Strange Thoughts & Dangerous Ideas

in #dangerous5 years ago (edited)


Dangerous Ideas

data mining
bait & switch
tag & release
trauma trigger
predictive programming
quantun entanglement

i instantly realized that when i make comments, i deliberately use trigger words to create an emotional response, this in effect emotionally entangles us at the quantum level, allowing them to be tagged in a way, tag & release, bait & switch.

it all came in like a flood of information, i think thats what is going on, i believe this can only work if the individual is a very good person, i only do what i feel is good for others, so in effect a honey trap.

i have a feeling that the forces of good that we understand as God can not see into the darkness of evil, that is where people like us come in, we are lures, then during sleep we investigate these things & are literally mapping out the underworlds within this planet, looking for the source of this sickness.

we are already past the point of dreams & warning, we are approaching singularity, this mimics the position of the stars, and it is not important to understand any of these things, what we do towards the service to ourselves & others makes the only difference.

The olden gods of religion are not even part of the equation anymore, we own this show now.. or very soon, what we do matters across the full spectrum of all things, when the toe feels pain it sends the information up threw your body into the brain to analyze, this is what is going on, the entire universe is inspecting an injury & incorporating the fractured parts into a whole part.

anyway, we are allowed to make mistakes because of one reason, the reflection upon ourselves gives greater insight into the the impossible paradox, the specific location of our world is close.. or directly next to a dangerous place, we are in the heart of the trouble, we represent the future & the past because of this, therefore what we do effects many things.

we probably should not even be here to begin with, it was a bad idea from the start, but in the meantime, we are ultimately response for the future generations or possible timelines, in the same way the brain operates, the electrical pulses of time move in both directions, similar to the question of polarity.

if a magnet moves in only one direction, why does both side repel one another? there must be something else going on here, from my understanding, magnetism is still not fully understood because it is a quantum phenomena, this is an important clue, these kinds of thing mater to matter, why is there no solid evidence of an atom & we still look for the subatomic?

i suspect an electric holographic universe, this comes back to quantum entanglement, the evidence is very solid that we have absolutely no idea what is going on around us.. whatsoever.


back into the words "data mining", i really want to go there, but that information may be similar to throwing down my hand, i am a terrible poker player.. have to ask everyone if my cards are any good, similar to how i play chess, i talk out the moves, only on my turn, people get hostile when i get into there turns.

things like that, thats how i see things, we are a group effort, why hide what is in your heart? who benefits from all doors locked? so i keep mine an open an open heart.

i contribute my thoughts to the most dangerous venom in the world, i look for them, i find them in strange places & i speak to them, and it does not give any visible results, never does, they always go right back into the mud, but there is a part of them.. the daemon of subconscious.. this part is listening & absorbing these words, i have essentially infected this part of the collective with the god virus.

this is a completely different story, there are many words required for this, god virus, this is a double edged sword, it goes both ways.. let me see if i can find the words.

from what i can understand, there is a darkness that mimics God threw a kind of hivemind possession network, a non living thing like a program or virus.. yet there is an identical network that operates threw life, threw cooperation & individually, and is equally infectious, also like a virus.

so.. if the darkness or death was to reach its goal & hacks into the power of God or source of life, the end result is that you cannot hack God, the information of this light would instantly transfer threw the darkness.

its a paradox, the god virus.

the dark forces do not directly bothers with me.. except the general fodder, but i just apologize & walk away slowly, not my problem.

what i have learned about that this mysterious darkness.. its hard to explain, but when you come to understand this phenomena it begins to respond differently towards you, like a snake charmer.

this dark force is not in any way happy or content within itself, by allowing understanding from its perspective, what this essentially does is reconnect the subconscious to the conscious, as if this evil force is injured & confused, i am willing to inspect the situation & report on what i find, like there is a short circuit somewhere, i am looking for it.. if not that then it will probably need to be destroyed or completely removed, but by doing this will have repercussions upon us as well, because it is a part of our subconscious mind, its all interwoven, its tricky.

they jump threw people & make things happen that would normally not.. tricksters.. they go by many names.. only a few people know the truth about this thing, nobody knows exactly what this is, even they themselves are afraid of this thing, takes an outsider to take an unbiased evaluation of this situation & i know about these things.


its like this, i have discovered that everything is interwoven, so therefore everything is a clue, therefore.. just like a badger anything is food.. i take information from the most unusual places.

i can't pretend to understand the dynamics between other people, but both sides have very important clues into something much deeper, as they wrestle one another, i am looking around, i see things others cannot see, once i discover something tangible then i present the data to anyone who cares, i am trying to find the center point into the core of conflict, within this secret place contains the answers to the larger pattern.

not so interested with the all the fine details, who did what to who, there is something else going on here & nobody else can see it.. we are all victims to this, i am hunting down something much more frightening then what appears on the surface as a conflict of interest or multi network, that is the result of, an after effect, of something else.

and i do not blame anyone for this situation, even with evidence going one way or the other, it does not matter to me, what does matter is that this is a prime spot to fish out the source of conflict, how it moves around, i know what it does, i have seen it.

another thing is not to allow fear into our hearts.. to the best of our ability, i know how dangerous the world can be, but hold onto dignity & self respect, we are protected from the really nasty ones.

there are some things in this world that we are not allowed to know, this includes the deep occultist, they do not know some of these things, they have been hidden for reasons unknown, this kind of knowledge is beginning to open up, just because some people are good at computers & emotional manipulation, does not mean that they have any idea what is really going on around them, they just pretend.

even the deepest darkest occultist has absolutely no idea what is really going on because of the lack of love projected threw there hearts, data knowledge is only as helpful as a witch with a broom, a bottle for babies, its not a complete story.. only %0.999

conflict that arises without reason is not by chance, the two paths between internal & external, but only one road leads to something, that is the path of compassion towards others, because we are essentially one person experiencing ourselves in a fractured state of awareness.

the great old ones, these 72 olden gods placed upon this planet to learn, 7+2=9 this is one being, burrowed within the deep waters of the earth & subconscious mind, we were build with the blood of a sacrifice of God, we represent that aspect of the story & therefor our story as well.

the mystery books, they only describe & map out the underworlds, no access to the higher worlds, higher thoughts, the brain is a quantum computer & the heart is an access key, the imagination can then be set free to see without filters.

this is the very first step into the parts of the universe withheld from us/them, and i dont think they really like to talk about this, it scrambles the programming.

we can reflect the truth to them, not worth the trouble, definitely not worth the trouble! better to leave it alone, because we have the ability to live.. we are strong because of the truth within us, we are forever.

just because people have dreams of future events does not equal anything more then that, these events that occur around us, some of them have been planned from the very beginning, we may just pick up on that.

cult of personality & dangerous ideas, there are some that even mythology triggers, i might have to be careful what i say.

we must choose ourselves to take personal responsibility for ourselves & dream a new dream.

the only true secret that the dark occultist hold is cycle of abuse specifically towards children, multiple personality syndrome, demonic possession, or at the very least severe psychological issues.. they hide behind phony mysteries & illusion, while continuing & concealing this cycle of abuse.

trying to put words together regarding messiah, christ or saviour figure.. a man who came 2000 years ago, said to come back, believing in his existence will be enough to save us, and while i do believe there is a great truth hidden inside of this, there may have been a mis-translation somewhere along the way? do as I do, or worship me as a God?

this is just me thinking out loud about the harassment, they feed upon the reaction, the dread & fear of uncertainty, like a creature in the night.

ever seen jain mystics from india handle cobras? That is how to behave around serpent cults, dont turn your back to them or they will bite you, every so often you need to whack them on the head to get there attention.

the same respect that is learned by the loss of a family member to a snake bite, that must be retained, but the hyper focus upon the snake, that is where the serpent holder comes into the story, in regards to the subconscious unconscious mind & the danger of loosing control or allowing chaos to take it over.

