
LOL! So true. Buncha hypocrites.

Upvoted and followed dude!

Yeah, this is getting kind of dumb. It's a very clear problem in Muslim culture. I wouldn't focus on a specific religion, but it certainly feels like a lot of activists like to actively avoid addressing the problem as it exists in Muslim communities.

You can simultaneously stand up for a groups rights while calling on that same group to improve themselves and value other's rights. Too complex for some people to wrap their heads around I guess...

That's why you should learn Koran facts and turn their own lefty arguments around and use them to highlight their hypocrisy. 👌🐸

Agreed, but trying to explain this to some people is like talking to a fence post though.

Too true, but you get this in any political ideology. Being stubborn and short-sighted is a truly bi-partisan issue.

Oh hell ya, it baffles me something fierce! Each party has these certain issues that they believe so firmly in that they will never change their opinion or minds on. I just don't get it.

At the risk of self promotion, let me offer my take on the subject from a couple days back

Absolutely I will. And rape culture, homophobia, and sexism within the Catholic church, in fact all religions because all harborers of bigoted pederasts matter right? Anyway, if my history serves me right, didn't the Catholic Church come before Islam - so that would make them the original homophobic, sexist pederasts right? But hey, you know people love to make sequels... If self-loathing mind control is to be done, might as well do it right the second time?

Then you have all those pesky Jews arguing that all the religions are just a knock-off of theirs which was really the one true original book - Episode I, The Phantom Genesis - and everyone else is saying, no, no you are just an inconvenient prequel, our book is the one true original! You are all fake good news books and so called religions of peace.

Meanwhile, back in the USSR America, the American Taliban is getting busy trying to make their third take on mind-control for the masses the law in their own country. They have apparently anointed a messiah, now they want a good old fashioned face off with Islam to prove they are the best thing since wine and breaking bread. Or is that since meth and Breaking Bad? I can never keep track of all these self-destructive addictions.

But yes, to the original point - if you protest one and not the other you are a hypocrite. Ditto if you want to outlaw boycotts of Israel but not boycotts of Iran, or China, or France, or wherever in the world people have a pickle up their a$$ about today. It's even worse if you think unilateral state sponsored boycotts are fine but that the people or corporations should be banned for doing their own.

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