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RE: 5G WiFi will kill us All if we Do not Stop It ! Wake Up Please to this Plan from Unspeakabley Evil Minds !

in #danger5g6 years ago

what is bogus @everetmickey ?? this post ? subject ?? You might not like my post that is your choice ofcourse and right ! But the info shared here is real and pretty damned serious ! Why do you so easily blow it off like it was nothing ?


I think you posted this on the wrong link.. i didnt call it bogus, and i definitely believe this..

oh dude, im sorry, yeah that was a fck up lol ! Im glad you believe what i am trying to say here ! How can you seriously deny there is bad shit going on with these towers really ?? its so obviously a weaponised system ! Ubiquitous and unescapable !

I know for sure they cause cancer at incredibly high rates and they are not safe at all, I have read enough articles to know that is true. And I am sure they have found a way to weaponize it, it seems like the perfect idea. Hide it in plane sight and convince people they need it for there precious phones then use it as a weapon.. Its scary the type of shit people will do and technology is only escalating shit!

Yes well then we see the thing the same way brother @moderndayhippie ! I really dont see how we stop people from using something that they are all clearly addicted too ! I dont have a telephne right now, but seems i will be forced to get one so that i can complete my verification for a crytpo card ! You even though I know and hate it, they make the world where you are forced to have it or you cannot do what you need ! I think its so disgusting as before the copy of your passport was all that was necessary to identify yourself in anything, now you need a telephone portable of all things ! How the hell did that become normal precedure I dont know ! You the technique of slow creep and capture of your prey ??

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