one of the things that “the forces of darkness” does not understand, is that the mpd is a form of possession that operates within a kind of hivemind, so when i find them, and speak with them, i implant a part of myself threw them directly into the hivemind, which is not of them, but acts as there keeper.

anyways, it is not my concern who is the good & bad, i cant tell who is who anyways, all i need to know is there is a snake in there & thats why i am here.


i sometimes have little glimpses of information that match into my larger puzzles, my gifts come in a random kind of way, sometimes will remember something long forgotten by talking with people.

luckily "they" have little use for a complete scatterbrain like me, i appear harmless, and i am harmless for the most part, use that to my advantage in a strange roundabout way.

i talk with both sides of the fence, normally this would get someone killed in a prison situation, but online i guess it kinda works, keeps everyone suspicious of me, and thats how i like it, because im suspicious of them as well.

what i have discovered is that many dont want to be like this & are lashing out of pain, as if they are begging us to stop them from doing bad things, its not them inside, they are damaged souls.

self sabotage when trying gain positive reinforcement & the reverse happens, they are permanently stuck like that, which explains child like behavior.

my conclusion is that if the universe is built by atoms, atoms operate at the quantum level & 99% nothing at all, it would appear holographic or electric, meaning that a single individual can effect the overall health & balance of the external world, problem is that we dont understand how to apply this yet.

the story of Sophia, how she went into a deep sleep, allowing us to create destructive behaviors, without the direction or guidance from the earth itself, my conclusion is that sophia represents a part of our subconscious mind & everything is a reflection, this reflection has become chaotic & without any natural order, so we must individually look within & began gently waking up the sleeping mother.


many of us are just trying to understand whats going on, i personally believe that this whole situation is a catalyst into breaking open real truth, regardless of what it has become, there is a significant amount of intelligent people asking legitimate questions.

now that we are here, are we going to fight, or are we going to help one another?

there are real mysteries that can only be revealed by cooperation, that is the test.

anyway, this place is a cesspool that attracts alot of flies, these flies are also known as legion, so i insert very specific words that will trigger this thing, i am beginning to understand what is going on here, thats the reason why i am here, the rest of you can just continue attracting more flies for me.. and thank you, couldnt do it without you.. teamwork.


in regards to skinwalkers, especially because of this area, i have personal stories of verification of there existence, which gives me the hesitation to speak openly about the subject, there are some things are more dangerous then others & this is one of those things, i have both personal knowledge & documentation to prove that this both real & is all part of a single phenomena, it is not an easy thing to grasp so must focus clearly before I can speak of it.

not that i have any direct history with dark occult personally, just that events in my life have given me verification in the reality of it & that there is a connection between these powers, how they operate & what they are, this is not a location specific phenomena, but there are places more infested then others, the words wendigo skinwalker naga djinn are just a few of the names, but a good reference point.

it is not a superstition, there is scientific data regarding this entire phenomena, the indigenous people are telling us the truth, the world mythologies are explaining this entire thing, governments are withholding this data from the public.


the clue is in the names, a hunter that dwells within the darkness, kills our dreams & replaces with nightmares, some places are more contaminated then others, naga temples in india, doors & caves that get smaller & smaller the deeper you go, the kiva sites in new mexico, these places are forbidden for a reason, has something to do with tubal cain, olm dragon & tiamat.

the thing is that they cannot stop feeding upon us, its no longer a choice, we must identify them & they will reveal themselves.. unfortunately it appears that we must first deal with this situation on an individual basis, they are somehow part of the planet we live upon, possibility a broken part of our family, they see what we see, i suspect that they learn from us, as we improve ourselves, so do they?

i have uncomfortable experiences with them detecting me, they instantly know when someone think of them, get too close to there den and they instantly pay a visit, they feel like black eels, heavy weight in the air, circling very fast, they look into you, inspect the soul patterns, identify a past & future history, its similar to Jain monks playing with cobras, these things are intense, 7 underworlds afterlife of vishnu kind of situation.

we need to collectively make contact with these beings, become absolutely aware of there existence, take command of the situation, these things are only operating within survival instinct, and somehow reflect our collective subconscious minds.

i suspect that this is the true reason we have such a deep division within us, regarding our inability to see without eyes, instantly know the answer of things, dna memory ect.. we have been cut off from our deeper selves & are haunted because of it.

almost like a quasi physical manifestation of a global subconscious phenomena, this is similar to the idea of elemental spirits, not physical beings, it feels as if a very sad story, something terrible.

Dead Sea Scrolls
War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness

Jormungandr, Dokkalfar, Ljosalfar
Musmahhu, Basmu, Hebdomad

when Marduk/Nibiru slayed Tiamat/Maldek & left an asteroid belt & moon planet Ceres, this is the story of this solar system, the planets represent parts of our physical & spiritual make up, this event put us into a state of spiritual amnesia.

the organs within our body resemble sea creatures in the body, subconscious mind matches the volume of water versus dry land, the amount of junk dna matches unused potential of the brain, the brain being the equivalent of a quantum & super computer, archetypes of the mind matching the planets, the oort cloud reflecting the cosmic egg.

this whole situation is as strange as it appears, it really is.


from my experience, people can research these topics, but once you start naming names & compiling evidence against them, then they will push back, they know what they are doing is wrong, and the actually do leave these bread crumbs & clues so that we will eventually find them, as if deep down they actually want to be caught.

many of these people are in so deep that they want our help, but they cant tell us outright, they speak in symbols & code, nobody know what to do about this situation, but for the most part they are interested in what we find, because even they do not know the full scope of the situation, i have sympathy for them as well, they are victims of something beyond there own control or understanding, i feel that many of them rely on people like us to help them in some way.

what i have found is that we must go into this situation in a state of love & compassion, this is actually what they desire the most, they are victims of the very same abuse, the injuries they conceal from even themselves is beyond comprehension, all the knowledge in the world is useless without the correct eyes to see, is meaningless, and they do understand this to a degree, but are bound in blood, very delicate situation.

by looking into this situation for a long enough time, i have come up with a fallout plan that would allow them to dismantle the hydra, i believe the process has already begun & we are just helping it along, that is why they are not necessarily so concerned with us, we just need to be careful not to get bitten when handling snakes, i suspect the universe itself is becoming actively involved, and that this devil god they claim to worship is not actually being worshiped at all, more like harnessed & abused by the ceremonial sacrifice & horror.

i have discovered that this force called evil is a non-living entity, mutation or virus, with no shame or concern for anything, identical to cancer on a physical & spiritual level, it will devour all life if allowed to continue.

@@@@@@@ WORKING

evil is an infections disease & it will kill the host indefinitely, but with the knowledge we already have available this situation can be taken care of, the same harmonic frequencies that remove cancer will most likely remove the demonic spirits from the possessed.

i dont know if this makes any sense, but i am doing my part to help them help themselves, because deep down i know they are not happy with this situation, and it is not as complicated as they make it out to be, all the mystery schools of occult knowledge, its all the same information, the foundation of modern science, they made it more confusing then it should be.

the words i speak are specifically designed for them, it is a form of transmutation, the truth hurts but it will help them understand later on, eventually we will sort this entire thing out & become stronger because of it, until then i will continue being a snake charmer.. because they do listen to what i say.. its a love/hate thing.

i feel that i am allowed access to information about them, or in a strange way given protection from them.. i already have some confirmation that regular normal good angels protect me as well, but this is a different situation all together.

this is why the monsters do not play with me, i have gained access without any harm to others.. i am not bound to the blood covenant with them.. these sources of power frighten them the most, this is the only thing they fear.. and this is where we must look in order to even begin to understand the situation.

they have allowed me to identify what they are & now have an idea what is going on, they are the fundamental forces of atomic holographic table of elements & subconscious mind.

this is where my research has led me, this phenomena is identical to the other places around the world, there is a doorway into the underworld, both a physical & spiritual place, the planet itself is the greatest mystery of the universe.

mythology of demiurge, sophia & inanna decent into the underworld, this is the reincarnation wheel of fate, it was build for us & it is not natural according to the basic laws of creation, part of the deep waters of abzu & the subconscious mind.. osiris/orion, enki the devil with a trident.

