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RE: 5G is a Sterilization & Eugenics Program ! Say No to It !

in #danger5g6 years ago

" they live in old dilapidated housing stock and chew on the windowsills." seriously @funbobby51 1 I must say i find it truly hard to believe thst thousasnds of kids suffer from this neaural disease because they have been chewing the windowsill as you say !!! lol


It's really the dust that builds up on places like windowsills and then they disturb it or open the window and are exposed that way or they dig and play in the dirt that is right next to the house, where people have been scraping all the old paint when they repaint for 150 years. That and sometime the water pipes are still lead. We can tell it's not the gasoline because this still happens, mostly in places where kids live in old dilapidated housing stock. That's one big reason places like Baltimore have such high crime rates, lead poisoning babies like that one who broke his neck in the paddy wagon, old housing. In fact one of the reasons that crime and homicide is down in general over the past 20 years is due to deleading efforts. That and video games.

Well we certainly live in a toxic soup enviroment, with lead dust everywhere in our house, leaded fuel,toxic industrilal food and flouridated water supply,chentrails and now the wifi interference to our bodies ! Man its a wonder we are all still here at all eh @funbobby51 ! Thankyou for taking the time to expose this area for me as I must say I found it a bit ridiculous at first, but I suppose lead paint when particuralised in time is a danger sure !

Visiting a country with out all the air pollution regulations we take for granted is eye opening. It depends where you live, if you live in a modern house then you don't have all the lead everywhere, you just have terrible indoor air pollution caused by all those new materials off gassing in a sealed space.
One of the reasons it affects poor people more than wealthy people is that wealthy people tend to keep their paint fresh but poor renters live where the paint is not well maintained.

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