Dangerous Ideas

in #dangerous7 years ago (edited)


mikewick77 (GooglePlus)

Mike Wick (GooglePlus)

Mike Wick : My Music

mikewick77 (Youtube)

why question the ones already down at the very bottom looking up, we already see the ending & beginning.

anyone would be greatly welcomed to share ideas, there is no end to this conversation, unlike many others who offer only a closed book.

the physical body attracting atomic bonds of physical matter controlled by external stimulation, the fractal nature of reality, the mirror of things, when we look closely to the epochs.

there is a mystery contained within spectral lines & time/space, 360 superoctave reality bubbles.

holographic fusion replicator, i invent everything 100 thousand years from the past, stone technology using fire venturi & supercooling chamber.

the things i speak frighten grown people, the reflection of the submind souls shattered into time/space from fallen dead planets.

these broken pieces are our pieces as well, we own our future potential, therefore we are willing to handle the situation at hand.

there is an idea, that the english language itself is from a more germanic origin, with much older meaning behind the words.

we are potentially dealing with a war of ..

[sub-conscious vs un-conscious]

in other words, we are in battle within our own mind for control of the awarness.

dangerous ideas.

i hold the broken memory, of every rare earth mineral, and the backward wired brain, of the most unusual kind.

the tangible things i contain within are irrelevant, containment of ideas, i contain ideas, the broken parts are as reliant as the rest of the story, nobody can know the depth of ideas i see in backwards realtime.

remember as a child, at the back of the house, memories of smell & mystery, plants smell like earth rot, healthy life within decay.

reworked the ideas, somebody will be required to bait, other to spear, as long as the fish is good enough to eat.

im excited when when i will prove how broken dreams are protocol to the new ones.. dream a new dream.

threw my eyes the deep abyss is waiting to see the ideas.. new dreams.

what i have discovered is the elite completely disregard us as worthless, enslave & rape threw a debt/pyramid scheme, and harvest the rewards as there own.

what i beleve is required for the survival of the human experience, is an open source thinktank that is structured upon the fundamental foundations of life & death, all aspects of what is known as reality.

all critical information that has been obtained up to this point must be delivered onto the public domain, at this point there would be the 13 orders of magnitude of degrees.

12 chromatic (open circut)
13 octave (complete circuit)

depending upon the public opinion decide individual rank or position within a global thinktank.

the most important elements to a complete body of knowledge will be obtained only by those who are capable to access information at a soul (&/or) dna level.

as in the forms of speed chess & remote viewing.. make it or fake it.

i may even forget about this communication, and just go back to whatever it was that i was previously doing, dream a different dream.

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