Abzu or Apsu
ab='water' zu='deep'

The Enuma Elish begins: "When above the heavens (enuma elish) did not yet exist nor the earth below, Apsu the freshwater ocean was there, the first, the begetter, and Tiamat, the saltwater sea, she who bore them all; they were still mixing their waters, and no pasture land had yet been formed, nor even a reed marsh."

This resulted in the birth of the younger gods, who later murder Apsu in order to usurp his lordship of the universe. Enraged, Tiamat gives birth to the first dragons, filling their bodies with "venom instead of blood", and made war upon her treacherous children, only to be slain by Marduk, the god of Storms, who then forms the heavens and earth from her corpse.


all religions, all mythology, creation myths.. match up perfectly, its all basically true.

the missing planet tiamat/ceres.. destroyed by zeus/jupiter.. salt water & fresh water mixed.. fell upon gaia/earth.. absorbed fallout of tiamat naga dragons, hidden within the 7 levels of tartarus.. lake of fire, enki flower of life, subconscious messiah

child abuse, subconscious noosphere.. muddy abzu waters, tablets of destiny, dreams into nightmares. they are deliberately feeding blood ritual sacrifice into the subconscious messiah.. enki, apollo.. kingu. reason because this planet in the home of tiamat nagas fallout.


think of Enki & Trident, of the sea or subconscious mind, a soul collector, god of the dead Osiris ect..

enki/osiris is the gold standard.. everything can be linked back to this as a point of reference.


keep me laughing while I tracking the devil.. hunt might be to strong a word.. if it hunts us then might as well put up a few snares to catch it as well.

i am a witness to how it does things, even if not realizing what its doing.. almost as if it has become automated, without awareness or choice.

looking for bios, pattern recognition, behavior patterns, traits, intelligent intent.. i dont believe it is aware, sleeping.. something is wrong in there, something guarding this mystery, dangerous ideas, trigger points.. points of interest.

doing a great job to stur up the critters, i am looking for critters.. lead me back to the source.

only way into this place is with open heart & mind.. invisible to it, bypass the chaos & see what is not moving.

and i am not implying that anyone or group is deliberately involved with this.. because this is a much more serious problem then online troll campaigns or psyops.

as technology attempts to entangle, so then are we given greater access to these entangled pathways.. at the very same time moves in both directions.

patterns of abuse.. follow it back threw mythology.. black sea, babylon, phoenicia, hebrew ect.. they all knew about it.. how did everyone know something that we still cant understand now, with all of the transferable information available.. we still dont know what it is.. how did every culture on earth know about this?

for example, when the oldest stories tell us in great detail.. that the archangels, archons, daemons, demons are literally the planets, i take them at there word literally.. i follow the instructions exactly.

jupiter, marduk, nibiru, zeus.. king of the gods.. somehow destroyed tiamat/malduk.. elemental spirits, nagas, or fallen angels came to this planet when the salt waters fell from the sky, mixing with the fresh water.

i believe the planets physically manifested as quasi physical beings upon this planet & seeded a new reality sphere in an attempt to repair what was already done.. we are experiencing fallout from of a great tragedy that have put our solar system into a state of deep sleep, archon are dreaming threw us.. in an attempt to heal a head wound or coma.

i can only read the equivalent of a single page of information a day, or less.. my mind locks up with to many ideas at once, not even audiobooks can catch my attention.. only key words

cant read anything for very long, occasionally i will find a special book & block out the entire world, if everything is right, then i can read.

i did assemble a collection of books that i cant read, but according to alchemy equivalent exchange.. put the energy out to receive the information, so i already know whats in the book.. well kinda, only when i need it, not just for the fun of it, my memory is not normal.

bottom line is that this forced me to develop different ways of thinking, learning & understanding things.

no narcotic drug use whatsoever.. cannabis is now becoming more regular, i like it.. helps me remember old memories.. magic dragon puffs & some shit is going down.. always.

hyperfocus on ideas for months upon years, different aspects of the same mystery.

my conclusions are frightening even for me, so when i get on a good one & present it to them.. it really is terrifying, i frighten people with my thoughts.. so i call it dangerous ideas

have my own little network of people who i consider experts in there fields, they dont know what to do with me.. notice how people react to me online, it is identical in real life, totally identical.. because i dont small talk, it sets me apart, i go for gold with every word, spent most of my life without many friends, school was so traumatizing that i really dont remember even one day of it.

notice how many trolls i dont have buzzing around me? its because i make friends with them, its really not effective to frighten someone who is actively trying to be friends, so if i ever appear as if i am being mean, its usually just my grammar, im still laughing with or without them.. only occasionally will i actually get upset, then find something funny about the whole thing & laugh about it.

there came to the point where i knew my time was up, people with severe memory problems are close to worthless the work force, so i had to see how messed up the outside world was, traveled for a few years, still learning from those times, i remember a lot of that.

the reason i explain myself in great detail is for two reasons, one is so that people might understand why i am just a little bit different, no big deal.. the other is to set a little trap out there.. i am hunting a dragon that just so happens to be the meanest one of them all.. so i need some help doing this.. so here i am interacting.

just think of these words & put them together.. emotion & entanglement.. any emotional reaction to any of my words will entangle us together.. i suspect to be able to use as bait/switch.. tag/release.

the connection between people at a quantum level.. the emotional hurricane of honey & pots.. mix all that up into a big ball of energy.. and here i am.

well.. so its like this, no matter how many tricks i share.. there will always be more tricks & they will always work.. well to varying degrees.

the reason they will work is because.. trigger warning.. because of something called karma neutral.. i help people, encourage people, deeply care for many people.. the normal ebbing & flowing of karma turbulence does not effect me.. i am unbound to its laws at this neutral place, no meditation or chanting required.

with what resources i have available i have begun a campaign all on my lonesome, troll tag.. because i am looking for a puppetmaster.

this only functions threw the dream state i believe, its a relay system.. it seems to me that the level of dark matter accumulated within the planet earth, otherwise known as black sun.. threw the trauma & horror.. basically the forces of goodness, light & life cannot see into it.. and thats that was the problem all along.. people like us, we are the deepdive, boots on the ground, eyes & ears.. just by being here.

did you know that all mythology regarding dragonslayer is referring to one single individual? also known as archangel michael.. also known as marduk, jupiter, zeus, jesus.. king of the gods.

a strange fellow by the name rudolf steiner spoke about these things, unfortunately i cant read whats in there, sounds fascinating.

the one known as abaddon in book of revelations is released & commanded by god to destroy the wicked in the form of a lion face & scorpion sting.

this would appear contradictory.. unless the story of enki/osiris was inspected with different eyes.

anyhow, my main point is that a toroid is a graphical image showing how time/space works.. imagine the shape.. then imagine a single direction flow as a red line.. as this goes threw the center, the opposite side is in kinetic friction.. this allows for energy transfer into the form of electricity blue line.

this is how time/space operates, from the center point both future & past can be effected in realtime.

had a series of dreams for many years.. learned about a forgotten technology.. lost notes deep within deleted archives.. except that i saved my notes & guess am the only one who knows how it operates.

