  3. Community Q&A (Telegram & Discord)
  4. Attract the community to Walnut
  5. Participate in offline activities to promote Nutbox

Reward System

As Modern DAO, we always adhere to the concept of decentralization and autonomy. In order to reward the work of the Walnut ambassadors, NUT will receive a monthly return based on their work for mutual benefit and better development in the future. Here is our reward system:

  • If there is no objection, this reward system will come into effect in May.
  • If the value of NUT changes significantly in the later period, it will be adjusted according to the actual situation.

Coin Marketplace

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TRX 0.15
JST 0.027
BTC 60063.85
ETH 2313.06
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.46