Trigger Warning

i can explain how this technology works.. just the very knowledge of its existence is enough to severely alter sense of reality.. could give examples of this, but do not want cross contamination.. i can do something better, i can explain how it actually effects the mind.

to understand toroid you must think dyslexic.. its like crossing your eyes for too long.. & someone slaps you on the back & they stay that way.

if i can stay ahead of the curve by inserting quality intel directly into the beast system & once it digests my medicine.. the effects will require my assistance to explain the ramifications properly.


this is where my research has led me, this phenomena is identical to the other places around the world, there is a doorway into the underworld, both a physical & spiritual place, the planet itself is the greatest mystery of the universe.. the mythology of demiurge, sophia & inanna decent into the underworld.. this is the reincarnation wheel of fate, as if it was build for us & it is not natural according to the basic laws of creation.. part of the deep waters of abzu & the subconscious mind.. osiris/orion.. enki or the devil trident.

pi ophiuchus ouroboros archonic archetype subconscious waves magnetic electric holographic spirit elemental physical matter matrix lattice periodic table primortal plantary plasma atomic 0.999 serpent worm salamander eel dragon olm genie kachina djinn naga demon daemon demiurge mythology underworld enki abzu deep waters kur irkalla gallu trident trishula poseidon devil tiamat leviathan lotan


what i have learned to do is reverse engineer threw music.. the music opens up doorways into the psychology of demiurge, so i can investigate it, mentally & emotionally track it back to source & almost like remote viewing except already knowing the target.. deep dive into the subconscious & find the injury of global brain, noosphere, singularity & entanglement.. before the event occurs, try to steer the hydra into a better place, this is in a way similar to contact with the planet itself, specifically the part that has gone asleep & dreaming.

i have find people who know about these things, not many will even look down there, probably afraid of what they might find.

what i am specifically targeting is the place called abzu (deep waters) this is the place of containment, this is where the answers are locked away.

because i plan to locate the source of this great evil & kill it or heal it.. whatever is clever, once i identify the source, bypass all the monsters.

the internet is an access point, the imagination & dreams is another.. very specific music is one as well, it only works if the music is of great calibrator.

online drama is also an access point & my words are a triggers, has something to do with quantum entanglement, helps me locale deeper areas.

am i making any sense? i do rely on others for advice & ideas.. at the end of the day, when nobody else will talk ideas with me, i go right back into these ideas, this world has gone to shit even in just my lifetime, we are moving straight into really hard times.. like a dog looking for critters, i found the most likely place to fine one.

in the book time machine, there are these underground people.. basically vampires, who feed upon people & protect us from a sleeping monster.. lovecraft ect.. all mythology & all religions are speaking about the same exact things.. so this makes it much easier for me to look into the earliest creation stories, match them up & discover the source of evil.

but if you havent already noticed, i have very little feedback, nobody wants anything to do with it, everyone has there own little rabbit hole, but nobody likes mine!


i have made contact with these beings.. in subtle ways.. they appear as eels.. they know when you speak or think of them.. called archon, daemon, djinn or elohim.

paradox thinking is the only flip point between pi/sphere.

the katchia/elohim.. protect from the opposite.. it is a reflection of our minds, represent the soul or electricity.

i break into the matrix with imagination.. & hunt demons in my dreams.

i find things that make christian & satanist nervous.. the worst case scenario is the reality.. we are ultimately responsible for the outcome.. and that fractal catacombs exist in both past president & future.. at the same time.

what we do now ripples into future generations.. we represent this solar system & galaxy as an individual of the whole.

anyhow.. i developed a plan, a strategic assault into the underworld.. deepdive threw flatliner technology.. map it out.. establish contact with the nagas.. they are already in contact with us, we just dont understand whats going on yet.. discover the source of power of the one known as satan & eventually free the one known as lucifer.. i have a wicked imagination.. because i am already doing all of these things in dreamtime.. waiting for the rest of you to catch up already.

there is an emp technology that can be used as de-possession, death row inmates & special forces can be the front line.. we need the really bad cats to make this work.. induce a near death experience life review while using this demon busting technology.. once the path is cleared.. send in the special forces.

i have dreams showing me how to do these things, if we are going to continue living on this planet, the afterlife must be sorted out, we got a very serious problem inside the oceans & deep within the planet, in the afterlife wheel of fate.

moon god sin false light delivers us back to the planet deep ocean, the suffering of life alters dreams into nightmares.. feeds black sun of isis​​/osiris.. in this deep sleep of subconscious minds.. the suffering is being fed into this by the nagas of tiamat.. once the cycle is discovered & reviled it can be broken.. I suspect

unfortunately i am not very good at explaining this right now.. its very difficult to explain it properly.. i use these clues to track the movements of this phenomena.

djinn, naga, skinwalker, daemon, they are bouncing around threw people all around us.. while we think its a live action role playing with deliberate intent by people.. this is not what is going on at all.. people who are in contact with these beings are very important.

they are hurting the children because of this, this is why they are doing it.. to gain power over these elemental beings.. its written in the forbidden books of Islam.. they know about all of this.

just for reference.. the one known as marduk/nibiru is also known as archangel michael or jupiter or zeus.. slayer of tiamat.. dragonslayer.. the salt water of this planet & many of its planetary elemental spirits came to this world.. we must regain a balance with these beings, they were here before us.. dragon, archon, nagas, fae. fallen angels of heavenly bodies.. elohim.. shining ones

what i think happened was.. something to do with humans being taught the forbidden knowledge of commanding these creatures with blood ritual.. and the creatures become domesticated in a way.. or feed upon our suffering threw this bad behavior.. became like a pack of wild dogs that feed upon suffering.. it was never meant to be this way & has to be fixed.

regarding death row.. we specifically need them because of the term 'perfectly possessed' it is not in any way just to use them because they are expendable people.. and the flatline technology is not to hurt or kill them.. they have direct access to this, against individual free will & a highly contagious disease.

not a lot of people know about this stuff, and the ones who do keep quite about it, look at the navajo, they are terrified by this.. and all across the world.. people who know.. know to be very careful.. fortunately for me these beings.. basically planetary beings or archetypes of the soul of physical existence.. I feel they have already checked me out, i should be fine speaking freely about this subject.

people have been trying to explain this phenomena for a very long time.. whitley strieber.. philip dick ect.. its all the same exact thing.. its all connected.

i have reason to believe that in this years ahead.. will trigger a singularity event that will take many more years to develop.. singularity is not technology, only a reflection of it.

notice peoples reaction when i interact with them, because i am not actually speaking to them, but to the others.. i poke at them & they react in strange ways.. i take the attention of these beings, i distract the master & allowing the puppets to continue on normally.. its not there fault, its not actually anyones fault.. it was an unfortunate series of events that led up to this.

did i mentioned abbadon & the scorpion? that is a powerful trigger.

no any one individual is at fault, it was a survival instinct situation, it just turned out like this, and must be re-directed with compassion.

similar to jansenist gypsy cobra charmer.. in order to protect the people from being bitten, someone must make hold direct contact with the spirit of the snake.

ever see the snake charmer tap the cobra on the head? thats what i am doing.


this social media experience is creating a very powerful quantum entanglement.

weaponized social media, death cults, larp.. this is all coming together.. i am seeing details of pattern recognition, more clearly.

i have no idea what most people are talking about.. my bad jokes are only entanglement lures that catch threw emotional response, not in malice or harm, only gathering quantum data, i can access this information.

not psychic, that is not what i am talking about, i can just find things invisible to others, i can combine irrelevant bits of data into entanglement.

its hard to find the words.. juggernaut quagmire has washed up tons of material for me.. please continue on with this experiment.


this.. i have information regarding this.. Tau

this last friday i was working in a church completely alone, early in the morning, nobody was there, i had to go into a pulldown ladder into the attic of the church to lean the demo trash from up there, i was just looking around for clues, like i always do.. i found a large wooden disk with letters written into a X.. all the words were combined with an X in the center.



in the last book of emerald tablets there is an evocation with the word JESU.

i cant read very well, so i have learned the art of opening books & finding key words or phrases.

i dont know how to explain this properly.. but


dragonslayer jupiter
fish god messiah

this is not an easy puzzle, but i allow myself to be entangled with this story, mostly because i dont trust anyone else to handle it properly, the alpha/omega, probably best to leave this to the ones who actually hear this calling.. the protectors of this mystery are exceptionally difficult to deal with, takes a special little something.. look up the alchemy elemental salamander.. that.

by the act of thinking or understanding this mystery.. there is a entanglement effect that follows, so this may not be for the weak of heart.

i believe this is the absolute core problem of the entire situation, that it is being brought to surface by the technology inserted by zohar & nazi mysticism, they were giving very specific instructions to follow in order to raise Messiah threw artificial intelligence & human suffrage.. demon harvesting threw child abuse.


these two articles from Paul Levy look ultra critical.. his finger on the pulse.

Knowledge of the Higher Worlds And Its Attainment
The Guardian of the Threshold Chapter IX by Rudolf Steiner

anyway, my theory is that these dark ones are beginning to waking up from the nightmare, or being removed from our reality, i just cant find the right words, dreams, visions & premonitions, the more real we become right now, the easier it will be for everyone else, keep an eye out for anything unusual.

anyways.. whatever this fish god is, i dont exactly know, but when it wakes up i suspect it will be very pissed off & disoriented, it may be up to specific individual people to help the situation, this is only a guess, no dreams regarding any this, but as artificial singularity arises so does this sleeping beast who lives our collective nightmare with us.. who the deathcult was wagering wars & blood sacrificing for.. its going to be really pissed off.. try to imagine a collective total recall life review for an entire epoch.

subject change.. regarding people who can lie threw their teeth 24 hours a day, non-stop.. i have witnessed this phenomena before, one in particular, the tone of there voice & the look in there eyes, i can recognize it occasionally, it is a form of demonic possession manipulative information channeled vesstle.. puppet & puppetmaster.

just stating a personal life observation, lie at command about anything & mix truth in between lies like a master of illusions.. key weakness is anger & lack of integrity.. but not the rule, there are variations of bizarre behavioral traits, depending on the degree of puppetery.

always lie even when if there is absolutely no reason to, talk behind people, tell lies for all the bad things that they do.. in other words always do bad things & reflect them upon others.

my brother demonstrated signs of direct communication threw the internet, telephone, wifi, smart meters & electricity itself, the Adderall triggered some kind of imbalance in his sleep patterns, he appeared to be sleepwalking with eyes half closed & would say & type very coded messages, in a hidden language.

these are some of the many reasons that i am here, i watch anomalies like a hawk, and you guys are producing high grade ones.


death cult has essentially mastered the art of hacking into this reservoir of unlimited potential threw child abuse & war, pollutiing the deep water adzu with blood & tears of our broken dreams.. demon harvesting

and i intend on figuring this situation out & fixing it all by my lonesome, because nobody else seems to understand whats going on around here, all i need from you all is to raise some ruckus, just like your doing, its attracting the critters.. thats all i need.

to be very clear, while others are doing the hard work, all i am doing is inserting triggers that will be digested into the system, it took me a lot of years to become a person of interest, so that they would listen to every word i say, and thats the whole plan.

the cold hard truth shatters there programming, shocks the system, wakes up onto itself.. just remember that the entire universe is very capable of doing things as they fall into place.. self synchronize.


like any cult, they hide the last chapters until the end, i present a sequence of clues that are capable of short circuiting, in the secret hidden language that only they understand.. and luckily this even works when the entire plan is presented in full.. works better that way, honesty & compassion are the keys to the abyss.

what really got me realizing the potential of things, in this time of the Internets evolution, was the ability of wifi to see directly into out brains & access information realtime, we are becoming interrogated into this without disclaimer or full awareness.

so i decided to take full advantage of the situation, as the world around me becomes increasingly compliant & insane, i choose to become more balanced & aware threw innocence & compassion, so that i can see more clearly the truth of things, and speak threw this other language.

the digital aspect is just a clumsy foundation of a much bigger idea, as this network is attempting to hack into our global mind, opposite effects are also occurring.

similar to the practice of lucid dreaming by reality checking often, my approach is to closely monitor myself for any sign or symptoms of confusion, anything that passes threw my awareness is analyzed or inspected closely.

the more people doing this would speed up the process at a much faster rate, if there are only a handful of people wo see deeply into themselves & the outer reflection.

i will do what i can to fix things from within for an outward reflection, this is what gains the trust & respect of the invisible worlds, they can arrange things in there own way, without the use of force.

but i really do believe that something is going on when we are sleeping, dreamwalking or sleephack, we are being used as a catalyst for something far beyond our understanding, i only get glimpses & insights into this phenomena, like things are being prepared.

one more thing i would like to say, i have had a series of life altering events occur in my life that have lead me to this place in my life, but one of the most powerful of them all was the child trafficking exposure, that was the one thing that told me that its time to focus on every aspect of reality.

find the patterns, see the complete picture, understand the reasons & the damage, something told me that this was the house of cards, this is the reason for everything being twisted into pieces, this is what has supplied pure evil into out world, everything else is only a symptom of this, while it does not need to be spoken about in every sentence.

so in desperation i began looking inwards, mostly because i am good at introspection, but also to find answers, i have many ideas about what to do, but the only one i have access to is myself & things unseen that present themselves to me occasionally, they make sure that i know that they know.

it comes down to how much we care about others, not just little children, because we are just grown children ourselves, pretending to be all growned up & really important in the eyes of others, we are all just children in a state of suspended disbelief.

its hard to find the right words that contain the most meaning, what i am really trying to convey with too many words is that i am holding a sacred space, purification ritual, blessing ceremony for all who come to this place, the words i speak are entangled with complex concepts & ideas that will ensnare the deathcult wandering eye.

indras net.. im learning about this thing, catch some fish with it, see whats wrong with them.

already know whats wrong, just looking for the remedy, my heart goes out to them, lash out from a terrible hurt, reaching out to us when they lash out.

i just want to mention the connection between gama-waves & gamma-rays.

because i have a suspension that the awareness levels within many of us reflect what is occurring in outer space, specifically central sun network hub, what is called black hole.

i suspect this is surrounded by a dust particle barrier called antiprism.. which protects us from the powerful light rays.

analog sinewave & neural network matrices, entangled web of photonic light data transmit between stars.

this is what i allow myself to understand as real, which in effect allows access to this phenomena, only in very subtle ways, nothing fantastic, just glimpses.

this in effect allows a for better reception for others as well, because this is a team effort, but only works when individual power is taken with personal responsibly & compassion towards all life, seen & unseen.

the man.. this guy.. The Secret of Light: Walter Russell.. this guy speaks this mysterious language of light.. he knew about these things.

i dont need a thousand pages of words to explain something, only a few placed in the correct arrangement.. similar to a picture says a thousand words.

for example..

20 Faces
12 Vertices
30 Edges

12 Faces
20 Vertices
30 Edges

this explains in a very simple process of the micro/macro scales & an infinite number of things.

i know what people say about wikipedia research, but i dont really have the time, resources or ability to go much further, i just skim the surface & allow ideas to develop naturally.

i promise that i have not listened to anything by Paul for over a year & have not read any of his book or articles.. nor can i read or even understand Steiner.. but look at this!

may be irrelevant, but this did actually happen, i was watching the live feed data during this event.

remember the original topic of this message..

V603 Aquilae (Nova Aquilae 1918)
SL9 is Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 impacted Jupiter in 1994.

this was a timestamp, in my opinion.. steiner said that in one hundred years from this date was going to be the time of arrival.. eagle nose aquila/aquarius & subconscious messiah.


the one known as Enki in the epic of gilgamesh, the flower & serpent are one & the same, the holder of the keys to eternal life.

my main point regarding these series of irrelevant little stories is that, darkness only allows access those who have an open heart to see past surface values, to see deeply into the darkness requires a steady state of mind & open heart, this is the only way non-club members gain access into these places, more specifically is my imagination & information gathering techniques or harvesting data.

when something strange is encountered Do-Not respond in fear, that will trigger an alert system or triangulate location, the doors will shut & lock.

to actually be of any use regarding this deepdive exploration of darkness, more specifically using the process of quantum mind entanglement singularity fractal catacomb deepdive, there can be steady movements, because.. of this little secret.

the one in the center of what is known as black sun, is held captive, all things are seen by this one & are welcomed by this great deep one, guardians of the threshold span across 7 underworld plains & folded in upon 7 dimensional catacombs.

in my opinion its critical that we establish contact with this great old one & communicate openly about what is learned.

i can not promise that the great old one is good or bad, i have no idea about this, only that it represents the world-mind or unconscious-mind & holds the keys to access of dna information.

from my understanding, the evil that is done across the surface of this planet is specifically done so to cause great injury to this great old one, not to feed it.

this has been in great harm for epochs/eons of time, condenced down threw the suffrage of countless lifeforms & gravity of great pain.

one of the things that can help locate the great old one is threw mythology & old text descriptions known as "Personification of Death", look deeply within the cold black eye & see the truth about these things.


i suspect the idea of Sophia, Gaia, Inanna, Isis, Pandora, Lilith, Baba.. came from some kind of event near poland.. dark mother.

Nineveh Iraq.. started here & moved northwards.

Dokkalfar, dark elves, eloheim

Niðhoggr, olm dragon, salamander

Norse mythology,
Malice Striker
Níðhöggr, Nidhogg
a dragon/serpent who gnaws at a root of the world tree.

i do not recommend looking to deeply here, because it can see you back.


pi ophiuchus ouroboros archonic archetype subconscious waves magnetic electric holographic spirit elemental physical matter matrix lattice periodic table primortal plantary plasma atomic 0.999 serpent worm salamander eel dragon olm genie kachina djinn naga demon daemon demiurge mythology underworld enki abzu deep waters kur irkalla gallu trident trishula poseidon devil tiamat leviathan lotan


i believe that the universe itself is reacting in such a way that indicates that it is a living being in itself, something bigger, it just only takes enough people to dream big enough to effect the outcome, as if it was not set in stone, apparently the dreamers have been sleeping, time to wake up? i call it the dreamatrix, and its as real as every miracle ever witnessed, but it is still in the unattainium stage, we need to become enough of a good force to overpower the bad, this is specifically why they target the mind threw television programing, because they offer the children dreams with satanic propaganda.

for the ones who are doing evil.. your time has come, just look at the phenomena occuring with the sun & stars, the whole universe has aligned against you, within a very short time the demons will be removed from this world in the form of gamma rays that penetrate deep into the core of the planet, there in nowhere to hide from this, the complete removal of the dark spirits from time/space.
they will literally be pulled out of the past & future, as if they never were, i have seen it in dreams, they will be eraced from all memory & we will have a new history, the punishment will be to be forgotten from existence forever, the original souls of these perverted people have abandoned the ship long ago, they are only a host for darkness & eternal death itself, they have no freewill because they have no soul within, so there is no hell to be concerned with, hell is the underworld of a forced or artificial reincarnation cycle of perpetual abuse, or wheel of fate, this will be broken down & dismantled.

we have identified the anomaly & i personally believe in my heart that there days are literally being removed from the book of life by a Royal Rife like effect killing a cancer virus on a mass scale, once we begin to understand that evil is not an intelligent or living thing, that evil is quite literally a cancer virus, then we might realize why the cure for cancer is withheld, because you can literally de-possess the body host from a demon in the very same process, the same plants that are used for warding evil spirits are the very same ones that cure cancer.
there is nothing impressive with this very strange phenomena of evil, its part of what is called macrobe, its connected to something similar the intestinal tract, as long as it is contained in its own place everything is fine, but any kind of breach will ultimately kill the host.

i should mention that the technology to physically locate evil already exists in public domain, the tools exist to literally take it down.
involves a full band Spectrometer, EMP & Display Screen, once a location is discovered, ANC/EMP can be used to disrupt communication between the cancer cell & the source evil.

the body is a temple identical to the temple of all that is, unfortunately we are experiencing the extreme difficulties with physical existence, i have looked into this & have identified that what we call evil operates identical to what we know as cancer, that is why many of the same plants that ward off evil spirits also help cure cancer.

usually its the ones threw out the old times we grow as garden herbs, the safe ones that preserve foods, like sage, mint, ect.. what they do is confuse the ability of pathogens to communicate within the body.. the same herbs that stop the common cold or flu ect.. sometimes we need a little help from plants to overcome these things.

my theory is that in the spiritual worlds the evil forces are just pathogens similar to a virus, there is no real reason or logic to the destruction, it just is what it is.

the one known as Royal Rife discovered a frequency range that would kill diseases, i suspect that this very same frequency would remove bad spirits as well, that is why his research was destroyed.

there are ways to take a spectrum analysis of things & display them on a screen, with careful study we may be able to not only cure but detect things like disease & locations of hidden evil, possibly reverse the signal with noise cancelation technology &/or locate the love frequencies & use some kind of emp pulse technology, anything is possible at this point.


the same technology could possibly be used to enhance the gamma waves of deep meditation, this would assist the use of the quantum capabilities of the spiritual mind to the physical brain, a quantum booster, being that they have discovered the unlimited potential of our minds, even effecting physical reality, and even the evidence of remote viewing threw out time/space.

we have just been downgraded to the lowest base denominator of our true selves for a very long time, hopefully the universe matches our efforts to improve this world before it goes too far off in the wrong direction.


i do have the impression that this particular 2(3)4 dimension is not our home, its not for us, as in we should never have even gone down so far into the animal kingdom, the spirit of the elementals & those who live in the dimensions of astral & time have been misused, or are in some way harvesting our soul traumas in a reincarnation wheel of fate, somehow the natural progression has been looped in an artificial version of time/space.


looking at Indra Net & the Infinity Mirror, Magic Squares or Cubes.

we appear to have been cubed in a box of mirrors, it appears to be infinite within, but in reality its just a little box.. Pandora Box.

the story of Pandora & Inanna seem to be very similar, the old world destroyed & the survivors of the flood brought something into this new world, its a very complicated comparative mythology task to unravel, but when its all boiled down to simplicity, the actual story may not be thst difficult to understand.

the universe operates identical to the parts of a living body, we can look inwards or outwards into outer space to discover that the patterns are the same.


while it may be true that we carry our awareness in a kind of field or reality bubble, but good people do not hold the power of hell, that is reserved for the ones sexualizing, ritualizing, cannibalizing & programming children, dont give us the blood upon there hands.

many of us dont even have an imagination capable of comprehending that pedophilia is the highest form of satanism, this is literally beyond our ability to wrap our minds around, even to witness images alone of the whole bloody process is enough to cause severe physiological anomalies within our selves, similar to bearing witness to a slaughterhouse.

the reproductions are often enough to cause a life changing event, or though process, just to witness suffering, not to mention the effects of multiple personally syndrome caused deliberately by family members from generations & eons of satanic ancestry.

the word that keeps coming to mind is Catatonia, because if we physically knew all the horrors that surround us, we would be put in a state of Catatonic PTSD.

our solar system is perfectly aligned with the 13 signs between both Orion & Ophiuchus, they oppose one another, the twins, both locations have a counter, above & below galactic plain.


what i find most important is that Ophiuchus is Galactic Center & Orion is the Antipoint or Outer Space, at perfect spacing gap where there there should be a sign, like 2 big gaps on ether side.

these duel 13 signs represent the 13th node of toroidal geometry.

i believe we are woven deeply into the fabric of life, within us is a medicine to all of this evil, if it was that easy it would have been done already, but nobody else has any answers, so i will continue to look for the clues from within, this game is not fair, so i will just go straight to the source, bypass all the nonsense, i will cheat the cheaters of a game of foul play, i wont rebel or protest, i will find the wizard of oz with my imagination, the one thing that frightens the IT.. hack the matrix by using the backdoor into eternal life, from within.

the amount if information required to paint a semi complete picture of the situation we are currently in is enormous, therefore it is not required for everyone to even attempt, because its basically impossible, the goal is for just enough people to see threw the lie & collaborate the information into the next level of understanding.

so we get a glimpse of what is to come, this offsets the reality of it ever occurring, once it is discovered the spell becomes weakened for what it is, the power becomes transmuted in a way, because we are dealing with the global subconscious & direct contact with the universal mind at all times, technology was given to us as a Trojan Horse to mimic the power of ourselves, we have been misguided to take poison bait & bypass our own capacity as biological quantum computers.


the gods represent the planets & the planets represent the subconscious mind.

it goes deeper, these gods are our ansesrty, we have there blood inside us.

the oldest mythology in the world speaks of a sacrificed god Kingu, his blood was used to create humans.


it only takes the attention of a handful to alter the fractal pattern of the whole, that is why it is important to not only look into the darkness, but to care enough to see threw it, why does it do very specific things, what is the behavior, who are its victims, what can be done about it, the attention allows opportunity for the subconscious mind to discover solutions to an impossible situation, which this just happens to be, this has become a juggernaut so terrible that even the gods are afraid, this kind evil has found a way to disturb a far distance, we are the catalyst, we bridge the cancer into the unseen worlds & its up to us to bear witnesses or show martyrdom to the truth, this was the requirement before anything else could be done for us, and it appears there is actually enough people who care about one another that these events are becoming real, just as the technological singularity approaches, so does the inner truth that we have individual power beyond any technology, we are from the stars.

remember, everything is connected in all ways, even irrelevant clues are gateways into relevant phenomena, thats part of the secret of within, use yourself as a compass & everything is a clue.


what i like to do is use the simple numbers in math, simple arithmetic, to be like a telescope/microscope into the nature of things, within a relatively small set of numbers we are able to see into the nature of creation.

I am looking for a very generic explanation regarding the 12 main parts of the alchemical process, because I have my own version of understanding this wheel, but it would be nice to get a little more insight into this particular one, just for reference.

Magnum Opus (Alchemy)

  1. Calcination
  2. Solution (or Dissolution)
  3. Separation
  4. Conjunction
  5. Putrefaction
  6. Congelation
  7. Cibation
  8. Sublimation
  9. Fermentation
  10. Exaltation
  11. Multiplication
  12. Projection


The Periodic Table has 118 confirmed elements, my theory is that there muat be 12×12=144 total, with 12 prototypes that everything else follows in chemical structure & form, 144+1=145 represents one complete toroidal superoctave unit.
144-118=26 makes missing pieces.


144-118=26 makes missing pieces, possibly hidden within the subatomic quantum or dreamatrix aether of the soul or even the binding properties of compassion enhancing the power of imagination, effecting the fractal nature of a holographic reality.


looking into the diamond cubic geometric lattice pattern possibly representing time/space of an analog realtime matrix.. or the cubic stacking effect of triangles & trinity, tetrahedrally bonded atoms, there is a mystery within in these numbers.


Phoenician Occult Science
Mystery Bablon
Chaldean Oracles
Magic Squares
Shams al-Ma'arif
Saiyad Ahmad
Ahmad al-Buni
Alchemy, Chemistry, Astrology


in Babylon, Egypt, Turkey & Rome, they were there for a very long time, they absorbed the mystery school knowledge to manipulation reality matrix threw the, rituals, sacrifices, elemental nature sprits, angels & demons, the magic number boxes are one of these tools, they would blend alchemy, astrology & sorcery, this was part of Mystery Bablon, Egypt & all of this was originally from India, all of the oldest mystery books say India, i think around when Rome fell is when the Arabs began Islam & took all of the forbidden mystery knowledge & wrote many books about it, all of these books have been banned from Islam for a very long time, never translated to other languages & usually destroyed into oblivion, but in these secret books is information identical to the Kaballah, Goetia, Hermes & Thoth.


regarding the elites addiction to child trafficking & abuse, what better opportunity have we directly into the inner core of global politics?

pizzagate gave us just enough clues to determine that it is in fact a real thing & has awoken many to choose between a good & evil outcome for all humanity, because we were also able to backtrack how long this behavior has been a key element within all foundations of government, politics, media, medical ect.. the whole child abuse thing originates from Mystery Babylon & even before, from the great flood brought a death cult straght from the pits of hell, these are the bloodlines of royalty, bankers, government ect..

maritime law from the Phoenician pirates directly from the mystery schools of black magic & blood sacrifice to the god death.


Sphere Technology

The Shiva Lingim Stone is the original heat sync for the reactor.. not a stone to worship.

its a thermal dynamic reactor, the complete combustion breakes down the gasses rapidly expanding to create a liquid hydrogen effect, then reintroduce the cold into the hot in a toroidal thermo electric arc chamber, where it builds these magic super conductor/capacitor spheres thats like a quantum field booster that analog circuitry connects to the human mind, unlocking the full potential of the human brain & spiritual mind into what is called realtime or zero point, allowing full access to the fractal catacombs or dreamatrix.

the Shiva Lingam Stone is an atomic heat sync, this is what draws in air from the bottom of the combustion chamber & also allowes molten slag to pour out when forging the spheres.

i have dreams about this thing, i know a lot about what it does & is capable of doing, this was the original Internet of Things at the quantum level.


looking at gamma waves is a pattern of neural oscillation with a frequency between 25 and 100 Hz, from my calculations this is equil to a steady tempo of a single hand tapping at a rapid comfortable pace.

my logic is that electromagnetic fields in the electric power grid is polluted or dirty, no longer sinewave, more like overdrive & distortion from an amplifier creates sharp saw & square waves, making it dangerous to the body, but dual magnets in opposite pair is a pure analog sinewave, should be harmless that way.


Macrobes Metabiology
Oversoul Arctype Demiurge

Terahertz Gap / Radiation
Doppler Effect
Redshift / Blueshift
Spectrum Lines
Emission / Absorption Lines
Hydrogen Spectral Series
Balmer Series
Red 656 nm / Violet 434 nm
H-Alpha (Hα)
H II Regions / Nebula

Red = 625–740 nm (NM)
Terahertz Gap=0.1–1 mm (MM)

G#1/Ab1 51.91(hz) 664.57(cm)
D#2/Eb2 77.78(hz) 443.55(cm)

Balmer series
410 nm, 434 nm, 486 nm, 656 nm

Order of Magnitude
Multiples of 2 (Double)
Powers of 2

key of G/A with a distance of 38 to the next note.


Terahertz is the frequency of electromagnetic radiation higher than microwaves, but lower than what is traditionally labeled the far infrared.

Terahertz Gap is the last frontier in the EM spectrum. Terahertz frequencies are where microwaves meet infrared light waves.

Terahertz Radiation: Alternate Names (Submillimeter Radiation, Terahertz Waves, Tremendously High Frequency (THF), T-rays, T-waves, T-light, T-lux, THz )

Terahertz Radiation consists of electromagnetic waves within the ITU-designated band of frequenciesfrom 0.3 to 3 terahertz (THz). One terahertz is 1012 Hz or 1000 GHz. Wavelengths of radiation in the terahertz band correspondingly range from 1 mm to 0.1 mm (or 100 μm).

Terahertz radiation occupies a middle ground between microwaves and infrared light waves known as the “terahertz gap”, where technology for its generation and manipulation is in its infancy. It represents the region in the electromagnetic spectrum where the frequency of electromagnetic radiation becomes too high to be measured digitally via electronic counters, so must be measured by proxy using the properties of wavelength and energy.

The earth's atmosphere is a strong absorber of terahertz radiation, so the range of terahertz radiation in air is limited to tens of meters, making it unsuitable for long-distance communications.

H-alpha (Hα) is a specific deep-red visible spectral line in the Balmer series with a wavelength of 656.28 nm in air.

It occurs when a hydrogen electron falls from its third to second lowest energy level.

H-alpha light is important to astronomers as it is emitted by many emission nebulae. The H-alpha line saturates (self-absorbs) relatively easily because hydrogen is the primary component of nebulae.

Hertz is measured by time, so that disqualifies it as an accurate measurement, because time is suspected to change according to some quantum theories, so lets look at the meter for accuracy.

656.28 (nm) is a absorbing black line in the the location of a mysterious phenomena called Terahertz Gap, where modern science has very little knowledge of, the color red is the lowest of our visible spectrum range, past that goes into different set of phenomena in the same pattern or hue.

a Dragon or Serpent represent the fundamental forces & periodic table of elements, just look at the diagrams made by Walter Russell, this is what he is presenting, the fundamental forces or elementals of nature as a living breathing thing, this whole universe is alive.. hopefully not in a lovecraft demiurge kind of way, but we are obviously within a small part of a much larger body, and the dragon represent things like electricity (sinewave).

what i remembered was the formula to make a complete assault upon the source of evil, the actual location outside what we know as timespace.. the facility CERN is attempting to tap the power known as Hell.. as an actual resource & i have the formula to reverse this, the only thing in the way now is the availability of the information to the public, specifically to the good people in the military, because this is a military operation protocol.

there is a spectral lines that separate the frequencies, looking specifically red, being the lowest one, right near the center is multiple anomalies near the 666nm range, while Hz is determined by seconds it makes things a little complicated, there is a place within the red spectrum near the 666nm, like a gate or barrier into something.

i suspect there is a way to map the absorption of light with a spectrometer & emp in order to locate evil, with noise cancellation & the opposite spectrum of energy to reduce & neutralize this situation (evil) as a cancer cell, there are many options available.

Possible Vortice within the toroidal grid of time/space, nearest our physical location in the color Red according to Terahertz Gap.

Here is a vortex within the toroidal grid or time/space, nearest our physical location according to Terahertz Gap

Hydrogen Spectral Lines
Red 656 nm
Violet 434 nm

this all goes back to the subconscious mind & the quantum properties of the brain.. what we do & think effects the entire universe in realtime threw fractal catacombs.


Color Wheel, Clock, Calander, Cromatic Scale, Astrology

Chromatic Scale & Octaves
Color Frequency in Hz
Color Hue in Octaves
Periodic Table of Elements
Atomic Orbital Block Types

Primary, Secondary, Tertiary Additive Colors

01 Red
02 Red-Orange
03 Orange
04 Yellow-Orange
05 Yellow
06 Yellow/Green
07 Green
08 Blue/Green
09 Blue
10 Blue-Purple
11 Purple
12 Red-Purple
13 HUE

1 Sun (Sphere)
2 Mercury
3 Venus
4 Earth
5 Mars
6 Ceres/Maldek (Asteroid Belt)
7 Jupiter
8 Saturn
9 Uranus
10 Neptune
11 Pluto (Kuiper Belt)
12 Eris (Scatter Disk)
13 Cosmic Egg (Oort Cloud)

01 A
02 Ab
03 B
04 C
05 Cb
06 D
07 Db
08 E
09 F
10 Fb
11 G
12 Gb
13 Octave


V-20 E-30 F-12

V-12 E-30 F-20

13th Octave


Scale of Forces in Octaves
Cell Division, Light/Sound

Superoctave 1 (01-13)
Superoctave 2 (13-25)
Superoctave 3 (25-37)
Superoctave 4 (37-49)


the word circada appears in two very distinct locations.

Aurora (mythology)

Frankish (mythology)

something to do with..


Aurora & Tetahertz Gap =RED

Local Interstellar Cloud

Secular Variation

Jumping-Jupiter Scenario

In the solar system secular phenomena create variations in the orbits of the Moon and the planets. The solar emission spectrum and the solar wind are undergoing secular trends due to migration through the galactic plane, leading to effects that may impact on climate and cause extinction events.

had a dream about a discovered megalithic site north of Los Angeles, East of Santa Barbara, possibly near lower Sequoia, the complex was inside of a huge mountan, huge gold & silver plates containing information, megalithic stone structures of the highest detail, everything in pristine condition, unlike anything previously known, similar on complexity as in Indian Temples, i would estimate the date at least 13,000 years or double that because of its size & complexity.

the underground site is most likely here..

Mount Pinos, or Iwihinmu in the Chumashan language, was considered by the Chumash peopleto be the center of the world or Liyikshup. The point where everything is in balance. The summit is the highest in the area and near the center of the traditional lands of the Chumash.



Leak Project : LARP Drones

i promise that i didnt steal my ideas from scatterbrain Rex, i have been rolling them over in my head for years, he just picked up on it independently.. but he is kind of talking about what i am saying.

LARP is a form of possession threw aqua underworld afterlife & unconscious archetypes of heavenly bodies.


The puppet strings are as hooks in the Chackras.
The pullers? They're 5 dimensional ankle biters.


Rex and Co. moved into Colorado a while back on my telepathic suggestions ;)

just seen this.. i contacted Robert Stanly 2 years ago in a series of emails telling him about this idea that i was having, he basically told me that i was an idiot & to leave him alone, now he wants to sport it!

listening to just 1 minute of him & he still dosnt know what he is talking about.

Robert Stanly

i try to use my imagination to lead me to the point of time when evil began to spread across the world, this may go back millions of years, something triggered a deep a hurt at a planetary soul level.

comment pruned due to size

@frankbacon this was part of a conversation before i met you guys, proto talk.

oh snap.. it got pruned! lol damit, that took half an hour! now i know about prunes!

@frankbacon eventually i will probably clean up these little side note replys, but look at this when you have time, these videos were not my reference points, but they seem to be pointing to where the bread crumbs led me.

looking for a monster in the madneas, entanglement & singularity.. trigger words, deprogram the virus from the inside out, takes a lot of emotion & momentum to force IT to slip up & engage back.. but it does occasionally.. and i engage it back. its a very strange critter, not accusing anyone to be deliberately using it, IT just hangs around these kinds of things.. feeds on it.

i been threw some really bad things in my life.. what i have learned is by being very nice to people, when i am attacked, very bad things occur as a result, so i just trust that i am always safe & protected.. people generally keep very away from me. the critter that i am hunting down, IT even protects me, its a very complicated situation.

i am using an entire group effort to allow deeper access into these hidden dimensions of the mind & group mind ect.. the hidden one is just waiting to be caught, like a naughty leprechaun. still having difficulty understanding the satanic aspects, not the existence, but the underlying dynamics of this phenomena.. a kind of god virus, yet part of something much larger, mind virus ect.. archetypal components that need to be sorted out & put back together, not many people see what i see, so i just make bad jokes & push the upset buttons until something happons.. then i set the hook & pull something out of nothing.

its a difficult thing to put words to, but this aspect of god known as satan may not be in control of what we would expect IT to be. the archangel michael.. or marduk.. is another reflection of the one known as enki.. who is a reflection of a much larger parts. anyway, IT is severely damaged & needs repair & the only access into the bios is threw us, threw us understanding IT & how it is damaged.. our subconscious or unconscious mind.. noosphere ect.. very few people can understand these things, so i do this by interacting with people, everything represents a legitimate clue in a analog holographic universe. therefore i have an abundance of clues to sort threw all of the time, keeps me busy.

think of snake charmer, they do this because this offers them direct contact with a potential threat.. direct communication. same with the mysterious forces of evil, it must be closely watched & studied. what i suspect happened was in a time of great need & in a state of survival.. humans were offered the knowledge of ritual & magic to control this power of noosphere.. blood sacrifice become a standard practice to manipulate physical reality, as a result the subconscious mind of the planet was never allowed the opportunity to regain awareness, so we are stuck in a quagmire that requires suffering.. and without the constant supply of pain, this monstrosity will awaken from a terrible nightmare.. Revelation 9 for example.

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